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Experience with prolonged low T levels?


Active member
Dec 26, 2024
Any of you go through long periods with low levels of testosterone whether it be from being off gear or endogenous? What was it like physically and mentally? Body composition affected much?
Only for a short duration due to court/legal reasons. I DO NOT recommend it! My test level was 59, and it sucked! Unless you’re forced into this situation why put yourself through it.

I agree with @cage99 if you don’t have to. Don’t. If you HAVE to, just endure it until you don’t have to.
Only for a short duration due to court/legal reasons. I DO NOT recommend it! My test level was 59, and it sucked! Unless you’re forced into this situation why put yourself through it.

If you don’t mind, what exactly did you experience with that low test?

I will say I’ve never had such horrible time as a man than I did with sub 200 levels. Like literally everything in life just turned upside down into bizzaro world.

-Felt extremely tired and fatigued to the point where I quit my job because of the physical demands

- No amount of sleep was enough for me

- All I wanted to do was sleep and order Uber Eats

- Went from loving the gym to absolutely hating it. Just getting through a warm up left me feeling winded.

- Kept getting thinner, weaker and fatter even when I gathered the energy to train and diet consistently I would only manage to get maybe 50% to my best in terms of strength and physique

- Fat loss was extremely frustratingly more difficult than I felt was necessary as I could easily lose fat in the past

- Became a sensitive little bitch, another part of why I quit the job I was working. I really thought everyone was out to get me and I would react more emotionally to the slightest hostility. I was just a mental wreck to say the least.

- Dick was barely working even with cialis

There was a lot more, but those were the highlights of that awful time period.
I’m going on 5 months now with zero gear. Not even trt. Energy levels aren’t that great but I’m sleeping better. Shoulder injury took me out of the gym so here I am. My body still makes a little test my nuts grew a bit. I like the challenge of staying off as long as I can lol it’s just that much better when I start growing again
If you don’t mind, what exactly did you experience with that low test?

I will say I’ve never had such horrible time as a man than I did with sub 200 levels. Like literally everything in life just turned upside down into bizzaro world.

-Felt extremely tired and fatigued to the point where I quit my job because of the physical demands

- No amount of sleep was enough for me

- All I wanted to do was sleep and order Uber Eats

- Went from loving the gym to absolutely hating it. Just getting through a warm up left me feeling winded.

- Kept getting thinner, weaker and fatter even when I gathered the energy to train and diet consistently I would only manage to get maybe 50% to my best in terms of strength and physique

- Fat loss was extremely frustratingly more difficult than I felt was necessary as I could easily lose fat in the past

- Became a sensitive little bitch, another part of why I quit the job I was working. I really thought everyone was out to get me and I would react more emotionally to the slightest hostility. I was just a mental wreck to say the least.

- Dick was barely working even with cialis

There was a lot more, but those were the highlights of that awful time period.
Basically what you described..
- fatigue
- non existent libido
- muscle loss
- workouts were tough
- sleep sucked
- irritable

I pushed through it all though. Since I wasn’t following a strict bodybuilding diet I had to force myself to do added cardio to not gain excess fat.

did about 1,5 year with close to test level of 0, was in prison and wasent approved for TRT at the time so yeah that sucked fuckin ass..
I’m going on 5 months now with zero gear. Not even trt. Energy levels aren’t that great but I’m sleeping better. Shoulder injury took me out of the gym so here I am. My body still makes a little test my nuts grew a bit. I like the challenge of staying off as long as I can lol it’s just that much better when I start growing again
Whatever you do, you sure as hell always go all in bro lol 😆

Glad to hear you’re not feeling too bad
I did for 2-3 years. Came off gear after college. Did a heavy pct after 4 years of blasting and cruising that included hmg , hcg, nolvadrx and clomid for a few months.

Test levels came back in the 500s. I figured “that’s fine I’ve somewhat recovered”, stopped checking my hormone panel after that. Fast forward two years—247ng/dl test (below the reference range). Hopping back on makes me feel 10 years younger, like I did in hs/college. I regret going off for those couple years now. Lost a lot of progress that I worked years to build

Low T sucks
- muscle loss
- strength loss
- fat gain
- tired/lethargic
- kills motivation (you lose that aggressive grab life by the balls kind of drive with low T)
- days just felt kind of hazy and blah
- non existent sex drive

Probably some other stuff I’m missing but point being is that I’ll never go back to low T. It’s a terrible feeling
Last time I came off Test it was cold turkey with no post cycle therapy, I figured I would eventually bounce back and it would just take longer.

About 10 months later I did labwork, Test level came out to 99 ng/dl

I didnt really feel bad at all, good mood(even without dbol), no anxiety, average libido, dick worked good, but I was more tired than usual. My workouts werent horrible considering I had basically no testosterone.

I must add that I was taking 5 MG of DBol on workout days, of course it helped supress my testosterone, but I had no idea it would have THAT big of an impact, or maybe my nuts are just completely fried.

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