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Pre / Post surgery DO's and DON'T


New member
Aug 11, 2008
So surgery for gyno is tommorow.
I realize I am a little late for the pre surgery tips, but I am looking to see if you guys have usefull info from personal experience.

The doctor has told me... don't drink alcohol, or smoke. To stop all "supplements" a week in advance, and to stay hydrated.

I am looking at possible ways to reduce scarring. Creams/oils that can be used post surgery.
Any way to spead up recovery. Such as food to avoid, or supplements to take.

I would say DO take creatine. A study came out recently on how it helps preserve untrained muscles.
I just used Mederma after my stitches were out. No scarring 2 months later.
well heck, i got one that i hope will help at least one person,,,, Wear a button up shirt!!, If not good luck getting yours arms up to pull the shirt on.
well heck, i got one that i hope will help at least one person,,,, Wear a button up shirt!!, If not good luck getting yours arms up to pull the shirt on.

Now that does sound like good advice. One of those things you would never think of before hand.
So surgery for gyno is tommorow.
I realize I am a little late for the pre surgery tips, but I am looking to see if you guys have usefull info from personal experience.

The doctor has told me... don't drink alcohol, or smoke. To stop all "supplements" a week in advance, and to stay hydrated.

I am looking at possible ways to reduce scarring. Creams/oils that can be used post surgery.
Any way to spead up recovery. Such as food to avoid, or supplements to take.

ONe thing I would have done was be sure to be off all anabolic steroids for at least 4 weeks prior to surgery. If youre still on, these drugs can affect increase your chances of getting a blood clot after or during surgery.
and one more.... don't try to be tuff. When you wake up, and they ask you to rate what level of pain you are feeling (scale of 1 being the lowest, to 10 being the highest). If anything, say you are in more pain then not...

I was a dumb ass and said 4.. about 40 minutes later i was gritting my teath, and was forced to call the nurse over... I told her, and I quote. "i lied to you, im at a 7... make it stop"
I have a related question:

Would you want to have surgery when you are cut/ripped so that you can eat more to maintain muscle after without getting too fat -OR- Would it be smarter to have it at higher BF% to have more substance (old wives tale type term I know) to you so you are more vibrant to heal better?

I was thinking to be as cut as possible to start
I have a related question:

Would you want to have surgery when you are cut/ripped so that you can eat more to maintain muscle after without getting too fat -OR- Would it be smarter to have it at higher BF% to have more substance (old wives tale type term I know) to you so you are more vibrant to heal better?

I was thinking to be as cut as possible to start

Leaner the better.I ad to loose 40lbs.Which was a good thing haha

See i was told different.. I was told to stay at what I was at (hovering around plus 10% bodyfat) by my doc. He said it would make it easier for him to guage how even my chest will be versus coming in very lean. Something about having some chest fat lets him know how my chest stored it's fat (high, low, etc...) stated it can help in creating a more natural look for post op.
Lord I want the surgery so bad just reading this!

My right tit is embarrassing and even worse they are not symmetrical so it looks scary. I am lean so you just see this wound lump hanging.

See i was told different.. I was told to stay at what I was at (hovering around plus 10% bodyfat) by my doc. He said it would make it easier for him to guage how even my chest will be versus coming in very lean. Something about having some chest fat lets him know how my chest stored it's fat (high, low, etc...) stated it can help in creating a more natural look for post op.

I guess i over stated leaness,10% would be ideal.I was a little higher than that,arond 20%.My surgeon doesn't remove any excess skin so he wants the area fairly lean so the compression vest can get the skin to heal flat to the void left by the gland removed.I will post some picks later
I guess i over stated leaness,10% would be ideal.I was a little higher than that,arond 20%.My surgeon doesn't remove any excess skin so he wants the area fairly lean so the compression vest can get the skin to heal flat to the void left by the gland removed.I will post some picks later

Yeah I was thinking just under 10%. At 20% you really can't afford to over eat at all.

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