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Jordan Peterson and Bumstead


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2005
I'm a huge Peterson fan. Seen him live a few times. It was cool to see Bumstead on the show but it was really funny how ignorant Peterson is on the entire endeavor. Loved him taking notes on so many basic aspects of the world we know so well. Cheers

Peterson's a whiny pussy with an annoying voice who compulsively must post every thought in his head online. It's so ironic to see how the baby boomers warned their children about the dangers of the internet in its infancy, only to not take their own advice decades later.
I'm a huge Peterson fan. Seen him live a few times. It was cool to see Bumstead on the show but it was really funny how ignorant Peterson is on the entire endeavor. Loved him taking notes on so many basic aspects of the world we know so well. Cheers

Have to watch this. I am seeing Peterson in March here in GA and have passes to meet him backstage after.

Happy to admit he has shaped many of life principles. More men should read his work IMO. Kudos to CBUM for branching outside of bodybuilding. Would be cool to see him interviewed by guys like Mylett.
Anyone with a minimum of knowledge in philosophy, literature, science or history knows that Jordan has invented and innovated absolutely nothing. But people love self-help advice, spirituality or the lies of any kind of religion.
Anyone with a minimum of knowledge in philosophy, literature, science or history knows that Jordan has invented and innovated absolutely nothing. But people love self-help advice, spirituality or the lies of any kind of religion.
Fair enough on your opinion. Judging, just from his Harvard lectures and his book Maps of Meaning, I would disagree. I take it, from your strong a decisive judgment here, your a strong study in philosophy and literature? Where or who do you focus on to inform you on your beliefs/opinions?
Fair enough on your opinion. Judging, just from his Harvard lectures and his book Maps of Meaning, I would disagree. I take it, from your strong a decisive judgment here, your a strong study in philosophy and literature? Where or who do you focus on to inform you on your beliefs/opinions?
@Eguz22 is a just a role player.

Refuses to introduce himself or give any background info let alone share a physique picture

Just likes to bounce around from thread to thread talking stupid shit like he’s an authority on something

And best of all, when he’s called out, like I’m doing right now, he ignores it because he has no defense to what I’m saying

Can almost guarantee you he’ll “like” this post though
@Eguz22 is a just a role player.

Refuses to introduce himself or give any background info let alone share a physique picture

Just likes to bounce around from thread to thread talking stupid shit like he’s an authority on something

And best of all, when he’s called out, like I’m doing right now, he ignores it because he has no defense to what I’m saying

Can almost guarantee you he’ll “like” this post though
Good to have you back. How was the vacation?
Maps of Meaning was insightful and original.

Jordan does a good job of citing his sources. If you've read Freud, Nitzche, Jung, you'll have recognized the themes even without citation.

Jordan should limit his Twitter use. That's not the medium to best present anything.

The quality of his podcasts depends primarily on the guest. Jordan is so articulate, he can walk over those who aren't as verbally proficient. But that doesn't mean he's correct. Just more eloquent.

While Bumstead has an incredible physique, he's just not very interesting. I haven't found any of his podcast appearances to be particularly illuminating. Besides the anecdotal example of how much easier this activity is for those with the genetic disposition.
Have to watch this. I am seeing Peterson in March here in GA and have passes to meet him backstage after.

Happy to admit he has shaped many of life principles. More men should read his work IMO. Kudos to CBUM for branching outside of bodybuilding. Would be cool to see him interviewed by guys like Mylett.
Ryan Holiday>Jordan Peterson

I read 12 Rules for Life and it was a decent book but most of it just seemed like basic common sense to me.
He lost me later on when he started droning on about "traditional values", gender roles etc.; then he goes on a podcast and cries like woman because some lady told him how much he changed her life and blah, blah, blah. Literally tears and snot. Not very "manly".
Ryan Holiday>Jordan Peterson

I read 12 Rules for Life and it was a decent book but most of it just seemed like basic common sense to me.
He lost me later on when he started droning on about "traditional values", gender roles etc.; then he goes on a podcast and cries like woman because some lady told him how much he changed her life and blah, blah, blah. Literally tears and snot. Not very "manly".
He isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. But I for one think his work is excellent for most people and men when you get through it all. And if being vulnerable makes you not a “man” then… 😂
I don't dislike Ryan Holliday. But he literally rewrites the Stoics. You could just pick up a copy of Meditations though and skip Holliday.

I'm somewhat disappointed in what passes for public intellectualism.

Jordan's old Harvard and Toronto lectures are arguably better than his current stadium performances. His demeanor was more even and thoughts more straightforward. Extreme notoriety would change anyone.
I don't dislike Ryan Holliday. But he literally rewrites the Stoics. You could just pick up a copy of Meditations though and skip Holliday.

I'm somewhat disappointed in what passes for public intellectualism.

Jordan's old Harvard and Toronto lectures are arguably better than his current stadium performances. His demeanor was more even and thoughts more straightforward. Extreme notoriety would change anyone.

I agree on older content > newer.

But I don’t think it’s HIm being influenced by notoriety.

I think it’s the TOPICs. Teaching those students…topic is being a human
To withstand life. We all resonate with that.

The newer stuff. And politics stuff….I do believe he wants to save the world….but idgaf about politics. (I should…you should…we all should).

But it just doesn’t hit the same.
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I don't dislike Ryan Holliday. But he literally rewrites the Stoics. You could just pick up a copy of Meditations though and skip Holliday.
Yeah, that's what he does when he writes about stoicism. He's taking ancient stoic philosophy and making it relatable to modern society, because not a lot of people today are reading Marcus Aurelius.
Not all of his books are about stoicism though. Perennial Seller is an excellent book. So is Discipline is Destiny. If nothing else, Ryan Holliday is a great story teller and historian; which makes his books worth reading.
I think I saw Peterson promote Marek. When asked which products he liked he claimed he was still researching (I think for a year?) but his daughter was further along. But is this worth it? I mean people will just say he is off mentally due to the hormones.

Many say the guy is very strong and tough. He doesn't radiate masculinity to me, with his voice and crying fits. But we all have opinions of thought leaders, but if you think about it, anything you say in this area will immediately get you "haters." Doensn't matter what the subject is, people will form opinions very quickly, maybe due to whether they think he has a sympathetic face, "first impressions". And people of a certain political persuation are not allowed to like him. Something about "Nazi" or "worse than Adolph."

Some leftists are driven mad by Jordan and they can't quite articulate what's so bad about him.
Happy to hear you enjoyed your Peterson experience. Wife and I went to see him live in Fort Worth and I hate to say it but wound up walking out. Sincerely enjoy his blurbs that pop up on my YouTube but in person it was chaotic at best. We all have off days here and there. Was supposed to be a run down of his rules for life, 90 minutes in and it was purely biblical however.
Happy to hear you enjoyed your Peterson experience. Wife and I went to see him live in Fort Worth and I hate to say it but wound up walking out. Sincerely enjoy his blurbs that pop up on my YouTube but in person it was chaotic at best. We all have off days here and there. Was supposed to be a run down of his rules for life, 90 minutes in and it was purely biblical however.
I can understand that. The last time I saw him(in Houston), it was the first date of a scheduled long tour. The lecture was supposed to be on Beyond Order but was largely politically themed. I was disappointed in large on that and kept wondering, if I'd seen the 50th lecture vs the 1st, maybe the continuity of the message would have been better.
I am and will always be an admirer of his but I certainly prefer his work before his outward lean into politics and religion. It is clear his tumult with the Canadian government and the subsequent flood of support, and hate from right and left, respectively, maybe lead to his benzo issues and then a "rebirth" as a commentator of most things having to do with donkeys, elephants and Jesus.
His current interviews are quite good, guest depending(Bumstead notwithstanding) but earlier lectures and his first book were life changing for myself.
Anyone with a minimum of knowledge in philosophy, literature, science or history knows that Jordan has invented and innovated absolutely nothing. But people love self-help advice, spirituality or the lies of any kind of religion.
He’s not a public figure for inventing anything.
He’s a prominent figure in his field because he packages complex material that is dragged out through multi hundred page textbooks, and presents it with 10 minute conversations.
Elon Musk hasn’t invented anything, he only facilitates the people who do yet he is one of the most famous and the richest man on the planet.
Andrew Huberman is just a scientist, but he knows how to communicate doctorate level scientific literature into Lay-terms and he has one of the most successful podcast right now.

I don’t understand why people hate on him.

Didn’t boss of your company invent your industry? No.
Did you favorite actor invent his own movie genre?
Also no
Did your favorite artist invent music?
Still no.

A wise person learns from his, a wise learns from others.
But let’s all discount those who advocate for people to be wiser.

I first encountered Peterson on Rogan, many many years ago. At first I thought he made sense, then I notice his odd self-image and how he starts to come across as more a preacher than a teacher. Most of what he says is conjecture presented as fact to fit a narrative and is heavily tainted by his own weird life experience, e.g. his obsession with Marxism in his younger days that he now refers to as "research". He should trademark his version of the whiney Gish-gallop.

The Behind the Bastards podcast did a fantastic 2-parter on him.

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