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Jun 7, 2002
For the past few weeks, I have been having some pain in my elbows and my lower forearms, about 3 inches or so from the wrist. Now, this only happens with "heavy" weights (heavy being a relative term), but I stretch/warm-up every day but Im wondering if there is something I could be doing at night (ice/heat/rest) to help "heal" this problem? Do I just need to take a week/time off? Anything I could take to heal it? Im not looking really to mask the pain so much as to get rid of it all together.

I realize that this is a sort of growing pain and part of the sport, but it is really annoying me...to the point where Im afraid to add more weight and end up doing some damage, which none of us want to do. I hate to take up thread space with a question like this, but with all the experience/knowledge on this board Id imagine someone has been through something similar, or at least hopefully. Any thoughts/advice would be appreciated. And yes, I do have my straw so I will suck it up.

bro u are on sauce i guess,, u are growing faster then ur natural abilities allow u , ur forearms are playing catch up due to u not working them out accept for ur relentless squeezing on a bar, they are tired and its going to hert, my sure do, o yeah not to mention that all ur ligiments in ur body are going holly $hit and are totally playing catch up, so have u ever seen Dorin Yates movie Blood and Guts , well theres a lot of pain so u got to deal with it and u need a lot of blood and guts to get big as teh tittle states,, especailly if u are going to use sauce cause its really unnatural and there is side effects, so forget it and put more weight on that bar but u better brace every muscle u can so u work out clean so u dont injure ur self because u can ,, extremely easily at the point u are at
get big
I've gotten "sore elbows" more often than I'd like :(

It's been "my" experience that if I attempt to continually increase weight, they end up getting worse. I've just maintained the level of intensity where it's borderline (maybe a tad bit less weight than that point). Recovery time for me has varied from 2 weeks to 3 months. The latter seeming to happen when I try and "push" things along harder/faster/more.

hey there slide glad to see ya still here bro
i didnt have a prob with elbows but, i had the same prob with pain in the forearms just about like yours 3in up from the wrist come to find out it was barbell curls causeing it .i stoped doing them and switched to dumbells and reverse curls after about a year of that they stoped hurting. just an idea it might be as simple as changeing your workout and i tried wrist braces too and, it made it worse
Thanks for the responses...

Jack - I can live with the forearm soreness, but the elbows scare me. I dont want something Im doing now cause problems down the road (obviously). Have/had tendonitis in the right elbow (throwing arm), but never in the left, however its equally sore when working triceps. I do suck it up, but I just want to make sure Im not causing future (or permanent damage).

Xcel - I hear you on the intensity. Ive tried bumping the weight up, but I end up focusing more on the pain than the exercise itself. Maybe something mental I need to get over?

Priest - Good to see you around as well. Come to think of it, the forearms really hurt after barbell curls. Maybe I should change some things up and re-evaluate the training.

Again, thanks!

Forearm pain, guessing it was tendonitis and elbow pain.

I finally took off 7 weeks and started back lifting, unfortunately the pain came back right away.

Then I started high dosing with MSM, glucosamine and chodrotin and in 4 weeks it was almost entirely gone even though I continued lifting. I found I had to be religious about taking it. Not sure if it matters but I split up the dosage into 3 times a day.

Not sure if it will help you but you might give it a try.
Crowler, thanks for the information. Im on my way out in a bit so Ill pick up some up and give it a try and see what happens. It would be nice for this to go away after a month. Thanks again.

This is fairly common and it hasn't happened to me (knock on wood) but my lifting partner has is occasional battles with it.

He has tried everything from massage to linament (its a topical soothing solution used for horses) haha don't ask.

He has however found a fairly good cure. He went to walmart and bought 2 tennis elbow braces and wore them for a week or two, all day and during workouts and it went away simple as that.

Now he will feel it coming on and get his braces on and he is good to go in a couple days.

NOWWW: this is probably not the best way to handle this, I would go to a physical therapist or orthapedic surgeon (be wary of surgeons though then tend to sport the mantra cut off first and ask questions later) and find out what is really wrong and come up with a plan to counter the injury.

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