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New member
Apr 21, 2003
anyone know or taken proline supplements before?
Yes, I've been using there 500mg/ml EQ and it is very good and painless. Results have been solid so I know the EQ is legit. I think their prices are good as well, so I may be trying some other goodies soon.

Good shit. He's a little backed-up right now and I think taking a short vacation but the goods are quality and the owner is one of the few I would really trust.
Yea I hae used his goods and thought they were great! Plus the price makes them outstanding!
I personally think his gear is overdosed which is a bonus in my book. Top-notch custom gear! Bradley is the man!
I've used his tren, enanthate and water-based winstrol, They are all high quality, particularly the winny, which is awesome!
shit im a biiiigggg fan of proline, you can't beat the prices per mg of gear, ive used his enanthate, winny, prop, and eq, all were outstanding products, shit i could do an infomercial on his shit. Im hooked!!! I use nothing else other than proline gear and homemade fina (of course).
post should be deleted

I am asking the mods to delete this post. no flame intended bros. but remember "big brother" is watching. no need to draw attention to a good bro. being anonymous sometimes means a long and jail free life if you get my drift. as I stated no flame intended to the above bros. just being cautious, good sources hard to find.

peace and take care, pumpit

I just went through him and have used 2 cc out of his 500mg enanthate and I have been in bed for 4 days straight no training and no school or anything....

it has been the worst experience I have ever had...maybe it is just a bad batch or something because I have only heard good things but I am going to have to pore the rest out.....it feels like I have 3rd degree burns on my lat and ass.....

His gear may be great but it is so painful I just cant help but let you guys know....:(
Re: post should be deleted

pumpit said:
I am asking the mods to delete this post.
This seems like a purely generic post - no different than talking about QV products.
weight77 said:
I just went through him and have used 2 cc out of his 500mg enanthate and I have been in bed for 4 days straight no training and no school or anything.....
YEOW that's one gram, one time at an injection site - it's no wonder your body is revolting :(

hey pumpit

whats with the paranoia????

I don't know exactly which magazine but I think it was muscular Dev. did an article on his products. So if that goes on, whats the big deal about this thread??.

No body openly asked for his email or anything.

ol no I went on monday and thrusday like always....I used my glute and lat.... I have used just about all the brands out there and this has been the wrost yet....they are all painful but wow this is a whole new type of pain...I had my dad write me a script for hydrocodine and the pain was still very much there.....

the only gear that does not hurt is the one that my dads get me every 8 weeks...he will write me a script for a bottle of cyp but it only last me 2 weeks but it is the best 2 weeks...I could put that stuff anywhere with no pain what so ever...it is flows through a 25g needle like water.....i just wish I could get it every week...I dont know the company it just says Rx on it....I would love to find some that i coud get in bulk.....

but like I said it could just be a bad batch....I have maid my own gear and have screwed it up and made it real painful...

but the price is just too good....I could run test at a gram a week for a enitre year it would only cost me $115....and that is non stop with no breaks.....you just cant beat it....and then proline has the next best prices out there.....just cant get it any better...
some people complain about pain from the higher dosed stuff. Just use the normal dosed stuff, I can tell you for a fact that the 250 mg/ml enan is painless

well on thursday i mixed in half a cc of plain oil to dilute it a bit and see if it helped but it did not...my guess whould be I would have to use around 4 cc of reg oil to get the stuff down to be painless.....:eek:
sorry fellas

hey conan and exel. sorry about the paronia. I posted this same ? several months ago on a few other boards and got flamed by everyone including a supposed rep of proline. my pm boxes were full of shall we say "hate mail" since it seems things may have changed, I fully endorse proline. luv his products, prices are exceptional and service is very quick. all are painless and great results. peace and take care, pumpit.

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