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Question regarding pins in stores


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Nov 26, 2007
For those of you who get pins in stores, what is your reasoning behind getting them? I would mention hrt but I think they might ask me for proof of perscription but I'm not sure.

I know some Wal Marts and multiple different pharmacies sell them but I have no idea what to say if they ask for reasoning... I've always gotten them online but with the current situation I'm in it would be better if I could get them in my area asap. I've never had any problem buying slin pins but syringes are a whole different story.

Also, if this isn't ok to discuss I apologize in advance to mods. Thanks
First off try a mom and pop pharmacy bro. They usually don't care. Where I buy mine they NEVER ask questions ever. IF a place DOES ask, don't mention HRT because they will ask for proof of Rx. Tell them your friend/relative/doctor turned you on to trying injectable vit. b12 and they loaned you a few pins and you tried and youre appetite, mood, and energy has been going through the roof. B12 is not controlled as far as I know, so just tell them you take vit. B12 shots bro.

Hope it works out for ya!
or tell them its none of their business.
depending on where you're located, pins are otc, so it doesnt really matter.
i was asked ONCE, out of all the times ive purchased pins, and i said "id rather not talk about it" no problem.
I always order large quantities from our sponsors , so my house is stacked with sirynges. They are eveywhere, on the fridge, on the table. inside every cupboard lol
Tell them your russian doll is ill :p
You might wanna check the laws in your state because if it's like mine they have to sell them to you no matter what. Even if it's to shoot heroin or meth or whatever. Reason being they'd rather have people use clean needles than re-use them or share them and spread diseases. weird law I know :rolleyes:
In my state, they'll sell no more than ten at a time, and some stores won't see them at all without a prescription. You are better off ordering them online by the box. In the store, they usually don't ask what they are for. Just don't go into the store wearing a tight t shirt with your arms bulging out. ;)
it is a privacy issue and they cannot ask what you are going yo use them for. ive purchased them for a long time now from local pharmacies and have never had a problem.
NO problem in TEXAS albertsons pharmacy were i go never even ask why just how many. if they ask tell em injectable b12.
Thanks for the responses guys.

The only reason I'm even making this an issue is because I went into a pharmacy where I had purchased them before. It was no problem at all, just required to show an id and that was it. No questions, no issues. This time my friend said he would buy them so I walk up with him and he asks to get some. This cute girl working behind the counter then says she has to get so-and-so's permission to sell them to him. So this older lady comes up and starts hassling the shit out of my buddy asking questions like crazy. My friend even had a legit story about how his mom needed them but she couldnt drive because she had just had leg surgery. The funny thing is the story was true minus her needing him to pick them up for her. Well this lady, as she stares my friend in the eyes the whole time as hes telling the story decides that isnt a good enough reason and says she wont sell them to him. He even said well its legal to buy without a perscription and she said no the decision is up to me and I'm not going to sell them to you.

I'll definitely try the b12 if they ask this time.
it must not need a script if you have bought before so there just being a dick. try other pharmacy its really not a big deal but i know some cvs and walgreens and walmarts give hassles to some of my buddys. i have no probs with saveon at albertsons.
yeah, dont need a script here and i was waiting for some slins to come in the mail but needed some to hold me over...

Went to one store and the obese old pharmacy tech told me... "no, not without a prescription or an insulin vial in your name" so I told her ok... then give me them and a vial of Humalin... since dont need a script....

She said "no, not without a prescription... and i know you dont have one junkie, I can tell a heroin addict by the veins in your arms"

i walked out laughing so hard i couldnt breathe
yeah, dont need a script here and i was waiting for some slins to come in the mail but needed some to hold me over...

Went to one store and the obese old pharmacy tech told me... "no, not without a prescription or an insulin vial in your name" so I told her ok... then give me them and a vial of Humalin... since dont need a script....

She said "no, not without a prescription... and i know you dont have one junkie, I can tell a heroin addict by the veins in your arms"

i walked out laughing so hard i couldnt breathe

Obviously she has no idea what she is talking about because if you are a junkie you are more likely to have collapsed veins from shooting up too much. You are not going to look vascular from shooting up.
Obviously she has no idea what she is talking about because if you are a junkie you are more likely to have collapsed veins from shooting up too much. You are not going to look vascular from shooting up.

Even so wouldnt it be doing society a diservice by letting a junkie re-use the same needles and potentially spreading disease all over?? Some of the things that are contolled are just crazy..
Its not like that here.
What they have told me is its up to the Pharmacist. They have you wait and look like a fool and YES nearly every-time ask what you are using them for.

A LOT easier to just order them in.
My days of walking in and asking are Long gone :naughty:
U'd be a lot cheaper n safer to just grab ur goodies offline.. I would think.
I prefer to just push a button on my computer and wait.

Sterile Syringes even carries BD brand pins which are the smoothest pins I have used.
My state sells over the counter with no scrip needed. However the Rite aids, CVS stores etc are more expensive than the sponsors were. This may not be the case for places like Walmart but I just get them mailed now.

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