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Photo of Big Bapper RIP

This is Big Bapper looking very thick and full...I think you ll all agree that Seamus had an excellent physique and the genetics to go with it...Total dedication gets you to where you want to go..As Seamus well proved...In loving memory of Seamus RIP..x

thank you mrs bapper for sharing the heart goes out to you and your family.I never got to know Seamus because Ive been on this board for a few months but every where I go i see members on this board whose lives he's touched even mine .From looking at his photos i see how strong and dedicated he was and an even stronger and dedicated family man.thank you so much for sharing.god bless you and your family.
one of the nicest people i've ever known, and always took the time to help out.

RIP seamus...
He was a great guy! We had a nice conversation about our animals and animals in general...Seemed like a big hearted guy. Do you still have the puppy and the two he rescued when he got the puppy? Wish you and the little one well.
He was a great guy! We had a nice conversation about our animals and animals in general...Seemed like a big hearted guy. Do you still have the puppy and the two he rescued when he got the puppy? Wish you and the little one well.

Our first German sheperd which was called Nytro died a about 2 months before Seamus..The two of us cryed our eyes out as we both loved him as he was one of us..Such an intelligent and loving loyal dog he was...The two german Sheperds called Angel and Star which had being mistreated, we only had them about 3 weeks when Seamus passed away...I had to get them rehomed as I had to move house where my rental agreement did not allow animals and also I would nt of had the time for them that they soo deserved so It broke my heart to send them away as both Seamus and I adored German Sheperds..But I had to do the right thing..Its a shame really cause they were just starting to come out of themselves and I had bonded with them and they were beginning to trust me..But again its all part of life and at some stage in our lives we all have to part with people that we love dearly as well as our pets..But this is how we learn from life to get on with things the best way we know how!!:)
Hi Mrs. Bapper,

Thought I would give a good cheer to ya. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I get the feeling you decided to post on this board because of your loved one. It's therapy for you from what I can tell. Maybe you feel a connection with the people on here that were good friends with Bapper, which in turn gives you a positive stimulus in copping with your loss. Sorta like when people keep personal possessions of the one they lost. It keeps your memory of him positive.

My heart goes out to you and your beautiful daughter! I do wish the two of you the best! I do enjoy your interaction here, please keep it up and keep Bappers memory fresh!

My first few months on this board Bapper made me feel welcome and was a real gentleman.He answered some of my first few questions and I went back and read a lot of his posts and learned quite a bit.I wish your family the best.
MAN I MISS THAT GUY.. i will never forgive myself for not returning his e mail sooner.. he died before i did.. for those who did not know him you missed out..:(
Great picture and thanks for sharing. I regret not knowing him better. All the best to you and your little girl - always.
Ahhhhhhhhh! What a beautiful daughter you both have.......:D
MAN I MISS THAT GUY.. i will never forgive myself for not returning his e mail sooner.. he died before i did.. for those who did not know him you missed out..:(

Believe you me bro Seamus will be up in heaven missing you very much too...In regards to your unanswered email please never worry about it as Seamus would nt want you beating yourself up over it...And for those who missed out on not knowing him that was really very nice and well worded!!

Respect to you Lats..Take Care Bro!:)

Seamus was truly a man among men.
Miss you my friend...

Michele, you and Jessica stay in touch
as you are both part of the family now.

Sending you much love

I chatted with Seamus often.

He definitely did love Nytro. I cryed when he told me about where he buried him.

Seamus was a nice, nice person. Very humble. I am sure he's up there with God waiting for all of us.

I sincerely hope your little one is doing well. Parenting is such an important job.

I miss him too.
Thank you JT!!

Your kind words are much appreciated!...My little Jessica is doing real good!!:)
Seamus was truly a man among men.
Miss you my friend...

Michele, you and Jessica stay in touch
as you are both part of the family now.

Sending you much love


Many thanx Everlast..Im really humbled by your nice kind words...x:)
Hi Michelle!

Happy late valentines day! Just wanted to say hi xox

Hope your doing well!
Hi Michelle!

Happy late valentines day! Just wanted to say hi xox

Hope your doing well!

Thank you thats real sweet of ya!!...On Valentines Day I went to this restarant in the middle of nowhere outside Co Donegal, in a restaurant called Harveys Point...You Guys at ProM would love it!!..Alll ya can eat buffett..You get soup served to ya the a choice of 30 starters and ya go up as often as ya like, then Main course had Turkey and Ham again go for seconds if ya like..And of corse ya have a choice of main course...But me I was saving myself for da coice of bout 25 desserts..Awh its facking awesome feeding and to top it off a few cups of coffee to wake me up after all da triptofan in da turkey lol....Then I went for a real long walk with beautiful scenery...Seamus used to love this place the staffs eyes near popped outta there heads when they saw the amount he could put away...He believed in value for money lol...Hope all is well with you too take care x:):)
hey mrs bapper

Just wanted to say hi and I think about Big Bapper all the time......I'm the one that sent Jessica the books a couple of years ago......I also have learned alot from him as he was always willing to help me with my shows......he will be always missed!

Just wanted to say hi and I think about Big Bapper all the time......I'm the one that sent Jessica the books a couple of years ago......I also have learned alot from him as he was always willing to help me with my shows......he will be always missed!


Thank you so much that was much appreciated ..Jessica loved the books and we were overwhelmed by your generosity :)...Thank you for letting me know who you are as I would nt have known....Its unreal the amount of hearts that Seamus touched..Like yourself and many others, we all miss Seamus more than anything in the world...He was full of knowledge and potential and was one in a million!!....On March 13th I am going to the Nabba Northern Ireland Show which takes place in Belfast..This is the show that Seamus competed in twice and that we went together every year to see for eight years..It was his life and his passion...So Im going to bring Jessica to it as Seamus had always wanted her to see wat her daddy did as she was to young before hand...I have being told that there will be a tribute trophy for Seamus...Hopefully I have being informed right...Thank you once again and I hope that life is being kind to you also!!Take Care Love from Me and Jessica x:)

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