was wondering what all different pt certs there out there and the best known with the highest qualifications, ive been looking at the ones at county colleges and there like a total close to 2 g's
I just went to amfpt and got it for like $80. You basically buy it. Your given a test and its open book(e-book) Its not a great degree but many places take it.
was wondering what all different pt certs there out there and the best known with the highest qualifications, ive been looking at the ones at county colleges and there like a total close to 2 g's
i got mine at ifafitness.com it cost me 99$ it was pretty easy you read the book online then you take the test for free.after you pass the test you pay for you certifcate.they even sell the insurance you need for 144$. most gyms accept it
I'm ISSA certified. It's a pretty good middle of the road certification. It really depends on what kind of knowledge you already possess when going in. All certifications are teaching you is pure theory. Does anyone REALLY know what works and what doesn't?
was wondering what all different pt certs there out there and the best known with the highest qualifications, ive been looking at the ones at county colleges and there like a total close to 2 g's