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Trenbolone vs. Trestolone?

Trenbolone vs. Trestolone?

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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2017
Which is a more potent muscle builder dose for dose—Trenbolone or Trestolone?
I voted for Tren. But.....if you can't handle the appetite crush or other sides from Tren then Trest is good if you can handle the estradiol bump.

For me:
-No issues when I was younger with Tren A or E
-Then started getting bad heartburn from E and had to use A only
-Then A started making me feel like shit and crushing my appetite even at low doses
-Tried Hex at a low dose a few months ago. Started at 60/week and worked to 100/week. No issues with appetite or lethargy/feeling shitty

Note: I've really been focusing on liver and overall detox in the last year or so. Maybe that has made a difference. I may try Tren A again this summer but I think the days of running 300mg/week are behind me.
Which is a more potent muscle builder dose for dose—Trenbolone or Trestolone?
There is tren… and then there is every other hormone.

Tren is like the Bermuda Triangle. It draws you in and once in you never come back out. 🤣

But seriously. There is no comparison. You’ll need high test, EQ, primo and likely orals to match the look and strength of tren IMO.
There is tren… and then there is every other hormone.

Tren is like the Bermuda Triangle. It draws you in and once in you never come back out. 🤣

But seriously. There is no comparison. You’ll need high test, EQ, primo and likely orals to match the look and strength of tren IMO.
Tren is definitely like a huge magnet! Lol. I’ve been as high as 600 mgs of Tren per week. I never got that far with Trestolone. My systolic blood pressure started sky rocketing at 400 mgs per week. I decided to back off at that point.
I voted for Tren. But.....if you can't handle the appetite crush or other sides from Tren then Trest is good if you can handle the estradiol bump.

For me:
-No issues when I was younger with Tren A or E
-Then started getting bad heartburn from E and had to use A only
-Then A started making me feel like shit and crushing my appetite even at low doses
-Tried Hex at a low dose a few months ago. Started at 60/week and worked to 100/week. No issues with appetite or lethargy/feeling shitty

Note: I've really been focusing on liver and overall detox in the last year or so. Maybe that has made a difference. I may try Tren A again this summer but I think the days of running 300mg/week are behind me.
The heartburn and hiccups from Tren are unbearable for me at age 60. Luckily, Trestolone doesn’t give me heartburn.
Guys who used ment in higher doses (350mgs plus a week) what was your experiences? How did you deal with the armoatization? How much ai were you taking?
Guys who used ment in higher doses (350mgs plus a week) what was your experiences? How did you deal with the armoatization? How much ai were you taking?
I don’t use anti-es. Never needed them! However I did use a DHT (proviron) when going up to 400 mgs of Trestolone per week to help combat estrogen and improve sex drive. I got better pumps on 400 mgs of Trestolone in comparison to 400 Tren. Amazing pumps!!! Tren makes me go flat. Tren gives me less bloat and a better nutrient partitioning effect that Trestolone.
I have used both many many times. I told Luki this just the other day. It is tren hands down better. You can see the changes with tren. The sides are way less with trest and it is a good compound. But honestly I can't tell a difference between say 25 to 30mg per day and 10 to 15mg per day. Now I haven't been above 30mg so idk about that. But lately I have been staying at 15mg per day. Test, nandro, trest and eq is my current blast. Gains are great and side effects are low. So trest is good but it's not tren.
You and me both! Uggggg!
I will add that Trestolone gives me a very good sense of mental well-being similar to Dbol without the lethargic feeling. I think it has to do with the high rate of estrogen conversion. I feel mentally superior on Trestolone. Tren makes me a nervous wreck these days. It’s like I can’t shut my brain off. The side effects of Tren get worse with age! 😩 Trestolone is like the new Tren for us older guys. Lol
I voted for Tren. But.....if you can't handle the appetite crush or other sides from Tren then Trest is good if you can handle the estradiol bump.

For me:
-No issues when I was younger with Tren A or E
-Then started getting bad heartburn from E and had to use A only
-Then A started making me feel like shit and crushing my appetite even at low doses
-Tried Hex at a low dose a few months ago. Started at 60/week and worked to 100/week. No issues with appetite or lethargy/feeling shitty

Note: I've really been focusing on liver and overall detox in the last year or so. Maybe that has made a difference. I may try Tren A again this summer but I think the days of running 300mg/week are behind me.
Likewise here. For whatever reason I seem to tolerate Parabolan over the other two the best. Sides are much less severe
The heartburn and hiccups from Tren are unbearable for me at age 60. Luckily, Trestolone doesn’t give me heartburn.
I went through that awhile back. Could not figure it out ended up being the Tren. Horrible would suffer for awhile Sucks but oh well. Going to run some ment soon.
I went through that awhile back. Could not figure it out ended up being the Tren. Horrible would suffer for awhile Sucks but oh well. Going to run some ment soon.
Around 10 years ago I got the non-stop hiccups for 5 days straight while on vacation. I read every article I could get my hands on about how to get rid of hiccups and tried several remedies to get rid of them. Nothing got rid of them. My wife suggested I go to the ER but I opted out. It was embarrassing to go out in public, especially nice restaurants. I can remember a nice looking waitress asking me I wanted to order and I answered with persistently loud hiccups. Of course she thought it was funny. I was so exhausted after 5 days of non-stop hiccups. I woke up one morning and they were gone. That’s probably about the time the Tren acetate left my system…lol..I’ve since learned that Tren and Anadrol can trigger severe hiccups.
There is Tren and there is everything else. Nothing compares to it strength building, body recomp, muscle building, fat burning…it does it all

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