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Trestolone Cycle


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2008
Looking for feedback on whether Test is needed or beneficial if taking Trestolone Ace going for maximum mass gain while trying to minimize unwanted side effects. Opinions seem to be mixed as some have gotten great results with running Trest solo while others have said they used it alongside Test at varying amounts. I know that it's all about individual response and you don't know until you try it but just seeking opinions and experiences. What gave you your best results, Trestolone with Test or Trestolone ran solo?
Looking for feedback on whether Test is needed or beneficial if taking Trestolone Ace going for maximum mass gain while trying to minimize unwanted side effects. Opinions seem to be mixed as some have gotten great results with running Trest solo while others have said they used it alongside Test at varying amounts. I know that it's all about individual response and you don't know until you try it but just seeking opinions and experiences. What gave you your best results, Trestolone with Test or Trestolone ran solo?
If you’re a guy that usually goes “high” test and uses test at all times then def keep it in at some amount.

That’s how I am and when I dropped my test below a certain threshold for fear of trest aromatization I felt like complete shit after about 3 weeks. Still strong, still full, just dragging ass all day
Ment was looked at as a TRT soloution by Bayer but it didnt work out to many sides. I wouldnt do Ment without test personally i would keep a low dose at around 250mg ew and see how your body reacts and the try and push dose if needed.
HOWEVER, there is a flip side to what I described if @Doitagain would care to share his experience.
As much as I like Test and love MENT, high doses of both ain't going to be pretty for aesthetics and certainly not the easiest to manage when it comes to estrogen control.
I've been a high Test kinda guy for all my life but had to tweak my approach when I started using MENT.
IME, the higher the MENT, the lower the Test if you want a smooth enjoyable run, unless you're a wizard with the perfect use of AI's.
Say you're on 1500mg Test a week and 25mg MENT a day, everything is going well and you want to bump up the MENT to 50mg/day. Personally, I'd lower the Test to 1000, at least.
75mg MENT a day? 500mg Test/week.
YMMV, of course.
Having Masteron in the mix makes things easier and more pleasant in every way.
As much as I like Test and love MENT, high doses of both ain't going to be pretty for aesthetics and certainly not the easiest to manage when it comes to estrogen control.
I've been a high Test kinda guy for all my life but had to tweak my approach when I started using MENT.
IME, the higher the MENT, the lower the Test if you want a smooth enjoyable run, unless you're a wizard with the perfect use of AI's.
Say you're on 1500mg Test a week and 25mg MENT a day, everything is going well and you want to bump up the MENT to 50mg/day. Personally, I'd lower the Test to 1000, at least.
75mg MENT a day? 500mg Test/week.
YMMV, of course.
Having Masteron in the mix makes things easier and more pleasant in every way.
If you’re a guy that usually goes “high” test and uses test at all times then def keep it in at some amount.

That’s how I am and when I dropped my test below a certain threshold for fear of trest aromatization I felt like complete shit after about 3 weeks. Still strong, still full, just dragging ass all day
I like high Test also and feel good on it too. I know I will have to pay close attention to the ratio of the two. Thanks for your feedback!!
As much as I like Test and love MENT, high doses of both ain't going to be pretty for aesthetics and certainly not the easiest to manage when it comes to estrogen control.
I've been a high Test kinda guy for all my life but had to tweak my approach when I started using MENT.
IME, the higher the MENT, the lower the Test if you want a smooth enjoyable run, unless you're a wizard with the perfect use of AI's.
Say you're on 1500mg Test a week and 25mg MENT a day, everything is going well and you want to bump up the MENT to 50mg/day. Personally, I'd lower the Test to 1000, at least.
75mg MENT a day? 500mg Test/week.
YMMV, of course.
Having Masteron in the mix makes things easier and more pleasant in every way.
I was hoping that you would chime in to give your feedback as I have read in previous threads some of your experience with Trest! Correct me if I don't remember right, but didn't you have great results just running Trest Enanathate solo(no Test)? Thanks a bunch for your feedback!!
I was hoping that you would chime in to give your feedback as I have read in previous threads some of your experience with Trest! Correct me if I don't remember right, but didn't you have great results just running Trest Enanathate solo(no Test)? Thanks a bunch for your feedback!!
I actually never ran Trestolone Enanthate solo...without Test, yes, once, but there was always something else.
To be honest it was great, I grow like weed on Trest and in my case it covers all the functions of a "Test base" from A to Z. Many others feel the same, just like many others feel Test is needed anyway.

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