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PA state trooper pinched for receiving steroids through the mail

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Agree. Although, FL doesn't have the best reputation already when it comes to prescriptions. Lol I knew of 5 that would go to this Dr, which was a place covered by their insurance. Rather than the multitudes of anti-aging clinics which were not. I lived there 16yrs, have been where I am now for 3. The guys still in practice
It sounds like Florida may be trying to crack down on prescriptions, at least in certain areas. Have a friend that moved to FL 4 years ago and had prescriptions for sleep issues and anxiety and in the area she moved to couldn't find a doc that would keep her prescriptions active. She finally found one doc that would prescribe some of her meds but not all of them. To this day she struggles with sleep issues.
I will not support this ideology, reason why cops are in the news constantly for being overly forceful towards people whether it's warranted or not. Two wrongs don't make a right, period. This feeling of entitlement by law enforcement to be overly aggressive towards people indiscriminately is overstepping their privileges to serve and protect the community.

I get what you are saying, and a debate on it would be a whole separate thread. To be the devil's advocate though, there are instances where cops have resorted to deadly force because they were getting beat badly when trying to cuff someone. Obviously an emphasis on better hands on training and grappling is going to be the best answer, but strength does play a role.
No, have not watched live pd but this is bullshit to allow people in a position of authority to have unchecked aggression towards others no matter what these people may have done to bring this on. I can see if a weapon was drawn or lives were threatened but it sounds like this was not the case by any means. I've worked in placement programs for court ordered teens and we always were in situations where us staff had to keep our aggression in-check with these teens. Sometimes it was with physical altercations and sometimes it was verbal altercations, but we needed to NOT let our aggressive feelings or reactions get the best of us. Was not an easy task but it was part of our job and was expected of us. In my opinion law enforcement needs to reel in this un-checked aggression by cops, it's not an entitlement. I've been on Drol and Tren at the same time so I know from experience it can make you a mean motherf**ker but I always kept myself in check and never allowed myself to rage on others. If I can do it then these guys in law enforcement can do it, if you can't control your emotions and keep your thoughts in check in these emotionally charged situations then get out of law enforcement, it's not for you.
It the current cops should get out, who takes their job? What intelligent person with options wants to deal with thugs all day? Or do you advocate for higher pay?

It's easy to say cops suck they need to be held in check and stricter In hiring but they need bodies to patrol the streets and deal with criminals.
I hate cops

Steroids or not dude is a piece of shit. He makes a living enforcing laws.

Stupid fucking meathead busts other people for things but what he thinks he’s above everyone else or what?
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