I figured that, but I dind't show that a the thread deleted like they usually do.
I understand that, but people here post pics of pros, bikini models, and others without their permission and we make judgement of those pics. Thats what i was saying what would be any different in this situation. Anyone can come across a pic of anyone and make judgement as long it is not totally disrepectful if you know that person may be a member or know someone persoanlly on the board. If not know pic of anything should be posted.
Of course i said not being disrepectful etc.
Anyways I was just simply stating its hard to compare past from present bodybuilders, but that Pete does look good.
I just made an observation is why are more threads being posted on Pete one after another when you already know someone was going to probably take some stuff personaly and post something that would cause an argument. It appears the additional threads it may be intentional to lure those other persons in. I figure give it a few days and let the tension cool off. I have noticed this lately.
Who wants to see this on the board. It gets annoying. Yes I don't even have to open the thread, but you already know in your head what proably half the psot say and your like what with thes bros cluttering up the board with all this nonsense. I come here for a break out of my busy day and talk to some bros. Who wants to see all this nonsense. I have been off from a few weeks so maybe on on here to much because i usually don't let thos etype sof post bother me, but they do get annoying to others not envolved with them seeing them up there and people going back and forth.