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PIP from CYP

There was a bad batch of raws on test cyp being sold by the main raws supplier a few months ago in China that everyone uses. The sponsor you ordered from should replace it all.
I would contact the sponsor and DO what K1 is telling you he will take care of you. And dont even take another shot of that stuff
There was a bad batch of raws on test cyp being sold by the main raws supplier a few months ago in China that everyone uses. The sponsor you ordered from should replace it all.

Interesting. Until this thread I hadn't heard really any issues with cyp and there are a lot here.

For others:
250mg/ml is max and needs a solid amount of BB. I prefer 200mg/ml personally as per Alzedosghost stated above. Painful test raws have been a literal pita these past years esp with enanthate starting to get shitty on occasion since 2018. We need a "Just Say No To Bad Test Raws" t-shirt for the group.
There was a bad batch of raws on test cyp being sold by the main raws supplier a few months ago in China that everyone uses. The sponsor you ordered from should replace it all.
Not sure if it was China or the damn reshippers they been using . I've seen a couple come out of a state that I would trash automatically now . They cut the hell out of it with something. Let's just say state decriminalized all react drugs for a couple of years
It seems like we're having more of these threads about PIP from long ester testosterone over the last year. I find it strange that this thread has many saying they had bad experiences with cypionate when past threads were always about enanthate.

For whatever it's worth I've been using testosterone enanthate since I started injecting and have never had PIP unless it was 400mg+ per CC in one shot.
Not sure if it was China or the damn reshippers they been using . I've seen a couple come out of a state that I would trash automatically now . They cut the hell out of it with something. Let's just say state decriminalized all react drugs for a couple of years
Yes, I have seen it , cut up to 50%
Dude that is kinda crazy, I don't know shit about silica but I've never seen a how to get big on silica thread...lol
I guess it wasn't that bad, cause I was half way through 100gs when i decided to check it out, when I saw the results i freaked out, luckily nothing happened. I should add that was about 14 years ago, the last one i checked was about 5 years ago (test d) and that was gtg
It seems like we're having more of these threads about PIP from long ester testosterone over the last year. I find it strange that this thread has many saying they had bad experiences with cypionate when past threads were always about enanthate.

For whatever it's worth I've been using testosterone enanthate since I started injecting and have never had PIP unless it was 400mg+ per CC in one shot.
I think a lot of people need to do more research about the brands they use. Check the threads for feedback about pain levels etc.
Sources should also disclose what they use oils and solvent levels etc. Tons of choices out there. I do realize sometimes batches may be more painful than others. I always test out mine with a subq shot first just to see as if the shot stings and leaves a sore spot before I would put it in my glute or delt and end up miserable with solvent flu.
I never had an issue with cyp or enanthate like said over 400mg for E and 300 mg for cyp. The source I used utilized a low solvent level formulation with castor oil.
Iv had 7 batches of testosterone lab tested all from a local raw dvd guy on here. Almost no impurities fillers and was exactly what I thought it was. Very pure stuff. Raws here more pure than 15-16 years ago. No heavy metals no nothing just pure hormone. I have no idea where you guys are buying stuff that’s cut to stretch it. But you’re using a shit source. Besides cooking to melting and filtering and solvents pretty much anything would be mostly filtered out anyway. I used non filtered raws for many years. Barely even heated it up. And lots of it no filtering at all it was smooth good stuff every time. There were lots of guys in here that used gear that was never filtered. It’s without a doubt more potent as you lose hormone through the filtration process as well. As a mater of fact im
Going to go commando on the next go around to test my theory. If it’s cut with fentanyl like I’m sure the cartels would do I’ll be the first one to know.
Iv had 7 batches of testosterone lab tested all from a local raw dvd guy on here. Almost no impurities fillers and was exactly what I thought it was. Very pure stuff. Raws here more pure than 15-16 years ago. No heavy metals no nothing just pure hormone. I have no idea where you guys are buying stuff that’s cut to stretch it. But you’re using a shit source. Besides cooking to melting and filtering and solvents pretty much anything would be mostly filtered out anyway. I used non filtered raws for many years. Barely even heated it up. And lots of it no filtering at all it was smooth good stuff every time. There were lots of guys in here that used gear that was never filtered. It’s without a doubt more potent as you lose hormone through the filtration process as well. As a mater of fact im
Going to go commando on the next go around to test my theory. If it’s cut with fentanyl like I’m sure the cartels would do I’ll be the first one to know.
dude i never filtered my raws with more than an unbleached coffee filter, a swimming pool of AAS oils later.......the only one I couldn't figure out was DHB and I'm fine with that.

and yes 5-15 min for most raw to melt in and blend and voila, 5-7min for trenbolone

newbies and their "my tren isn't brown is it legit"

if your tren is brown your chemist sucks. RIP BASSKILLER, but I cut a few corners in your diagrams here and there =]
Most raws out of China are good to go . It's there reshippers that cut the shit to make extra money .
I'm sure there's not a long line people waiting on these jobs lol.
dude i never filtered my raws with more than an unbleached coffee filter, a swimming pool of AAS oils later.......the only one I couldn't figure out was DHB and I'm fine with that.

and yes 5-15 min for most raw to melt in and blend and voila, 5-7min for trenbolone

newbies and their "my tren isn't brown is it legit"

if your tren is brown your chemist sucks. RIP BASSKILLER, but I cut a few corners in your diagrams here and there =]
Cold brew is good for small amounts of stuff .

Also if u don't filter test not sure how y'all have gotten away with that without a infection cause test is full of trash these days
Cold brew is good for small amounts of stuff .

Also if u don't filter test not sure how y'all have gotten away with that without a infection cause test is full of trash these days
not going to say when but this was many moons ago like over a decade allegedly :)

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