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Please stop exaggerating your BF and/or weight.


Dec 21, 2009
I'll keep this short. I know there's a lot of jacked guys logging onto this forum, but I'm getting really tired of seeing guys posting that they are 5'8'' 250 pounds 12% BF. It seems like EVERYONE here is almost 300 pounds and lean. I notice a LOT of you pick that number for your BF%, too. 12%. Interesting. :D I wonder how many of these people have actually gotten their BF tested...

Please just be honest with yourselves and with the people reading your posts.
Holy shit , I hope my body fat isint that high !!!

Sombody once told me that body weight is not relivent in body building ,its how big you look!! , not sure how true that is but I think that weight has to play some role due to weight classes but once you get

I think once you get above 225 1/4 LBS it realy doesnt matter right?
So fopr the average guy what would 12% BF look like? say for sombody who does compete and drops into the single digits a few times a year , so that when you add BF its semi even on the body

Would you still see 6 abs at 12%

I've had mine checked twice with calibers and both times I was under 12% but I have this little ring of nagging fat around my very lower abdomen and back more like just thick skin that hasent thinned out yet.
Okay I am 5'8" 250 lbs and am 50% BF...j/k

In my so called off season I used to be 5'8" 243 at 17% BF and contest I would lean out to about 185 with a BF of 4%, I no longer compete and I am at 215-225 depending on the type of cycle I am on. My BF is between 15-17% because since my wife passed away I take care of my daughter and although she likes her chicken breast and flank steaks I like to eat out with her at fast food restaurants which is a killer in fat foods.
LMAO, very true. I go to 3 different gyms, work at 1 of em, and rarely ever see guys with 12% bf, even bodybuilders in the offseason. That is very rare and a bodyfat dedicated to the genetically gifted.

I have some dudes tell me at the gym where I work that there 4% bodyfat, im like bro your 12-14 haha.
HAHA I would love to see someone maintain 4% BF, I can tell you at contest time I was one miserable SOB well that is what my wife used to tell me and she was always right.

I had a guy in my gym who was the opposite, he was a huge MOFO who was about 310 and he used to tell others that he was 267...talk about BSing
HAHA I would love to see someone maintain 4% BF, I can tell you at contest time I was one miserable SOB well that is what my wife used to tell me and she was always right.

I had a guy in my gym who was the opposite, he was a huge MOFO who was about 310 and he used to tell others that he was 267...talk about BSing

Lol, when I am 4% bodyfat for shows, and that comes with extreme water depletion/diuretics to maintain that 4% image, I feel like absolute living hell. These people are dancing around the gym.. cracks me up how bad people thing. They go by those hand-held bodyfat checkers, 2 days before my show it told me I was 21% bodyfat..
LMAO, very true. I go to 3 different gyms, work at 1 of em, and rarely ever see guys with 12% bf, even bodybuilders in the offseason. That is very rare and a bodyfat dedicated to the genetically gifted.

I have some dudes tell me at the gym where I work that there 4% bodyfat, im like bro your 12-14 haha.

Bad idea getting far away from 12. Bad for insulin sensitivity, estrogen gets out of control... just can't gain efficiently.

Never trust a username. Lots of guys with good rep around spewing bs. Funny thing is when I was smaller I liked to give advice... now I mostly just read.
The easiest way to get a decent bf number is to add 3% to whatever they/I say if it's been measured and 5% if they/I are guessing.

So 12 is almost always somewhere between 15 and 17.

I was just looking at a video of this year's latest novice show and most of the men weren't much leaner than about 12%. I only saw about 4 contestants who actually managed to get to contest shape. I assume the other contestants "thought" they were in contest shape. We all lie to ourselves.
Lol, when I am 4% bodyfat for shows, and that comes with extreme water depletion/diuretics to maintain that 4% image, I feel like absolute living hell. These people are dancing around the gym.. cracks me up how bad people thing. They go by those hand-held bodyfat checkers, 2 days before my show it told me I was 21% bodyfat..

I own one of the scales that supposedly measures bf% by standing barefoot on it for a few seconds. At 5'11" 210, it says im 27%. Now i dont have the cleanest diet, but its not bad and i workout 3-4 days a week. After seeing the bodyfat %s on this board, i want to throw the damn scale into a wall.
im 208, the last time i got checked with calipers i was 15%, and i am slightly leaner now, not much but slightly. so i would assume 13-14%, or in other terms, a complete fatass.
The easiest way to get a decent bf number is to add 3% to whatever they/I say if it's been measured and 5% if they/I are guessing.

So 12 is almost always somewhere between 15 and 17.

Yep, that's my guess too. Most of these guys saying they are 12 are probably a lot closer to 20 than they are leading on.

It's annoying. I know EVERYONE posting isn't a gigantic lean monster. Come on...Get real, folks.
I'll keep this short. I know there's a lot of jacked guys logging onto this forum, but I'm getting really tired of seeing guys posting that they are 5'8'' 250 pounds 12% BF. It seems like EVERYONE here is almost 300 pounds and lean. I notice a LOT of you pick that number for your BF%, too. 12%. Interesting. :D I wonder how many of these people have actually gotten their BF tested...

Please just be honest with yourselves and with the people reading your posts.

Yeah, well, I can think of probably 100 different things I would like that will never happen. But I can't waste my time being annoyed about shit I have no control over and doesn't effect me in any way to begin with. So, who gives a fuck what some idiot posts on the internet? You can get tired all you want but it will never change, so get used to it or avoid it. This is an internet bodybuilding forum, some things are inherent. I could complain that water is wet, but how much sense would that make?

Yeah, well, I can think of probably 100 different things I would like that will never happen. But I can't waste my time being annoyed about shit I have no control over and doesn't effect me in any way to begin with. So, who gives a fuck what some idiot posts on the internet? You can get tired all you want but it will never change, so get used to it or avoid it. This is an internet bodybuilding forum, some things are inherent. I could complain that water is wet, but how much sense would that make?


good post
I prefer to tell everyone I am smaller, weaker, and fatter than I am. I can never lose.
5'2 135 around 35%, im bulking at the moment :rolleyes:
I prefer to tell everyone I am smaller, weaker, and fatter than I am. I can never lose.


Sounds familiar... :p

- you look good these days!

- oh really, you think so? Thanks, but i haven't been able to train a lot lately (when actually i'm in the gym twice a day :D). Just trying to maintain the little I have... hard as you're getting older... i'm much fatter than u think i am!
You, on the other hand, you're in a helluva great shape!! Looks like you could step on stage next week (usually that's when i think to myself: "how do u dare to lie so shamelessly to that fat and skinny bastard?"... :eek::eek::D)

yet another useless thread

yet another useless thread


In the grand scheme of things, what's really useful? Useful for what? BB is useless for 99.9 % of the planet if u go this way... :cool:

Don't be so serious, life is short. No harm in sharing ur thoughts, whatever they are...

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