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PSA levels


Apr 6, 2018
About 5 years ago, I noticed that I was having some issues to start urinating. Once I started pissing, I was fine, but it was slow to start. I always checked my PSA levels and they were always normal. 3 years ago I got checked by a urologist and was told that I have a slightly enlarged prostate but nothing to worry about. Last year my PSA levels really spiked from 2.72 to 4.0. I didn’t really notice it because it was still within normal range and was not highlighted red on my test results. This year my PSA levels came back at 3.96.

My doctor called and would like for me to come in and discuss my bloodwork results.

I’ve been running 150-200mg a week of test and 2iu of HGH for the last 6 or so years. My current test levels are at 1365 normal for my age (47) is 250-1100.

I’m a little worried but have to wait another week and a half to talk to my doctor. A couple questions…

1. Should I cut my test in half and what about my low does of HGH?

2. I’ve never told my doctor about my test use. I never wanted it to come back to bite me. Thoughts?

3. Anyone else been through something similar? Any other recommendations?

Appreciate all the help I can get. Thank you!
About 5 years ago, I noticed that I was having some issues to start urinating. Once I started pissing, I was fine, but it was slow to start. I always checked my PSA levels and they were always normal. 3 years ago I got checked by a urologist and was told that I have a slightly enlarged prostate but nothing to worry about. Last year my PSA levels really spiked from 2.72 to 4.0. I didn’t really notice it because it was still within normal range and was not highlighted red on my test results. This year my PSA levels came back at 3.96.

My doctor called and would like for me to come in and discuss my bloodwork results.

I’ve been running 150-200mg a week of test and 2iu of HGH for the last 6 or so years. My current test levels are at 1365 normal for my age (47) is 250-1100.

I’m a little worried but have to wait another week and a half to talk to my doctor. A couple questions…

1. Should I cut my test in half and what about my low does of HGH?

2. I’ve never told my doctor about my test use. I never wanted it to come back to bite me. Thoughts?

3. Anyone else been through something similar? Any other recommendations?

Appreciate all the help I can get. Thank you!

Don’t want to set off any alarms.

Tell your doctor everything. Now is not the time for hide and seek.

If cancer, test will ‘feed’ it.

HGH, personally I would never use it especially if something ‘suspicious‘ was going on.

My PSA @ 70 years old is 0.7 to 0.4.

FYI. My dad died from prostate cancer. I was with him for all dr. apts and was holding his hand when he died. Terrible disease.

Stay on top of this please.

And keep us in the loop.
I'll share my dad's PSA experience because it's something I've never heard from others.

A few years ago my dad had his annual physical and his PSA was sky high, big jump from years prior. HIs doctor obvious got concerned at the numbers so they checked his free PSA and it was in range. My dad also had shingles at the time and believed it to be the cause of his elevated PSA. His doctor said no way that's possible, if it is I'll put you in a medical journal. He told him let the shingles clear and come back for another test.

A few months go by, shingles clears, my dad gets tested again, PSA was normal. They did a CT scan for insurance and he had no trace of cancer anywhere.

I share that to show that untold things can impact untold other things. Hoping this is the case for you.
Thanks for the added perspective. And glad your dad is well. As I do, hope it all turns out well for the OP.

FYI. My dad’s PSA was 999. (Long story 🙁)
Thanks for the added perspective. And glad your dad is well. As I do, hope it all turns out well for the OP.

FYI. My dad’s PSA was 999. (Long story 🙁)
wow can't imagine. Mine varies from 1 to 1.5 the last few years. It's something I keep a close eye on. DHEA of all things really bothered it. 50mg of dhea a day had me at 609 dhea reading. High dose mast does the same thing.
I'd say your initial reading of 2.72 is a little high for your age but after the jump last year things seem to be stable.

Def consult to see if a scan or biopsy is necessary. Always better safe than sorry.

Possibly you may have a low grade chronic prostatitis or another infection in there. Do you do a lot bike riding? That can increase PSA.

Also, at your age it would be a good idea get script for 5mg Cialis daily and take some NOW Prostate Support.
About 5 years ago, I noticed that I was having some issues to start urinating. Once I started pissing, I was fine, but it was slow to start. I always checked my PSA levels and they were always normal. 3 years ago I got checked by a urologist and was told that I have a slightly enlarged prostate but nothing to worry about. Last year my PSA levels really spiked from 2.72 to 4.0. I didn’t really notice it because it was still within normal range and was not highlighted red on my test results. This year my PSA levels came back at 3.96.

My doctor called and would like for me to come in and discuss my bloodwork results.

I’ve been running 150-200mg a week of test and 2iu of HGH for the last 6 or so years. My current test levels are at 1365 normal for my age (47) is 250-1100.

I’m a little worried but have to wait another week and a half to talk to my doctor. A couple questions…

1. Should I cut my test in half and what about my low does of HGH?

2. I’ve never told my doctor about my test use. I never wanted it to come back to bite me. Thoughts?

3. Anyone else been through something similar? Any other recommendations?

Appreciate all the help I can get. Thank you!
Forgot to mention.

If your doctor did not tell you this (shame on him / her).

Do not ejaculate 48hrs (minimum) prior to your PSA test. It will squew the results.
I appreciate all the responses so far. Thank you!!

I usually get my bloodwork through an online service and not through my doctor. So I was not told about not ejaculating 48 hours. I know that could skew the numbers but I doubt it would inflate them multiple points but I could be wrong.
And I always thought it was a possibility of my professional career being impacted by talking to my doctor about my Test use. That’s why I was always reluctant.
I am 64 and have been doing TRT and cycles for 25 years and GH for about 12. My PSA has went form .4 and has rocketed up to .7 these days. If you are worried about it and especially are going to continue doing what you are then telling your Dr. makes sense. Such things wont impact most jobs unless it requires a security clearance or such i would think. I think a long term healthy diet has a lot to do with prostate health. And there are studies i have seen in the past showing the more orgasm the better for prostate health. But can effect blood test results if done close to a test. Although it has never affected my test results.

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