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peptide shipping question

do you all get cold shipping? is that necessary? lets say it takes 2-3 days to arrive. the peps dont degrade during that time? from the seller shipping to waiting at your front door, there is no degradation?

I don't get cold shipping.
I'm currently in asia & its hot. It takes 7 days to arrive & my peptides are still in good condition.

I've just ordered from AO.
I think there are good to go.
to be sure to get most out of the peptides, i would order with cold pack...
especially when you don't receive it within 2-3 days

and 10$ is not that much...
I HAD to leave on Thursday, and I do not return until Monday so I am praying it is cold in my normally warm state, or I just blew a ton of money.:banghead:

AO's service is hard to beat. What UPS does is a different matter.
More than likely you are absolutely fine. I don't believe some of this crap about the peptides being so fragile. OMG, I filled it too fast, it's junk. OMG it got warm, it's toast. I dropped it!- Is it any good!?

You know what? It's fine.

There have been studies showing that it's sat at room temp for a year and still absolutely good to go.
AO's service is hard to beat. What UPS does is a different matter.
More than likely you are absolutely fine. I don't believe some of this crap about the peptides being so fragile. OMG, I filled it too fast, it's junk. OMG it got warm, it's toast. I dropped it!- Is it any good!?

You know what? It's fine.

There have been studies showing that it's sat at room temp for a year and still absolutely good to go.

Unless I am misunderstanding DatBTru's posts... IGF is 28 days TOTAL at room temp in lyophilized powder. Assuming it is at 0 days I am fine, but the point is I did order Next day, and cold pack for a reason. UPS shows it did get to them until 8PM wed night. At best I will get it on Monday IF all goes perfect at work. If I am required to stay, I stay or forfiet 10K in bonuses. Last year it took 9 days.

AND... the point I was also trying to make is do not waste money on the next day and cold pack. I am going to assume I only have 1 day of the 28 no matter when it would have arrived... Tuesday or Monday, just so I do keep it at the highest potency. I was agreeing with Ronnie with a current example.
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Unless I am misunderstanding DatBTru's posts... IGF is 28 days TOTAL at room temp in lyophilized powder. Assuming it is at 0 days I am fine, but the point is I did order Next day, and cold pack for a reason. UPS shows it did get to them until 8PM wed night. At best I will get it on Monday IF all goes perfect at work. If I am required to stay, I stay or forfiet 10K in bonuses. Last year it took 9 days.

AND... the point I was also trying to make is do not waste money on the next day and cold pack. I am going to assume I only have 1 day of the 28 no matter when it would have arrived... Tuesday or Monday, just so I do keep it at the highest potency. I was agreeing with Ronnie with a current example.

I am sure AO will make this right for you. I havent ordered from them, but I think when I do pull the trigger on the peps, it will be from them. Keep us posted if they fix this....
I am sure AO will make this right for you. I havent ordered from them, but I think when I do pull the trigger on the peps, it will be from them. Keep us posted if they fix this....

As long as the peptides work, I really do not care. If I am forced to work longer, then it might be an issue. From the last email I got, I am not thinking I will be home Monday, they are extending my hotel reservations already.
I think that 28 days is after it is reconstituted in BW..and that is for IGF's..if reconstituted in AA it is good for a year or more..and I believe that is at room temp. but I would keep in a fridge to be safe.If it is GHPR/GNRH'S then you are fine..they are less fragile than IGF'S..once recon. in BW they are good for around 2 months kept in fridge.You will likely use them by then anyway.I could be wrong, but this is info. I got from the sources.And if there is a problem they will take care of you..great guys.
I think that 28 days is after it is reconstituted in BW..and that is for IGF's..if reconstituted in AA it is good for a year or more..and I believe that is at room temp. but I would keep in a fridge to be safe.If it is GHPR/GNRH'S then you are fine..they are less fragile than IGF'S..once recon. in BW they are good for around 2 months kept in fridge.You will likely use them by then anyway.I could be wrong, but this is info. I got from the sources.And if there is a problem they will take care of you..great guys.

Not worried about the GH-2 or the MGF the IGF and the CJ1295 I am worried some about. I will not be back for sure now until Friday of next week at the soonest.. Looking worse than that... Complete network to program.


Originally Posted by fourthgen
2.) If you have the cjc shipped to you and it takes a few days in the mail with no ice pack, will that degrade it? Does it constantly need to be cold 24/7.

It should be okay at reasonable temps for short periods of time. It is better though if even just a 50 cent gel pack is thrown in to "help". "

Looking like 2 or more weeks now at room temp.... wish I would have waited, but I wanted to get started.
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If you look at when most of the posts were originally written in DAT's threads they are at least a few years old.I had the same concerns with you as I was assured)by a supplier) that they are fine and more stable than once thought.You can always still contact them about not getting them in the time you ordered and paid for,which I definitely would.

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