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OT: Question for the guys... busted looking at the ass thread


New member
Feb 17, 2009
I don't really post anywhere else online, otherwise I'd take it to another forum. But, I figure that this is as good a place to find guys that might answer a question as anywhere else. So, here it is: what do you do about looking at porn when you're in a relationship? I don't look at it that often, but I got busted looking at the ass thread on here, today, and my gf started giving me a hard time about it. So, what do you think is appropriate when you're in a relationship? She wants me to delete my porn collection, and stop cruising the booty sites (not that I do it any more than once a week/every other week).
-Bishop Don Magic "SacToSD" Juan
I guess it depends on how your gal feels about it.

Some people I know have been known to watch it together. They seem okay.

My buddy Matt and his girl watch all the time. Some girls are more worried about their bodies or whatever. I guess if you aren't worried that she's going to see some dude that makes your member look like a midgets thumb, then she shouldn't be too worried.

I personally don't have too many sexual hangups. I think there are good looking guys and girls out there. That doesn't mean I think my girl wants every guy out there because he happens to be more handsome, richer, built better or anything else.

Do I want to trade my girl in for anyone else? No.

Either she loves me or she does not.

That's just an opinion. lol.
HAHAHA well the worst thing in the world to do is Hide and Deny it. Hell I have the ass pics I posted here come up in random as my screen saver. My GF looks at them and just shakes her head. She knows it is all innocent and for fun. We have a great understanding and do not begrudge either of what we want to do as long as we remain faithful to each other. The key is communicate and dedicate. Make sure you stay in touch with each others feelings and remain dedicated to each other. And yes we have looked at porn together also. No big deal really. Just tell your GF you like to be a contributing member to your board. LOL!
I have jacked off with my girlfriend in the room... her pussy and throat were too sore and I was horny... shit, she sends me porn!
you have to explain to her what porn means to a guy...
what do guys think when watching porn?
"damn... that's fucking hot..." schluq schluq schluq... SPLOOOGE!....
"i'm gonna take a little nap..."... "i'm hungry... gonna grab a bite to eat"..

basically, we think nothing of it...

now, if you go into a woman's head... it's totally different... they don't understand that we think nothing of it... they ASSUME this is what we think:
"wow... that girl is hot... i want her to be my wife... i want to ditch my GF/wife and be with this woman for the rest of my life... now that i see this naked whore getting rammed, i want to leave my GF/wife because i don't like her anymore and she doesn't turn me on at all... why did i waste my life with her?" ... etc...
seriously, this is what most women assume goes through our head when we watch porn.

sit your GF down, talk to her about how men feel about porn... that it's just like watching a movie that gives you a boner... and not a life changing epiphany where you'll stop finding your GF/wife sexy or she doesn't turn you on or whatever...

don't try to bring in metaphores... like "imagine eating egg whites all day everyday... you sometimes wanna eat a burger every now and then... this is like eating that burger but without cheating"... if you say that, you'll open up a can of worms... mean understand metaphores, most women don't... they'll just say "YOU COMPARE ME TO EGG WHITES!!! HOW COULD YOU, YOU INSENSITIVE PRICK!!!"... so, yeah, no metaphores :p

if she still doesn't understand... i would say to just act stupid and say you will stop doing things for her that you don't understand but still do because you know she enjoys it... like going shopping with her, buying her flowers and chocolates, celebrating valentines day... etc.

If your girl is keeper,than you my want to delete porn collection.
She sounds insecure. She probably gives you a hard time just for looking at another girl.
I think it depends on your personal beliefs,

for me, my beliefs tell me that to look at another women with lust in my heart (porn) counts as adultery, since I am married, I will not look at porn anymore (although it is a constant struggle/temptation)
If your girl is keeper,than you my want to delete porn collection.
She sounds insecure. She probably gives you a hard time just for looking at another girl.

Forget deleting it! I would never delete my porn stash! :)

Ya...go ahead and delete it AFTER you buy an external hard drive with a USB hook up to d/l all of it too. or even a large thumb drive which is even easier to hide in a secure place. You can easily get a cheap 8g or even a 16gig thumb drive and that's a decent amount of porn.

I hate it when girls get insecure like that. Good luck bro...

you have to explain to her what porn means to a guy...
what do guys think when watching porn?
"damn... that's fucking hot..." schluq schluq schluq... SPLOOOGE!....
"i'm gonna take a little nap..."... "i'm hungry... gonna grab a bite to eat"..

basically, we think nothing of it...

now, if you go into a woman's head... it's totally different... they don't understand that we think nothing of it... they ASSUME this is what we think:
"wow... that girl is hot... i want her to be my wife... i want to ditch my GF/wife and be with this woman for the rest of my life... now that i see this naked whore getting rammed, i want to leave my GF/wife because i don't like her anymore and she doesn't turn me on at all... why did i waste my life with her?" ... etc...
seriously, this is what most women assume goes through our head when we watch porn.

sit your GF down, talk to her about how men feel about porn... that it's just like watching a movie that gives you a boner... and not a life changing epiphany where you'll stop finding your GF/wife sexy or she doesn't turn you on or whatever...

don't try to bring in metaphores... like "imagine eating egg whites all day everyday... you sometimes wanna eat a burger every now and then... this is like eating that burger but without cheating"... if you say that, you'll open up a can of worms... mean understand metaphores, most women don't... they'll just say "YOU COMPARE ME TO EGG WHITES!!! HOW COULD YOU, YOU INSENSITIVE PRICK!!!"... so, yeah, no metaphores :p

if she still doesn't understand... i would say to just act stupid and say you will stop doing things for her that you don't understand but still do because you know she enjoys it... like going shopping with her, buying her flowers and chocolates, celebrating valentines day... etc.


Buselmo I can tell you have some experience with the ladies. ( as I do):D
I think it depends on your personal beliefs,

for me, my beliefs tell me that to look at another women with lust in my heart (porn) counts as adultery, since I am married, I will not look at porn anymore (although it is a constant struggle/temptation)

:confused::confused: call me a scumbag, but I've never heard this come out of a guy's mouth before??

Staying loyal to the woman you love and not cheating is one thing....but not looking at porn (or another hot piece of ass walking down the street for that matter) b/c you think it's cheating is a whole new level. wow....to each his own.
If your girl can't understand or you can't help her to understand, then you're pretty screwed....My girl will join me so there's really never a reason to hide it that way...she just gets it.
You are a good man.

I think it depends on your personal beliefs,

for me, my beliefs tell me that to look at another women with lust in my heart (porn) counts as adultery, since I am married, I will not look at porn anymore (although it is a constant struggle/temptation)

I admire that.
I don't really post anywhere else online, otherwise I'd take it to another forum. But, I figure that this is as good a place to find guys that might answer a question as anywhere else. So, here it is: what do you do about looking at porn when you're in a relationship? I don't look at it that often, but I got busted looking at the ass thread on here, today, and my gf started giving me a hard time about it. So, what do you think is appropriate when you're in a relationship? She wants me to delete my porn collection, and stop cruising the booty sites (not that I do it any more than once a week/every other week).
-Bishop Don Magic "SacToSD" Juan

Whan I first started my relationship with my wife, she would get mad if I looked at another girl, let alone have a stash of porn. Now she will tell me to get lost and go watch porn for a couple of days.:D Well, not actually, but my point here if you want to keep her, get rid of the porn. When she knows you more, certain things won't bother her as much.
:confused::confused: call me a scumbag, but I've never heard this come out of a guy's mouth before??

Staying loyal to the woman you love and not cheating is one thing....but not looking at porn (or another hot piece of ass walking down the street for that matter) b/c you think it's cheating is a whole new level. wow....to each his own.

I would never consider someone with a different point of view on this a scumbag:) as I said its just my own personal belief

and these words didn't come from my mouth but from Jesus'

my beliefs compel me to try and follow these words as best I can (remember I never claimed it was easy, it is a CONSTANT struggle for me)
i feel the same

I think it depends on your personal beliefs,

for me, my beliefs tell me that to look at another women with lust in my heart (porn) counts as adultery, since I am married, I will not look at porn anymore (although it is a constant struggle/temptation)

i try not to watch porn. if i do, i will watch it with my woman. i feel that if we watch it together and use it pleasure each other then it is ok. but without her it feels wrong.

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