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Questions on rehab, ART, Deep tissue, Ultrasound Etc

Mojo Rising

New member
Jul 10, 2002
Well my show will be over in a week and during this time ive had acouple injuries. It seems i hit a nerve in my shoulder and its not quite as hard and shape is slightly different... like a small dent almost(hit a nerve obviously) and aggrivated some scar tissue in my chest. I was going to have some ART done on my shoulder and chest 2x a week for 2-4 weeks and some massage workout done in the same amount with some Ultrasound(deep penetrating heat)

With this i was going to take 2-3 weeks off from lifting with lots of joint formulas antioxidants and stretching.

Do you think this would help the injuries heal properly?? Also does anyone have any further suggestions??

Im guessing the nerve (or shape in the shoulder) will eventually heal or go back.

Thanks for any input as I cant seem to find many concrete answers.

I have a tens unit. Would this help at all with any nerve function?? Or is its only purpose to mask pain??

Post show i start up some deca, test, insulin so im hoping this with extra nutrition it heals up??:confused: :confused: :(
Tens is a very valuable piece of equipment...My dad got me one and I use it for everything..I also thought I had nerve damage but in turned out to be dead tissue..the tins got the muscle firing again. The thing with a nerve is you need to let it heal. They grow back 1cm a month..Very long process...If the damage is bad though it will not heal..You probally just damaged the sheeth of the nerve...If is like a tube that nerves run through...But like I said if it is severed then it will not heal...

After some times has passed I would start to use the tens as long as the nerve does not bother you...It iwll help to get the nerve firing again..

good luck..
Hey Mojo - I thought that I was the only person to do silly shit like hitting a nerve in the shoulder during precontest! :)

Mine was more like an oil bolus that was pushing against the nerve. It didn't change in appearance or deform it, just hurt WORSE than when I nearly tore off a rotator cuff muscle!

I was told that ultra sound would help, but never got around to it. It just took about 5-6 weeks to get back to normal :(

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Yea i tried to go more towards the front of the delt and it didnt seem to like it. Right now Im using the tens unit, ice and stretching. Once the show Is done i was going to take 2 weeks off and try out some of the rehab massages etc.

Do you guys think during the time off it would be good to work the rotator cuff muscles? I need to strengthen them due to a previous injury. Or do you think it best just to take the full 2 weeks off then slowly get back into it??
Re: Cool

Mojo Rising said:
Do you guys think during the time off it would be good to work the rotator cuff muscles? I need to strengthen them due to a previous injury. Or do you think it best just to take the full 2 weeks off then slowly get back into it??
You can do rotator cuff exercises now - on your days off (if you're taking off :) ). I didn't quit working shoulders - just backed off the amount of weight to where it didn't hurt too bad, in other words, PUSSY weights - LOL!

I would say to eat right and workout AFTER your contest as Big A says (and I did this time 'round) as it's your best time for growth. Don't rest through it, take advantage of it :D

Get the ART done. I had it done on both shoulders and it didn't take long to recover from it. My shoulders have been meesed up for many years and now they feel fantastic.

ART has really helped me in the past. But when I had my bad shot, I couldn't even lift my arm. No way in hell was I going to attempt ART under those conditions!


Well i got hooked up with someone very highly recommended and cant wait. Ill let you guys know how it goes, and hopefully i learn some and share the knowledge with this under used method of rehab.
The art is the shit, but if there's too much pain for that then go just like you've been doing, but add in some deep massage. It's a pain that feels ooh so good. I would stay away from the ultra sound, can create more problems than the good it does. I read some good articles at my chiro's office while waiting one day. He about flipped out when I asked about it also. Something about it creating too much heat in the injury and can possible burn the deep tissue and create more scaring. He worked on the Vikings staff and said that they would only using it in certain cases. Like knee injuries and shit, to look for ruptures.

Thanks for the input, seems like ill stick with my tens unit. A.r.t and deep tissue. I cant seem to have them go hard enough during deep tissue... i love the hurt. So i hope ART is rough, damn i sound like so kind S n M lover.... anyways. I go tomorrow and cant wait. Ill let you guys know how it goes, i have shoulder problems where incline bb and shoulder press just aggrivates the hell out of it... its been like 6 months since ihave pressed heavy... hopefully this is the answer.

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