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Prostate Problems


Old School Moderator
Staff member
Jun 20, 2002
I'm having problems with my prostate and I'm wondering if someone could lend me a hand, no pun intended...lmoa...
Anyways, I was diagnosed with prostatitis about a week ago by my doctor. I'm am in so much pain..almost to the point of being unbearable. I was given a antibiotic (Cipro) to take for 30 days. Along with some bullshit pain killers. I'm wondering if there is ANYTHING out there that I could take (supplement or drug) that can help with prostate health and help me protect my prostate from this condition occuring again???
I'm also wondering if I use anabolics again (been clean for almost a year now) if that could aggravate prostatitis? My doctor says that my prostate is not enlarged...and my condtion was caused by a urinary tract infection that I had no idea that I even had.
Any type of input would be GREATLY appreciated!!!
i feel you on this one. cipro may or may not help.one of the sides which happens very rarely is weakening of the tendons. so watch the poundages while on the stuff. its a small margin that this happens to but none the less just so you know. also see if you can get some proscar. may be more effective for the long term. i used to think my prostate was in trouble because of the 2 times in the night id have to get up and piss, but ive learned it isnt that for me. i hope you can find out how to fully correct your problem. reaserch tons and maybe someone or even yourself will find the answers you need. hope this helps in any way. take care
go check this herbal product called prostlean from impax health. do keyword search in yahoo for impax enerprime, the sutff is expensive but the most powerful stuff for prostate issues...
count yourself lucky though, being very aware of your prostate now is a blessing in disguise as it is a big killer of men as they get older with this slow cancer...
staying ahead and seeing your prostate in good health now will most certainly prevent much drama later. dont worry, you will feel better....

Prostatitis is by definition "swelling of the prostate" just like bronchitis is the swelling of the bronchial passageway. Chronic prostatitis is and indication of an infection from strep, staff or e-coli bacterium.

As for your question on the use of AS during this period. You need to know the possible side effects which can, in many men, cause swelling. You don't want to add to your problem. If the doctor did a presumptive exam for prostate cancer and it came out "neg" then that could be a good sign that you can take AS after the swelling goes down. This sort of cancer is triggered by androgens (especially DHT).

Men are still waiting for a site specific androgen receptor blocking drug just as Novaldex blocks estrogen from binding the receptor sites in women with breast cancer.

For now, stay clear and get well. Then consider AS afterwards.
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This scientific article has me concerned somewhat **broken link removed**

Test is purported to substantially increase IGF-1. This article (Feb 2003) links prostate cancer to increased IGF-1. If you guys can't get into read it, I'll post it here.

xcelbeyond said:
This scientific article has me concerned somewhat **broken link removed**

Test is purported to substantially increase IGF-1. This article (Feb 2003) links prostate cancer to increased IGF-1. If you guys can't get into read it, I'll post it here.


I cant get in to see it bro. If you can post it here it would be much appreciated!!!
Cancer article

Thanks for the article. WOW something to consider!; But, I have some questions that the article did not disclose.

1. Were test and androgen (ie DHT) levels tested in those studied with heightened IGF1 blood serum? Reason, there may be other precursors to this level of IGF1 levels such as genetics.

2. Studies to date suggest a link (and therefore primary cause) between DHT and prostate cancer. Was DHT tested in these individuals since it is the main prostatic intracellular androgen?? Believe it or not actual test production is low and off balanced against estrogen levels.
Posted by purplehaze

Igf-1 and bladder cancer
J Urol 2003 Feb;169(2):714-7

Plasma levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 and binding protein-3, and their association with bladder cancer risk.

Zhao H, Grossman HB, Spitz MR, Lerner SP, Zhang K, Wu X.

Department of Epidemiology, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USA.

PURPOSE: Because insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) and their binding proteins have been implicated in the development of prostate, breast, colon and lung cancer, we examined the role of IGF-1 and IGF binding protein-3 levels in bladder cancer risk. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We used an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to compare plasma levels of IGF-1 and IGF binding protein-3 in 154 patients with bladder cancer and 154 controls from an ongoing case-control study. RESULTS: Mean IGF-1 was significantly higher in cases than in controls (175.8 versus 153.2 ng./ml., p <0.01). Mean IGF binding protein-3 was significantly lower in cases than in controls (2,632.9 versus 3,056.6 ng./ml., p <0.01). The highest quartile plasma levels of IGF-1 were associated with an increased risk of bladder cancer (OR 3.10, 95% CI 1.43 to 6.70) and the highest quartile plasma levels of IGF binding protein-3 were associated with a reduced risk of bladder cancer (OR 0.38, 95% CI 0.19 to 0.78). The effects were more striking when IGF-1 and IGF binding protein-3 levels were analyzed together. In addition, a higher molar ratio of IGF-1-to-IGF binding protein-3 was associated with an increased risk of bladder cancer (OR 4.30, 95% CI 1.99 to 9.28). Dose-response relationships were evident when subjects were categorized into quartiles by the values of IGF-1, IGF binding protein-3 and the molar ratio in controls. CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge this is the first study to suggest that patients with bladder cancer have higher plasma levels of IGF-1 and lower levels of IGF binding protein-3 than controls. Thus, measuring plasma IGF-1 and IGF binding protein-3 may be useful for assessing bladder cancer risk.

That article relates to "bladder" cancer not prostate cancer!

Thanks xcelbeyond

Thanks for posting the article bro.
this thread is just another example of the supreme intelligence, sharing of information and dedication to health and safety my BB bro's are truly about!
i got so much love for you brothas for real!
lets keep this up!

Stay away from test, and get smarter, plan more, and spend more money. Var and primo cycles for you brother. Maybe some gh.
Ive heard some real conflicting studies lately about high/low test levels. Why is it that all old men have prostate symptoms as their test levels DROP dramatically, and also so does their DHT levels?
If test/DHT is the problem why are these old men-with decreased amounts of both-having problems? And the reasearch I read about showed that the older men with higher test levels were also healthier in the prostate. :confused:
I mean young men would seem to be more susceptable if test/DHT were the cause. just some food for thought...

Proscar really stunts my sex drive. Would be nice to have a site specific blocker, as proscar is a 5AR inhibitor and reduces ALL DHT.
Simple site reduction would help with good sex drive, nerve excitability, and all those other nice secondary sex characteristics-while at the same time protecting the prostate. There are different DHT receptors...I know of type I, and type II.
MikeS said:
Ive heard some real conflicting studies lately about high/low test levels. Why is it that all old men have prostate symptoms as their test levels DROP dramatically, and also so does their DHT levels?
If test/DHT is the problem why are these old men-with decreased amounts of both-having problems? And the reasearch I read about showed that the older men with higher test levels were also healthier in the prostate. :confused:
I mean young men would seem to be more susceptable if test/DHT were the cause. just some food for thought...

Proscar really stunts my sex drive. Would be nice to have a site specific blocker, as proscar is a 5AR inhibitor and reduces ALL DHT.
Simple site reduction would help with good sex drive, nerve excitability, and all those other nice secondary sex characteristics-while at the same time protecting the prostate. There are different DHT receptors...I know of type I, and type II.

Interestingly enough, I've spoke with a few people that have told me that their prostate conditions IMPROVED when they began Testosterone therapy....so maybe there is something to the theory that low levels of test/dht may effect the prostate in a negative way.
A50, from the info you have posted it would be my guess that your problem stemmed from a bacterial infection and is unrelated to anything else in your lifestyle. Therefore once the infection is gone(antibiotics such as Cipro will work fine for that) and your prostate returns to normal, you should have no lingering effects. Nothing will help decrease the inflammation as long as the infection is still present.
Crusader: Prostate CA is NOT triggered by androgens. In fact, we are now looking away from DHT, and toward Estrogens, as the real culprit.

MikeS--You are SOOOOO on the money! Gee, what a coincidience: men experience their worst prostate health at precisely the point in their lives when the T/E ratio is the lowest.

Of note, when DHT is used as sole HRT, there were no reported cases of prostatic pathology. If you consider the metabolic pathways, that meand that, with DHT inhibition of te HPTA, there would have been less E produced.

As for prostatitus, the reason you must use antibiotics for a month is because the prostate is so poorly vascularized. I've never had this condition, but have had several patients tell me it is absolutely miserable (the looks on their faces as they were sittiing there on their inflamed and tender prostates convinced me!).

If in fact prostatitis is related to Estrogen, wonder if something like Anastrozole or Letrozole would be beneficial?
Re: prostatitis

A50# said:
If in fact prostatitis is related to Estrogen, wonder if something like Anastrozole or Letrozole would be beneficial?
My guess is that it's too late for it to help as a "remedy." Would probably act good as a "preventative," but who takes it at times when they're either NOT on or during post-cycle?!?

In fact, nodules in the prostate first form in what is known as the periurethral transition zone. This is also, coincidentally, where the most estrogen is to be found. An experiment performed on rats showed that Nolvadex may have some anti-cancer properties for the prostate.
Just read a lot of info that low test is the culprit.

Check articles at youngagain.com or longevity.com......chemical castration of men used to be the treatment. This made the condition worse. Another reason to supplement testosterone as you get older.

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