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Question on volume of injection


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Aug 22, 2002
Before you answer please base it on experience, not on what you heard/parroted info....

Q: I have a "friend" who has the 2ml cyp (100mgs per ml) and he wants to go 1400mg per week. This would amount to 14mls. He likes to get his poke of test all in one day. Could he put 5 ml's in each glute and 2ml in each shoulder? Is 5ml ok for an area?

well me personaly I dont like using more than 3mls per glut and between 1-2 ml per site ( I preffer one), i gues im just a woes lol
hmmm, i think it may work, i am by no means an expert, but i have done almost 3 cc's in my bi's at a time, a cc of t400 and the rest t200 and i had no problems at all with that.

i see no reason why 2 cc's is bad for the shoulder.


it is not necessarily the volume that is bad, but the mgs and the BA/BB to suspend it. That's where you get your pain, knots, and crystalization. And 1ml would be too much of some of that stuff.

I'm sure Big A and Ry have done far more than my 25mls per week. With the right gear it is easy. I've done 20mls per week in my thighs alone by rotating sites up and down my thighs. I'm a thigh person. I know BigA is not a thigh person; I remember reading his thread on nerve damage on the Gade.

I've also done 5mls in each glute with no trouble and 3mls in each delt. None of that was done with anything over 200mgs and that was IP EQ. The rest was 75-150mg gear.

You could easily do: 3ml each thigh, 3ml each glute, 2ml per delt....

And to answer your question, he could do that if he chose to. But ultimately his body will tell him if it is possible. I can't do calf injects. Tried many times and my legs always swell up even on 1/2 cc. You have to experiment.


2 and 1/2 grams of gear total, remember it's low mgs per ml....

If you think that is high, wait until someone posts who does site injects and high volume...that will blow your mind.

C'mon Phil - sometimes (comp time) I poke myself up to 150 times a week, some shots with up to 3ml per site. Iwas competiting with RY a year ago or so and he only managed 120 shots a week :)

I've done up to 5ml of test en 250mg/ml in the glutes in one shot.
3ml of sus anywhere (bis, tris, shoulders, etc) - no problem and I do it all the time.
Man and I thought my 2cc in each shoulder a week was going too far...BOY AM I NOT WORRIED ANYMORE.

Ok...I guess to be extreme, you have to be willing to go to the extreme??? (Ultamite Warrior)
Yea, I thought I was HOT SHIT when I was doing 77 pokes a week until Ry and Big A told me what they did :p

I only did 3ml per shot max. Although I did 3ml in each bicep head (thats 4 pokes) 2X a day.

3ml anywhere

I see no reason to waste a syringe,and 3 cc is fine for any spot you choose.The only time I do less is if im using the synth and I do 1-2cc per head.Besides that I load up and shoot.I also shoot everday if possible,for even blood concentrations.I would never do what you propose by doing your whole weeks worth in one sitting,spread it out.......

For the answers fellas....I will go with what you said SB... For my friend I mean.

Wow I could not do that many pokes Big A.... Are they small pins?

forgot to mention: my buddy has 5ml syringes with 23 g 1 1/2 inch. He was just worried that 5mls would be too much.....

So the BA might be a little high maybe for the 5ml? I guess I will think of it this way : I have many times poked 2ml's of sust 250 and that was 500mgs and to get 500mgs of cyp it would be 5mls...

OK thanks again.

Also: what is it that causes cellulitis? I thought it as too much BA?
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Did i read this right?
C'mon Phil - sometimes (comp time) I poke myself up to 150 times a week, some shots with up to 3ml per site. Iwas competiting with RY a year ago or so and he only managed 120 shots a week
I poke myself 5 times a week (mainly b/c of prop) and i thought that was alot was 10 when taking syntheslen...

BUT 150 a week?? Big A does scar tissue start to build up for you guys. I have a friends who do FAR less shots and for my shorter time and they already are having a hard time poking in some areas b/c of scar tissue?!
WEll, you have to figure that these guys know every spot on the body to poke themselves?? Plus The SLIN and GH are not IM. I am sure those 2 products alone are few injections?
I'm with the no haired nazi. Splitting the shots up will keep an even concentration in your system. You wouldn't take 400g of protein for breakfast would you? JMO
depends on the muscle size , i know a bro who injects 5-6 ml in each of his quads without any worries . i can get in 3 ml in my delts easy, like i said , depends on the muscle size .
Re: Well

Can I consider myself natural then?? I need to find Lou Zwick and see If I can re-qualify for the Muscle Mania.

Stop rubbing your genes in my face! ;)
4 IGF-1 shots a day.
2 GH shots a day.
8 Syntherol shots a day.
2 Synthergine/Syntheselen shots a day.
Plus the gear, plus other things that I might be using - glucagon or insulin, etc.

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