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Question about Shrugs????

vanilla gorilla

New member
Sep 17, 2004
Ok, heres a question for you guys. I am sure you are all familiar with the Hammer Strength shrug machine, correct? Of course. All right so how many of you guys use this machine? When you do use it do you "row" it or do you shrug it?

Here's why I am asking. After watching numerous pro videos I have noticed that most pro's seem to "row" this device rather than shrug it. I have always felt awkward trying to shrug it (arms straight). Now when I do barbell shrugs my arms are left straight. But this machine here just seems to be set to "row" it. Know what I mean. Like I said, I have noticed almost every pro that uses this seems to use that type of form with it. Except Shawn Ray in BFTO 98. He seems to keep his arms straight with it. But everyone else "rows" it.

What is your thoughts on this?
When I say "row" it, I mean like an armpit row so to speak. If that helps you understand it a little better.
I always bend my arms a little when I shrug, otherwise I don't feel much

So I always do a sort of row too
i always shrug and then at the top of the shrug i'd add a row that would be 1 rep ........shrug into a row (i like doing that reverse grip behind my back on smith maschine
yea I know what your saying....
I dont like to row when shrugging. I never got a good feel from that machine
as with barbell shrugs or Db shrugs.

Maybe you are suppose to row it? Maybe thats why it never felt rite for me.
I used to use the hammer strngth machine for rows and shrugs all the time have gone back freeweight recently and had alot better results :)
I have tried DB shrugs, Hammer strength shrugs, etc... But you cant equal the amount of weight you can shrug with a BB loaded up. My results are always better with BB. Also its too much work to strap up to 150lb DB's lift them off the rack do a set then try to put them back. I use the Rack with the BB just lift and shrug, when you are done drop it back to the pins. Easy!!
Hope that helps.
I too have noticed this. I always do bb, db, or this other plate loaded shrug machine we have at Gold's Venice, which is about 10 feet from the Hammer shrug. I have seen Gunther on the Hammer shrug and he "rows" it also. He will also face in and face out. Now I'm curious, so I'll try it this way tomorrow. I too have never been able to get a good feel from the Hammer shrug. Nothing like a bb or db. But, I've never "rowed" it either. The other plate loaded shrug machine they have is quite good though.

I used to use the hammer strngth machine for rows and shrugs all the time have gone back freeweight recently and had alot better results :)

Agree! Never got better results than when I just hit the barbell rows HEAVY! 5 sets wide grip - 5 sets narrow grip - DONE! I also really like DB shrugs. I'll do 7 sets of them starting with 100 lb DB's and going up to 150 lbs. I get 2 sets with the 150's for 5 or 6 reps and after those 7 sets my traps are fried!

For real torture do upright rows (heavy), then barbell rows (heavy), then a few sets of "21's" with the dumbells. You won't be able to turn your head for a few days but it will be worth it! :eek:
Coopie said:
Agree! Never got better results than when I just hit the barbell rows HEAVY! 5 sets wide grip - 5 sets narrow grip - DONE! I also really like DB shrugs. I'll do 7 sets of them starting with 100 lb DB's and going up to 150 lbs. I get 2 sets with the 150's for 5 or 6 reps and after those 7 sets my traps are fried!

For real torture do upright rows (heavy), then barbell rows (heavy), then a few sets of "21's" with the dumbells. You won't be able to turn your head for a few days but it will be worth it! :eek:

You mean barbell shrugs instead of rows right? Just wondering.

I dont see the sense in 'rowing' during shrughs. Contract the muscle
with great resistance just like any other exercise. Its like doing a rowing type
movement for barbell rows (lats). Why?
vanilla gorilla said:
You mean barbell shrugs instead of rows right? Just wondering.


Yup - my bad - that's exactly what I meant! :eek:
Thanks to this board the past few weeks I have gotten into Calf Machine shrugs and I haven't looked back. Now I have direct leverage on my traps they have been worked and wasted unlike anything I have tried over the past 28 years! These are now a mainstay, a staple in my routine and I will be doing them till they nail me in that big wedged shaped box! :D
Freeweights over a machine any day. heavy barbell shrugs pull shoulders back and try to touch your shoulder to your ears. I had some half decent traps in a matter of 3 or 4 months or so. I would go very heavy though.

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