Using Dostinex for prolactin suppression - go with 0.5mg ED or EOD. I would start with the EOD and see how I feel/respond. Dostinex has a fairly long half-life so ED may not be necessary, and Dost is pretty potent stuff at suppressing prolactin. Also, some folks are more sensitive to it than others, so start slow (some people get nausea from it).
BTW, Dostinex's prolactin suppression will also help curb appetite and carb cravings (as it is purported to be leptin suppressive) and will make you hornier and in some cases able to have multiple orgasms (as prolactin suppression in males allows a reduction in post in the post orgasm refractory period, i.e. you're ready to go again very quickly).
Personally, as a diet aid, I think Dost is over-rated and expensive when compared to say T3 and Clen. As a sex aid, I'm not sure about its efficacy although it may help. As a prolactin suppressor, it is the SHIT.