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Psmf question


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2022
So I’ve been looking into the PSMF diet, specifically Lyle McDonalds model and was wondering if it’s a viable option post bulk? Started at 200lbs, currently sitting at 230-234lbs depending on hydration. My concerns are whether it would be better to gradually lower my caloric intake and lose some bf before hand. Anyone who has experience with PSMF and have input are much appreciated


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So I’ve been looking into the PSMF diet, specifically Lyle McDonalds model and was wondering if it’s a viable option post bulk? Started at 200lbs, currently sitting at 230-234lbs depending on hydration. My concerns are whether it would be better to gradually lower my caloric intake and lose some bf before hand. Anyone who has experience with PSMF and have input are much appreciated
I've just asked @luki7788 in his log. Im similar stats as you was considering a PSMF after my post contest rebound in a couple of weeks before heading to off-season. Hopefully more members can chime in.

@danieltx @juggy38 @b-boy are wealth of knowledge when it comes to this based on their posts/logs.
Depends on what you like
1. A more sustainable drawn out diet, that is more comfortable
2. A short, intense diet to drop fat quickly, you will be low on energy and will have high hunger, but it's only 11-14 days then a refeed for a couple days or eating at maintenance for a short while before deciding to do another run or not depending on how much your trying to lose
If you don't have a deadline, don't want to start an aggressive diet, leave the PSMF for the last 4 weeks, although you may not even need it.
Depends on what you like
1. A more sustainable drawn out diet, that is more comfortable
2. A short, intense diet to drop fat quickly, you will be low on energy and will have high hunger, but it's only 11-14 days then a refeed for a couple days or eating at maintenance for a short while before deciding to do another run or not depending on how much your trying to lose
I’m okay with being uncomfortable, but from a majority of the logs/posts I’ve seen it’s mostly used when already lean, that’s why I’m curious if there’s any merit using with higher bf%
If you don't have a deadline, don't want to start an aggressive diet, leave the PSMF for the last 4 weeks, although you may not even need it.
no deadline, just trying to look good while there’s warm weather. Never had problems cutting before but I like trying different dieting methodologies
How long did you bulk for, how long have you held this bw where it is?

And even with that, FROM MY EXPERIENCE, drastic hard cuts do not lead to as impressive as a physique and when you do it slow.
Back in 2018 i did it twice and both were underwhelming. The next time i did a proper slow and steady diet and looked muuuuch better and kept much more strength/LBM
How long did you bulk for, how long have you held this bw where it is?

And even with that, FROM MY EXPERIENCE, drastic hard cuts do not lead to as impressive as a physique and when you do it slow.
Back in 2018 i did it twice and both were underwhelming. The next time i did a proper slow and steady diet and looked muuuuch better and kept much more strength/LBM
6 months on my current bulk, I’ve held this weight give or take 5lbs almost a month now. Most of it was done while cruising (200mg TE) and just recently started cycle last month (750mg TE 300mg Mast E)
i wouldnt diet yet. You still need to hang out at that new weight for quite a bit longer if you truly want to hang onto it.
No huge guy ever hits 300 and then immediate cuts down. They hit 300 and sit in it for months on end...create that new setpoint.
This is the NEW normal. 30 days aint long enough.
6 months on my current bulk, I’ve held this weight give or take 5lbs almost a month now. Most of it was done while cruising (200mg TE) and just recently started cycle last month (750mg TE 300mg Mast E)
So I’ve been looking into the PSMF diet, specifically Lyle McDonalds model and was wondering if it’s a viable option post bulk? Started at 200lbs, currently sitting at 230-234lbs depending on hydration. My concerns are whether it would be better to gradually lower my caloric intake and lose some bf before hand. Anyone who has experience with PSMF and have input are much appreciated
IMO from following a lot of your progress on here a PSMF diet is the last thing I would do after all the work you’ve put into adding the muscle you have.

It’s a great tool to reset health markers, but for bodybuilders it can very easily result in lost lean tissue.

I agree with @TheOtherOne55 on holding your new set point. After that I would diet down slowly.
I would say do it mate! But up proteins to 350-400 day. Add also some carbs from fruits around 100 grams a day and few eggs a day and you will be golden. Changes will be crazy fast and you will not feel like crap.
IMO from following a lot of your progress on here a PSMF diet is the last thing I would do after all the work you’ve put into adding the muscle you have.

It’s a great tool to reset health markers, but for bodybuilders it can very easily result in lost lean tissue.

I agree with @TheOtherOne55 on holding your new set point. After that I would diet down slowly.
You and @TheOtherOne55 both make compelling arguments. Health markers have been good, body feels good (besides some stiffness from the Mast). I’ll give it a few months at this weight
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You and @TheOtherOne55 both make compelling arguments. Health markers have been good, body feels good (besides some stiffness from the Mast). I’ll give it a few months at this weight
The amount of knowledge and support guys dish out on here is insane. I was on the same boat as you I will be doing the same!
The risk of sagging skin or stretch marks is also higher if you make a drastic weight reduction.

Lyle created this diet for fat people who are not too picky about their appearance once they are thin, although it is widely used by people who diet all year round, and simply go on a harder diet for a few weeks.
The risk of sagging skin or stretch marks is also higher if you make a drastic weight reduction.

Lyle created this diet for fat people who are not too picky about their appearance once they are thin, although it is widely used by people who diet all year round, and simply go on a harder diet for a few weeks.
PRorER's bf is nowhere near high enough for sagging skin to be a concern at his age.

Stretch marks from weight loss? 🤔 lol
PSMF are short super low calorie very high protein diet sprints. These are anywhere from 10-14 day sprints followed by a 2 day carb up or a few days at maintenance calorie. No one is losing muscle doing this...LOL you add anabolics to the equation and your really not losing any LBM.
PSMF are short super low calorie very high protein diet sprints. These are anywhere from 10-14 day sprints followed by a 2 day carb up or a few days at maintenance calorie. No one is losing muscle doing this...LOL you add anabolics to the equation and your really not losing any LBM.
What’s your take on this argument @TheOtherOne55 @bbxtreme ?
Notes for the OP:

-The only time I felt I really lost muscle doing psmf was when I ran high dosage dnp alongside it. Some people love dnp with psmf though.

-I'd much rather use 75mcg t3. Much better look for myself.

-I like to keep aas high when on psmf.

-semaglutide is awesome when on psmf.

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