Yeah I agree, It's not safe to be out there as a self appointed crime stopper. I think people in general need to step up like neighborhood watches(which most time is a joke) and what not in helping sove and deter a lot of these criminals. Power in numbers and being able to speak about crimes that happen is going to work the best. Police officers have so much to do as is and having people afraid to talk in neighborhoods is whats hurting us the most. Antime someone donates to help others out is great but its also stupid to put yourself in harms way if your not trained. I don't know how else to put this, I know it sounds bad because I am all for being heroes and helping others out but sometimes there is a line that must be drawn. There are good cops, there are bad cops, lazy cops, and proactive cops. Thats just the world we live in. I am not always a fan of them but do respect the majority who are making a difference. I always think if I was a cop I would be the biggest ass and I would be able to catch everyone in their lies and what not. But I don't agree with some of the laws on the books and would like to see them focusing on the real problems. Really, I guess if your able to help stop bad guys and have the means to do it(the real bad people, not the ones breaking pointless laws) than go for it. Maybe its the fact that these people dress up in costumes that make me laugh at the whole thing. Most of the real superheroes are everyday people IMO.