Are guys using pullovers mostly for chest or lat developement? I love doing these but when I go heavy they tire my triceps. I do like doing them for stretching lats though.
I just started doing these myself. I was always told that they are unnecessary but Im kind of liking them. I surf so I'm always looking to improve my paddling skills and pullovers really seem to hit identical muscles..chest, tris, lats and shoulders.
I dont like doing them because i cant pin point what i am working. I like to know what specifically working with each exercise but with pullovers i cant tell if i am working chest, lats, delts, tris......ect
That's kinda the problem I'm having. I love doing them. I'm not a big guy and they give me a big pump. I stand up, lookin the mirror and am amazed by the pump. Since I do a push pull, they are difficult to place. My triceps get the most mindblowing pump ang are soar the next day when I go heavy. I'm wondering, should I do them lighter on back day, heavy on chest/tri. day?
Yeah I agree with cowboy about wanting to know exactly which muscle your targeting. I do pullovers on chest/back day. I guess some may throw them in when they're doing shoulders or tris. I do remember reading about Arnie loving pullovers.
the beauty of pullovers is that you can use it to target any of the tree muscle groups you guys mention, for wider thicker lats emphasize the stretch, for chest maintain tension on the chest,and for tries a good stretch and contraction.
It seems like if you worked chest/back together it would be perfect. I really do love this movement. I don't do chest and back on the same day however. So, I appreciate the input guys.
while lying on a bench and stretching behind my head i use them to target my serratus anterior. now, while standing and doing them with a cable pressdown bar of some sort while leaning forward slightly i use them to target the lat.
Pullovers are one of those "feel good" exercises to me. There's just something about the movement. Like mexbeast said, how they're done means everything.
As stated these can be great for serratus definition. I don't use them too often on myself or others. When using them though you should focus on the movement with lighter weight. I see many guys going too heavy and it's just not necessary with this exercise if you get a good stretch with good form.
with a dumbell they are mostly lats and with a barbell at shoulder width grip the get some moe chest. either way you will get some lonng head of the tricep and an added bonus feet on the bench you will grab some abs as well feet on the floor great for low back. Good all around exercise most books list it under chest exercise but altering hand position alters biomechanics so there are multiple variations. plus you can go heavy like 150# dumbell have someone stand on your feet!