Those black and white matalic pics always make the muscle look awesome, but he looks great.
No BUTS about! Great Physique! This is direction the sport needs to go with balance, porportions, and a tight midsection!
Forget the Brewer, Lockett hype... Putnam's physique is at the top of the amatuer ranks along with likes of Brandon Curry!
Those black and white matalic pics always make the muscle look awesome, but he looks great.
man MR. ONE SHOW i love you always getting your litttle pokes in at short bodybuilders, look its not our fault that we can weigh half of what you do and still make you look like a fitness model... GET OVER IT BRO! quit talking shit and get your "perfect body" bwhahahaha on stage and lets see how you fair, common mr. olympia i mean everyone on this board has told you your going to be the next mr. olympia so why not go and do it, Im eager to see what you do...LOL Yea we know that isn't going to happen huh bro cause then you wouldn't be the internet king anymore huh???? LOL YOUR TOO FUNNY BRONo not really, look i like Peter hes a great guy but I would never in a million years want to look like that, now Brandon Curry Id sy Great Physique! Im just not impressed with bbers who are 5ft 5 and under 200lbs just looks way to bunched up and midgety if thats even a word lol. I guess you would have to stand next to these stockier bbers and see what i mean, no offense to the Dwarfs I love u all lol.
So yes theres "BUTS" in my opinion, btw those matallic pics are prolly the worst way to show true muscle.
No not really, look i like Peter hes a great guy but I would never in a million years want to look like that, now Brandon Curry Id sy Great Physique! Im just not impressed with bbers who are 5ft 5 and under 200lbs just looks way to bunched up and midgety if thats even a word lol. I guess you would have to stand next to these stockier bbers and see what i mean, no offense to the Dwarfs I love u all lol.
So yes theres "BUTS" in my opinion, btw those matallic pics are prolly the worst way to show true muscle.
No not really, look i like Peter hes a great guy but I would never in a million years want to look like that, now Brandon Curry Id sy Great Physique! Im just not impressed with bbers who are 5ft 5 and under 200lbs just looks way to bunched up and midgety if thats even a word lol. I guess you would have to stand next to these stockier bbers and see what i mean, no offense to the Dwarfs I love u all lol.
So yes theres "BUTS" in my opinion, btw those matallic pics are prolly the worst way to show true muscle.
Wow... never in a million years want to have a physique which is pleasing and flows? You must have issues when you can't acknowledge the quality of his physique. Companies such as Met-rx & Weider obviously do!
Putnam is 5'6 and weighed in at 198.8 lbs at the Nationals if I was told correctly. I'm sure after carbing up he weighed OVER 200 lbs.
Try not to dilute Zona's thread.
Better pic.
man MR. ONE SHOW i love you always getting your litttle pokes in at short bodybuilders, look its not our fault that we can weigh half of what you do and still make you look like a fitness model... GET OVER IT BRO! quit talking shit and get your "perfect body" bwhahahaha on stage and lets see how you fair, common mr. olympia i mean everyone on this board has told you your going to be the next mr. olympia so why not go and do it, Im eager to see what you do...LOL Yea we know that isn't going to happen huh bro cause then you wouldn't be the internet king anymore huh???? LOL YOUR TOO FUNNY BRO
O YEA and im not impressed with one show chumps that have been built up on the internet but have done nothing on a stage!
Hey us short guys can't help it! So your saying Lee Priest doesn't look all bunched up? What about Shawn Ray? Personally I'd rather see more credit given to putting symetrical muscle on whatever frame the person has. And Putnam is a prime example of someone who has this symetrical look.
I understand the whole bigger is better mentality especially at the Pro level but IMO Cutler looks worse then he did earlier in his career. Same with Coleman.
I don't think many people (BB's included) honestly think it looks better overall. It's just that's what the sport has seemed to want. Freakish huge BB's sell magazines and supplements and that's all that matters.
Vander, this is a warning, you are out of line again. Peter is a quality member here, and he also considers you his friend which is why I have no idea why you say the things you do to people and about people. Peter's physique is great, he is great for the sport and he has accomplished a lot for a non pro. Also, coming on here and blatantly talking down to people who are shorter than you is not going to be accepted here and will always cause arguments. Again, you push the envelope so wisen up will you, I dont want to babysit.