As a recovered addict….)err lifelong recovery??)
You didn’t break your dopamine system with fucking ment. Jesus Christ.
Binging on Oreos probably hits the dopamine pathways harder than a short stint on 19 nors.
And your recovery drugs of choice are incorrect and will make the “hypothetical” down regulation worse.
If…once again “hypothetically” you wanted to correct for down regulated dopamine pathways…..
1)quit playing on your phone
2)quit jerking off or porn
3) quit any fun drugs….caffeine/nicotine/alcohol….and obviously the heavy hitters, modafinil/adderral/ritalin
Supplements would be a drop in the bucket but fuck it here’s a list
2) cdp choline
3) uridine
Any strong NMDA antagonist…..ketamine/dextromethorphan
You didn’t break your dopamine system with fucking ment. Jesus Christ.
Binging on Oreos probably hits the dopamine pathways harder than a short stint on 19 nors.
And your recovery drugs of choice are incorrect and will make the “hypothetical” down regulation worse.
If…once again “hypothetically” you wanted to correct for down regulated dopamine pathways…..
1)quit playing on your phone
2)quit jerking off or porn
3) quit any fun drugs….caffeine/nicotine/alcohol….and obviously the heavy hitters, modafinil/adderral/ritalin
Supplements would be a drop in the bucket but fuck it here’s a list
2) cdp choline
3) uridine
Any strong NMDA antagonist…..ketamine/dextromethorphan