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Looking for someone with experience

My attitude lol. I asked a fucking question and got a bunch of ignorant ass responses instead of just guiding me in the right direction or telling me the proper way to go about it. But you know people gotta pump the egos on one other over posts.....lol well I hope it made y'all feel valid or whatever the fuck your motive is for being ignorant
Thanks for your input.

Bro you really think I'm trying to be grammatically correct if I'm saying "y'all" "em"? But thank you for your input on my grammar. Btw show me ANYWHERE in these forums that answers my question. Annnnd I ain't...wait I'm sorry I am not going anywhere either bud. Ty

I have a bad attitude? Check the responses I got. Yeah I could asked the question originally but all that other shit was unnecessary. People so quick to try and belittle someone or make them feel some type of way instead of spreading positivity and knowledge for the sake of betterment of people. I didn't post the question originally because I had a lot of other little questions that I didn't think needed a whole post but now I know. Thanks
Ya”ll was the least of your concerns with that post. Just going to leave this right here again:

“If you not.willing to.provide some.personal experience or knowledge so that I can learn then go somwhere else”

To the bolded part above- nobody here is going to spoon feed you. Again, there’s a search function for a reason. I personally have discussed using tren and MENT in several of my threads and others.

Stop being lazy. The only person being “ignorant” in this thread is you.
When I’m feeling down about my life I just go on meso and read some of replies and comments on QSC’s thread
And it quickly reminds me , my life is amazing and I’m like in the 99th percentile genius level
The QSC thread has some very witty posts very entertaining.Ive been on Meso for years nothing bad to say here.Good sources there and group testing keeps them honest.
I used to hear to never mix 19-nors years ago (90’s- early 2000’s), but that point of view has shifted. Personally, I have used both Tren A/NPP simultaneously without any issues.

If you’re concerned and want to try them together just have your proper ancillaries on hand in case unwanted sides pop up.

Everyone is different so someone else may experience problems running them together. I do think the older claims of mixing them and causing major problems were overblown.


Especially because more people do labs and we have stuff like caber available.

In regards to OP original question, if this is their first time using trest I recommend always trying it first by itself (and a low dose of test) so you know what it is actually doing to your body.
My attitude lol. I asked a fucking question and got a bunch of ignorant ass responses instead of just guiding me in the right direction or telling me the proper way to go about it. But you know people gotta pump the egos on one other over posts.....lol well I hope it made y'all feel valid or whatever the fuck your motive is for being ignorant
Btw show me ANYWHERE in these forums that answers my question

And more
I'm new here obviously, not new to bodybuilding or anabolics but im looking for someone that i could talk to on PMs instead of having to make a post to ask a couple questions. So if any of you would be willing to message me so I could ask a few questions, specifically stuff about trest and tren. Pm please
I am new here but in the Luki's thread I have found basically all I needed to know.
He speaks about Trestolone too...

Just take your time and give it a read.
Took me some time but I copied and pasted the most important parts on MS Word.
JayGnarly sounds like the kid on another forum I occasionally visit who badmouthed regular members when suggested he use the search function. Moderator there told him to stop being an asshole.
The way I see it he has now landed here behaving the same.
Good chance .. tren and deca will do that to you. ;)
QSC shutdown and took many of my friends money with them for peptides ...So I wouldnt trust them anymore for anything ..
They posted on their telegram that they were shutting down for a while.Hopefully they come back and take care of you.Their hgh and oils were the best and cheapest.
QSC shutdown and took many of my friends money with them for peptides ...So I wouldnt trust them anymore for anything ..
I had Reta coming from them when they shut down, but I’m not going to “blame” or “bash” them for having to quickly go under the radar due to being investigated with the situation going on in China. Don’t spend money you can’t afford to use on black market drugs imo. It wasn’t some sort of take the money and run situation with them.
tuna fish and Diet Coke throw in blender VAHHLLAAAAA your an IFBB PRO… more secrets to come

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