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Quick Tren A vs Tren E question


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2016
Doing research on cycle length I have seen a lot of people that say they run Tren E for 12 weeks but Tren A for just 8.
Considering that essentially they are the same compound what would the reasoning for this be?

I have run moderate dose , 300mg/wk, Tren E, with Test E & Mast E, for 14 weeks no problems. Blood work was fine, a little on the edge but still in healthy range. Any reason not to run moderate dose Tren A, Test P, Mast P for 12 weeks aside from the trouble of pinning every day?
Usually it’s that the user has had enough of the side effects brought on by Tren Ace after 8 weeks. Doesn’t mean you can’t run it longer though.

If you’re taking the proper precautions (supplemental & Rx) and everything looks good blood work wise then rock along.

Tren E Is used longer than A because it takes much longer to kick in. Tren E half life ~7 days (some sources say up to 11 days). Ace half life ~ 1-2 days.
Similar to NPP and Deca - both nandrolone just short and long ester. People just have different reasons for using them or some individual preferences.
Doing research on cycle length I have seen a lot of people that say they run Tren E for 12 weeks but Tren A for just 8.
Considering that essentially they are the same compound what would the reasoning for this be?

I have run moderate dose , 300mg/wk, Tren E, with Test E & Mast E, for 14 weeks no problems. Blood work was fine, a little on the edge but still in healthy range. Any reason not to run moderate dose Tren A, Test P, Mast P for 12 weeks aside from the trouble of pinning every day?
I think it’s just preference of cycle length and how your body responds. I know guys who run BOTH year round. 😂

For me I can handle Tren A without sides much longer (months if I wanted to) which is due to the ester and peak times. Much more controllable.

I can maybe get 4-5 weeks now on Tren E before I am done with it. But in my 20’s could run it 6 plus months with no issues.

You said that you had no issues with Tren E so you may have your answer. If it’s not broke don’t fix it. 😊

Tren A is great, but pinning does get old after a while. Comes down to preference, dosage, goals and tolerance.
I think it’s just preference of cycle length and how your body responds. I know guys who run BOTH year round. 😂

For me I can handle Tren A without sides much longer (months if I wanted to) which is due to the ester and peak times. Much more controllable.

I can maybe get 4-5 weeks now on Tren E before I am done with it. But in my 20’s could run it 6 plus months with no issues.

You said that you had no issues with Tren E so you may have your answer. If it’s not broke don’t fix it. 😊

Tren A is great, but pinning does get old after a while. Comes down to preference, dosage, goals and tolerance.
bolded makes no sense for me.
The sides should be less the more stable your blood levels are (same dosage). If you pin daily you should be more comfortable with Tren E / Tren Hex than with Tren A in theory.
What you says about Ester, peak times and "much more controllable" makes sense if it is your first run or your first run after a long off time of tren.
I would advise anyone who first starts out on tren or didnt use it for a longer period of time to start with Tren A and switch to a longer ester with the same injection intervall after around 2 weeks
bolded makes no sense for me.
The sides should be less the more stable your blood levels are (same dosage). If you pin daily you should be more comfortable with Tren E / Tren Hex than with Tren A in theory.
What you says about Ester, peak times and "much more controllable" makes sense if it is your first run or your first run after a long off time of tren.
I would advise anyone who first starts out on tren or didnt use it for a longer period of time to start with Tren A and switch to a longer ester with the same injection intervall after around 2 weeks
Well sure if you’re pinning Tren E daily. But how many guys are pinning Tren E daily? Lol

Most guys will do it once or twice a week which means the peaks won’t be as stable.

And if/when you do get the sides from tren it is much easier to clear them on Ace given how quick it clears your system.

At the end of the day some peoples body’s just respond different as I said in my previous post as well. I actually was on Tren E and couldn’t handle it anymore so moved to Ace and all issues went away.

Trust me I’ve done a lot of tren over the years and loved Tren E in my 20’s, but once I hit 30… just wasn’t the same so moved to Ace.

Have to find what you tolerate best and gives the least sides IMO.
Pining Tren A dail you get stable blood levels. Pining Tren E daily you get compounding levels. Pinning infrequently gets you highs and lows. I have less sides with Tren A daily as well.
Man i.used to get all kinds of side.on tren a now i.take about 75mgs eod and I got that great feeling with no known sides. Prior I would always run 100mg day and just set my goal to hang on for 30 days. I have some.E and I cant.wait to try it. I have a buddy that I trust says hes always on E.
The time lines don’t quite make sense.

12 weeks of Enanthate would be more like 16 because of the half lives creeping out slowly.

Enanthate does not take longer to “kick in”. If your gear is good, you’ll “feel” it within days or a week. Accumulation of muscle takes time for all compounds.

Acetate would leave quicker, but the drug itself would do its job. The drug causes all effects, good and bad.

Enanthate will eventually reach higher blood levels from overlapping long esters over the course of time. This could be where side effects creep in.

I’d prefer lower doses of long esters.
The time lines don’t quite make sense.

12 weeks of Enanthate would be more like 16 because of the half lives creeping out slowly.

Enanthate does not take longer to “kick in”. If your gear is good, you’ll “feel” it within days or a week. Accumulation of muscle takes time for all compounds.

Acetate would leave quicker, but the drug itself would do its job. The drug causes all effects, good and bad.

Enanthate will eventually reach higher blood levels from overlapping long esters over the course of time. This could be where side effects creep in.

I’d prefer lower doses of long esters.
I don't know if you and others are similar but the older I get the less I like short esters
I don't know if you and others are similar but the older I get the less I like short esters

I'd say the same. Cheaper per mg of active, less inject volume and frequency, easier to plan for logical reasons. But, I've actually thought about this some and not sure if it's age = experience/knowledge of own body, patience and planning, or maybe wisdom that once adequate drugs are present the magic is in our consistency of execution over time. Maybe a combo.

Not that I'm adverse but tren a is the only short ester I'll use anymore (I also use tren e) and I probably use it more like an oral when I do.
I'd say the same. Cheaper per mg of active, less inject volume and frequency, easier to plan for logical reasons.

Same. I pin EOD, and volume is the main reason. If I can pin half the volume, it’s a win-win in my book. If I have to take off for a week or so and miss a few shots, It hardly effects how I feel due to the long esters.
Definitely personal preference and reaction versus what everyone else says.
I don't know if you and others are similar but the older I get the less I like short esters
If I could do Tren E I completely would. I hate pinning the older I’ve gotten so agreed.

But will say I pin Ace EOD when I use it and notice absolutely NO difference than when I do it daily. I’ve tried both ways for extended periods.

Everything else I use (as you know) is longer acting generally. Even NPP I do EOD. Never seen the benefits from daily injections. 🤷‍♂️

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