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PCT (to use clomid or not)


Aug 14, 2010
I realize that many experienced members of this board swear by clomid in PCT. What does this PCT look like without clomid? It looks like it could have less sides. My reference was:

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) by Anthony Roberts

Week Nolvadex HCG Aromasin Vitamin E
1 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20mgs/day 1,000iu/day
2 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20mgs/day 1,000iu/day
3 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20mgs/day 1,000iu/day
4 20mgs/day 20mgs/day
5 20mgs/day
6 20mgs/day

I personally have always used clomid and like it. You aren't dosing Nolva as high as some used to, so the lipid profile shouldn't be affected too much. I wouldn't use the HCG passed the 2nd week of PCT IMO. Maybe start that the last week of your cycle unless you are running long esters?
Thanks for the reply. I will be running a test e cycle sometime in December so starting the last week will definitely be an option. Personally, I wear corrective lenses and the eyesight sides may not be acceptable to me with clomid, although I do plan on getting Lasic in the future.
Clomid is a pretty important staple in any PCT. I would say use it.
Clomid sides are over rated. I use it in every pct. Plus HCG should NEVER be ran in pct. I know some people are going to flame me on that one but it should be stopped after the longest ester clears your system before pct starts.
great. thanks for the input. I'm definitely leaning towards adding clomid now and re-evaluating my timing for HCG in cycle.
I love Clomid, and always include it in. However, some users get very bad emotional and visual sides, so people may not like to use it. That being said, usually most sides can be correlated to higher end dosing. If you find that you are sensitive to the compound, try dropping the dose down to 25-50mg/d, at most. Those who take it 100mg+ per day seem to have more sides....yes, some do not.

I buy a shit-ton and take it until I am restored (as a note, restoration for many, especially as we age (along with various other factors such as genetics), will, 25%, 60, 66.22345, 90, 100%, etc, etc).

I used 50mg clomid and 20mg novadex/day. There might be a saturation issue with using one compound.
Clomid sides are over rated. I use it in every pct. Plus HCG should NEVER be ran in pct. I know some people are going to flame me on that one but it should be stopped after the longest ester clears your system before pct starts.

I agree with this. HCG use not during any standard PCT. As Kscowboy stated, stopping use depends on the ester. For example, I end HCG use about 4-5 days before starting PCT. If was on a prop cycle, I start PCT usually around day 3-4 after last pin. If a cyp or enth, then I usually wait 16-18 days to start PCT due to the prolonged ester in those. In that case, you could continue HCG while waiting for the 16-18 days to pass, but again I would end HCG use 4-5 days before starting the PCT.
Clomid sides are over rated. I use it in every pct. Plus HCG should NEVER be ran in pct. I know some people are going to flame me on that one but it should be stopped after the longest ester clears your system before pct starts.

consider yourself flamed:D

i agree 100% with the above
BUT........i must ask you, WHY do you feel this way????

and clomid is WAY overrated.... PERIOD!!!
although i do use it occasionally for no more than 30 days

consider yourself flamed:D

i agree 100% with the above
BUT........i must ask you, WHY do you feel this way????

and clomid is WAY overrated.... PERIOD!!!
although i do use it occasionally for no more than 30 days


i use clomid i did not think i work very well for me
consider yourself flamed:D

i agree 100% with the above
BUT........i must ask you, WHY do you feel this way????

and clomid is WAY overrated.... PERIOD!!!
although i do use it occasionally for no more than 30 days


Tennny-I feel that pct is for your body to start producing on its own with no help. When HCG is ran during pct, you are still artificially stimulating testicular function. Its not functioning on its own. Might sound off the wall but thats my thinking.
Tennny-I feel that pct is for your body to start producing on its own with no help. When HCG is ran during pct, you are still artificially stimulating testicular function. Its not functioning on its own. Might sound off the wall but thats my thinking.

your thinking is right on

so i must ask you this too??
what must be stimulated for someone to start "producing"???

Nolva has been shown to reduce igf-1 but on that note everybodys body is diffrent. Clomid has tendency to make people a big ball of emotion. Basically what im saying is you have to find what works for you.

Ive heard of cases where HCG will cause people to have terrible sides. But also cases where clomid has made people depressed. You have to just remember that you are playing with your bodies hormones here so what happens to on person will probably be diffrent with 10 other people.

On that note if it were me i would use Clomid.
week 1 100mgs day + aromasin 25mgs day + DAA
week2 50mgs day + aromasin 12.5 mgs day + DAA
week 3 same
week 4 50 mgs day + aromasin 12.5 mgs eod + DAA

Then asses how your body is recovering and then move on from there. Also keep your calories high and clean with some good essentyials fats in there.

Just my 2 pennies
i've used clomid with great results , just gives me bad acne!next time i'm trying pct without it.
your thinking is right on

so i must ask you this too??
what must be stimulated for someone to start "producing"???


I am going to say normal test levels or at least artificial "Supplements" out of your blood. Completely out of your system and then the testes should start on their own. As long as there is artificial test in the blood the testes dont need to produce more testosterone.

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