I'm not sure whats so hard to understand about HRT clinics. I have seen a couple of posts as of late with guys asking why its so expensive or do you know where there is a "cheap" place to purchase legal testosterone. Its almost as if you think these places are going to wheel and deal with you because the corner drug dealer has better prices...lol. Most of the HRT clinics get their compounded drugs from a place called Signature Pharmacy....or if they are lucky enough and have enough money they might own the compouding pharmacy (the old Powermedica which is now Metrogen). Thats how these places make money. They sell compounded medicine and hormones at a premium price because their is a very high profit margin. Now with that being said, I can tell you this from first hand expierence. The longer you are a good customer, the better the pricing you will recieve. Most of these places will offer deals to keep you comming back.....I will give you an example. Lets say the price of HGH is 7.50 a unit (advertised) if you buy say....120 units the price might drop to 5.50 a unit. Maybe they give you 10000 units of HCG for free too. Thats just how these places work. Its a business where the end result is profit. Its just that simple. So when I hear about guys complaining about the high prices its rather comical because HRT clinics are a god send in most cases. You get legit hormones at a little higher price without having to ever worry about breaking the law. I guess you just ask yourself this.....if you were sitting in a jail cell, would you really be worying about the extra 30 bucks a vial you paid or kicking yourself for not paying it in the first place...get my drift. Hopefully that clears some things up.