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Pharma Long-Acting GH Hits The Market


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Kilo Klub Member
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Oct 30, 2014

Dave Palumbo mentioned this on Heavy Muscle Radio this week. He said he's recorded a video on it but it isn't out yet. What they've done is combine HCG with HGH as the addition of HCG slows the breakdown of GH so it lasts a week. The claim is kids treated with once per week Ngenla grew just as much over a year as kids treated daily.
I recall hearing about a potential problem in hiring doses being maybe the continuously elevated BG? I can’t remember where I heard it though. Wonder if that’s been looked in to, couldn’t find anything on it on the page linked.
Personally, I think it's nothing that would be worth the attention of bodybuilders
Agreed. It's interesting in general but probably not for any of us. I would like to learn more about HCG slowing down HGH absorption though. Never heard that one before.
Agreed. It's interesting in general but probably not for any of us. I would like to learn more about HCG slowing down HGH absorption though. Never heard that one before.
I’d be curious to know its peak times and how long those stay high. For those using HGH 3X daily for lipolysis or fat burning could this generate the same effect or allow for one shot instead of 3…

HGH isn’t as bad as pinning Test Prop for example daily so not sure guys will have as much of a draw to it unless it becomes a Humalog/Lantus situation where bodybuilders try to stack the two. We all know how guys like to experiment. 😂

I’d personally want to research HCG and HGH together though as that seems like uncharted territory IMO. Maybe @Type-IIx can chime in here with some data.
Nutropin Depot has been out for ~20 years. I don’t see what the fuss is about.
there is also jintrolong by gensci which exists since a long time
on the UGL market, there is somalong by OneQ, but they did not really specify what it is, they stated it is not long acting hgh but a long acting gh receptor agonist or something like that
Personally, I think it's nothing that would be worth the attention of bodybuilders
The guys on meso would be very interested, they hate pinning, so much they had a source offer test u so they didn't have to pin each week. No joke lol
I am willing to bet all you will still be pinning with generics daily once you see the price.
The guys on meso would be very interested, they hate pinning, so much they had a source offer test u so they didn't have to pin each week. No joke lol
Wait, you like having to pin daily? It is a necessary evil, I do it because I have to. Especially pinning oil daily gets fucking old.
Wait, you like having to pin daily? It is a necessary evil, I do it because I have to. Especially pinning oil daily gets fucking old.
This question isn't for me but I've been doing a few shots a day for years and if I didn't have to pin every day I'd be so damn uncomfortable lol
Wait, you like having to pin daily? It is a necessary evil, I do it because I have to. Especially pinning oil daily gets fucking old.
I just don't see why people make a big deal about it and seek out these long esters or get pellets in their ass just so they don't pin im. Daily workout is about an hour, cooking a meal is 15 minutes... pinning is 45 seconds. About 1/50th the time of workout and assuming someone trains hard much less painful
Bet this is going to be the considered the next holy grail like Increlex and I can already see people with more money than brains who have shitty genetics think this will turn them into the next Ronnie Coleman of 2003.
I guess the effect on blood glucose would be even worse, assuming one can actually afford bodybuilding-like dosages.
I would assume the same here. Plus the pricing on the product will be much higher

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