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Quick heart attack story, I am a survivor

Did your cardiologist ask for your free and total test levels, 12 hour after you did injected the 100mg?

No he was concerned with the plaque in my arteries. And there wasn't any, but my heart was strong so he (both of them) told me to continue with my current protocol.
200mg is not TRT, 50mg to 70mg per week is more likely should be the TRT dose.

OK. But from a cardiac POV, 200 mg per week for 8+ years has given me no plaque and my heart is super strong. Which could be how I survived this heart attack. What would be the benefit to lowering the dose? I can't get my plaque any lower and my heart is already strong.
I will share a pic of my allergic reaction to the lisinopril. BTW although this LOOKS bad. In a split second, after the drug overdose, this became the least of my worries.

I assume my TROPONIN was zero (or very low) when I arrived in the hospital because I was not there for a heart issue. I just did a stress EKG proactively 2 months ago and passed with flying colors. I knew my heart was good. Then, they gave me a shot of EPI and anti-histamine cocktail that caused me to have a heart attack. It was IMMEDIATE once the drugs hit my system. My troponin was at 1800 and rising when they scheduled the angiogram. The angiogram came back with zero damage, zero blockages and no plaque! They called my episode a "drug induced coronary vasospasm."

BTW my cardiologist said he would have never given me epi to treat the allergic reaction i was having. Then, I was referred to an allergist doctor and he told me that epi does not work on allergic reactions to lisinopril. Essentially, if it occurs again (which it could even though I am off lisinopril), I need to go the ER to have them monitor my airway and I essentially need to ride it out.
unfortunately nothing works for ace inhibitors induced angioedema. But, they have to give you every drug in the books to cover their bases. If they didn’t, and your allergy wasn’t caused by lisiniprol, you’ll sue them
Interesting. Just had my renewal for cpr/first aid and my instructor touched on this. When she was in her early 20’s before she knew about any allergies, she went into anaphylactic shock and when she arrived at the emergency, they gave her a dose of epinephrine. They were unaware that she had alcohol in her system and it sent her into cardiac arrest and she had to be defibrillated.
Very glad you’re okay and you’ve received some reassurance into your current state of health!!
OK. But from a cardiac POV, 200 mg per week for 8+ years has given me no plaque and my heart is super strong. Which could be how I survived this heart attack. What would be the benefit to lowering the dose? I can't get my plaque any lower and my heart is already strong.
It can effect plaque indirectly, how is your cholesterol, triglyceride, calcium ?
It can effect plaque indirectly, how is your cholesterol, triglyceride, calcium ?
I have been on a statin for a couple years so my Cholesterol 127 (HDL 58). Triglycerides 59. Calcium was in normal range (not sure the exact number). Ejection fraction rate was 72. I had an angiogram, echocardiogram, standard EKG, etc. It sounds like my heart is G2G so I am sticking with my test dosage and supplements as recommended by the hospital cardiologist and my personal cardiologist. I am very grateful to be alive after this incident.

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