I read somewhere a long time ago that shorter-acting esters were better in terms of overall efficiency of product, because they occupied less "space" when bound to the particular steroid.
For example, a short acting ester like PROP may make up 5 mg per 100 mg of TEST. So, 100 mg of TEST PROP is actually 95 mg of actual, usable TEST. On the other hand, a longer ester CYP, for example (and to keep it simple) makes up 9 mg per 100 mg of TEST. So, 100 mg of TEST CYP is actually 91 mg of usable TEST. And, the longer the ester, the less actual hormone you're getting.
So, it seems to me that in terms of "bang for the buck", the shorter ester is preferable and there's less worry about fluctuating levels over time.
It's early, I'm doing this from memory - hope it's helpful!