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Primobolin Enanthate Dosage


Active member
Jan 26, 2011
Hey guys, I've never used Primobolin before but I'm getting ready for a show and my coach has it in the protocol.

My question is if one were to homebrew it, is the protocol the same as say Test or other raws (benzyl alcohol. Benzyl benzoate, carrier oil and hormone?)

The other question is I see it's normally made at 100mg/ml. Any reason why 200mg/ml is a bad idea? PIP?
Just makes sense to me to dose it at 200 for less Injections....
Hey guys, I've never used Primobolin before but I'm getting ready for a show and my coach has it in the protocol.

My question is if one were to homebrew it, is the protocol the same as say Test or other raws (benzyl alcohol. Benzyl benzoate, carrier oil and hormone?)

The other question is I see it's normally made at 100mg/ml. Any reason why 200mg/ml is a bad idea? PIP?
Just makes sense to me to dose it at 200 for less Injections....
200 has a chance for PIP in some people, but it makes dosing high amounts much easier
PIP can certainly be an issue!
Everything's the same for me with 200mg/ml not being an issue and easy to do. If it doesn't work you can always thin it out or if you are mixing it with other things the PIP could be taken care of that way as well.
Hey guys, I've never used Primobolin before but I'm getting ready for a show and my coach has it in the protocol.

My question is if one were to homebrew it, is the protocol the same as say Test or other raws (benzyl alcohol. Benzyl benzoate, carrier oil and hormone?)

The other question is I see it's normally made at 100mg/ml. Any reason why 200mg/ml is a bad idea? PIP?
Just makes sense to me to dose it at 200 for less Injections....

I have ran legitimate Primo 200 with 0 PIP issues. The only thing i get PIP from is DHB though
I have ran legitimate Primo 200 with 0 PIP issues. The only thing i get PIP from is DHB though
Primo enth even at 200mg should not have significant pip.. now the ace ester can and will have a bite to it at high mg.. but I have used 200mg a shot of primo enth and never had a issue.. but, as always , it can be a individual thing and it depends on who's doing the brewing and the recipe used
I have ran legitimate Primo 200 with 0 PIP issues. The only thing i get PIP from is DHB though
Ditto bro!! I never got pip from 100 or 200 primo, but hell DHB is crap for me. Even 50mg Dhb hurts man!!
Hey guys, I've never used Primobolin before but I'm getting ready for a show and my coach has it in the protocol.

My question is if one were to homebrew it, is the protocol the same as say Test or other raws (benzyl alcohol. Benzyl benzoate, carrier oil and hormone?)

The other question is I see it's normally made at 100mg/ml. Any reason why 200mg/ml is a bad idea? PIP?
Just makes sense to me to dose it at 200 for less Injections....
The recipe is always the same 1-2% BA 18-20% BB rest is oil... Go for 175mg and you will avoid PIP.
I’ve never had any 200mg legit primo without PIP.

Several home brew batches with tested primo raws. Several trusted brands. The trusted brand I used felt exactly the same as the home brew. Week long knots.

I’m skeptical of it being legitimate if there’s no PIP.

I’m only using it at 100, MAYBE 150 next to around.
My 200mg/ml primo has a slight bite to it, but it’s always cut with test. If I pin just primo 200, yes it’s a little warm and sore for a day.

Just make it at 150-175mg/ml and problem solved.

Or even better make 150 test/100 primo blend. Then inject with 5cc syringes MWF and get hyougeeeee
Pip here is very individual. Some people get substantial pip from pharma at 100mg/ml. More will get it at 200mg/ml even standard 2/18 brew. Some people get used to it, some don't. I've never heard anyone describe it as severe or debilitating at any dosage though. Obviously this is primo e, acetate is oral only and doom to inject (never heard of anyone finishing a cycle and most don't last more than a few shots... maybe the really dumb ones).

I've heard some people/brewers prefer primo in GSO vs MCT as they feel it's less likely to crash the molecule out after injection which brings on pip.

I will say this. I wouldn't run primo at all if only 100mg/ml. 200mg/ml is fine and I do fine on it. Sometimes I get mild pip but who cares.
Iv used tons of primo e that was doses at 225mg. Zero pip. None whatsoever. Standard recipe.
Hey guys, I've never used Primobolin before but I'm getting ready for a show and my coach has it in the protocol.

My question is if one were to homebrew it, is the protocol the same as say Test or other raws (benzyl alcohol. Benzyl benzoate, carrier oil and hormone?)

The other question is I see it's normally made at 100mg/ml. Any reason why 200mg/ml is a bad idea? PIP?
Just makes sense to me to dose it at 200 for less Injections....
Speaking for myself, mixing at 200 can present two issues. PIP is the obvious one. The second, and most concerning for me is that using standard BA/BB for higher concentrations can lead to crashing issues (and WAY more PIP!). To get it to hold at that concentration, harsher solvents are often needed…solvents of which I want no part.

I’ve safely mixed at 150 using BA/BB, with minimal PIP and no crashing issues. Just my experience, your mileage may vary.
Obviously this is primo e, acetate is oral only and doom to inject (never heard of anyone finishing a cycle and most don't last more than a few shots... maybe the really dumb ones).

I've heard some people/brewers prefer primo in GSO vs MCT as they feel it's less likely to crash the molecule out after injection which brings on pip.
I‘ll never forget mistakenly ordering Ace raws and realizing how much money I’d just wasted only after brewing 300ml…😂

Maybe I should try GSO with the standard BA/BB for 200, could be the MCT that crashed it.🤔 Thanks for the info.
Speaking for myself, mixing at 200 can present two issues. PIP is the obvious one. The second, and most concerning for me is that using standard BA/BB for higher concentrations can lead to crashing issues (and WAY more PIP!). To get it to hold at that concentration, harsher solvents are often needed…solvents of which I want no part.

I’ve safely mixed at 150 using BA/BB, with minimal PIP and no crashing issues. Just my experience, your mileage may vary.
Exactly, that's why I question whether people taking 200mg doses without PIP are probably using underdosed gear or mast.
I‘ll never forget mistakenly ordering Ace raws and realizing how much money I’d just wasted only after brewing 300ml…😂

Maybe I should try GSO with the standard BA/BB for 200, could be the MCT that crashed it.🤔 Thanks for the info.

Could always drink the primo ace... same as oral or winny inject. Sucks though, people argue about dhb and bold cyp pip but NO ONE argues over Primo Ace. That's a clue right there and this is a stubborn population. Lol!

Idea on gso was that some believed MCT solution was crashing or partially so in the muscle post injection and gso or Safflower being thicker (more science I don't remember) would be a more resilient depot. Sounded okay reasoning when I read it but could be bullshit or minimal impact too. I've never brewed primo. Was planning on it then saw impact on my lipids so my planned use based on "perfect compound" for us older guys kind of went meh. I still use it but I'll just buy what I need/want for semi rare runs.
Will also say that lots have made (home guys and retailers) primo E at 200mg and plenty tested via mass spec. 18/2 and 20/2 are used but holds no issues. Now if you are shipping on winter maybe you go 150mg/ml but I've run multiple tested primo at 200mg/ml. Honestly the pip has been random. Same batch one cycle was slight pip and then no pip the next (I know, sounds crazy). Also beyond mass spec primo feels very different from Mast to me. I will actually add a bit of Mast to it (500 test, 600 primo, 200mast) because I otherwise feel meh and with sort of an indifferent sex drive. Others report similar but some say primo ups their sex drive.

I also know guys who used to report major pip from 100mg/ml Rimobolan straight from the pharmacy. Really individual I guess.

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