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Real causes of EQ causing anxiety?

Which of the below have you heard and think is the cause of EQ causing anxiety?

  • EQ raises RBC H/H levels & if not training high volume you will experience anxiety from Viscosity ?

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • It has to do with the EQ lowering GABA levels?

    Votes: 10 29.4%
  • EQs metabolites will crush E2 levels depending on what dose of Test your using causing syptoms?

    Votes: 8 23.5%
  • None, its a learned disease from the forums and hearsay over the years and one is looking out for?

    Votes: 14 41.2%

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iron lifter

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2021
Over the years i have read, and heard many people discuss how the feel on anxiety. some of these people swear as soon as they stopped eq their anxiety went away. i too have experienced this, but i was aware of it and not sure
if it was a real physiological problem or mental problem.

I personally think the first choice seems logical, but than what about test, anadrol that also cause high RBC readings and zero anxiety?

2nd one has been talked about during the summit John Meadows was on that panel, by Christian Thibeadau and makes some sense to me

3rd one , if that's the case wouldn't primo masteron do the same?

4th one can be true for any compound actually.

Guess it remains a mystery.
It did that to me. A general edginess and worry. I struggle with anxiety regardless...it heighted it for me. Not worth it. Sucks because I'm into martial arts, and the RBC is supposed to really help. For me, I don't think it was just placebo. I know my body pretty well at this point. I think it has to do with the EQ lowering GABA levels...but I have 0 evidence to back this up...just a hunch.
If chemical compound can remove anxiety
then a chemical compound can cause anxiety.

I struggle greatly with anxiety and am on several medications for it. Pre meds I found as I got older my anxiety increased on EQ especially. I love the drug and for me it works as good as tren without the general nuttyness.(medical term). Ultimately I could not handle it but now anything steroid wise raises my anxiety though I am medicated now so I can manage it. So EQ is back in the mix. Why all that makes me qualified to answer this question I don't know. It seems most likely to me the simplest answer with the little we know about effects of EQ in humans would be number 2. Low levels of gaba can cause anxiety and if indeed EQ lowers it then boom.....Occam's razor
Well i was on gh15.org since lots of years.

All people at a certain point started cycling with low test high Tren high EQ and ALL had problems with anxiety.

The culprit wasn't EQ itself but the LOW TESTOSTERONE used.

If you just run: Test = EQ + Tren, hardly you will develop any anxiety.
Well i was on gh15.org since lots of years.

All people at a certain point started cycling with low test high Tren high EQ and ALL had problems with anxiety.

The culprit wasn't EQ itself but the LOW TESTOSTERONE used.

If you just run: Test = EQ + Tren, hardly you will develop any anxiety.
for me on EQ/test with 1:1 ratio my e2 shutdown.

Low e2 = anxiety.

Take more test with eq or primo
Good question, I was going to post a similar thread. Does anyone know if the anxiety is dose dependent? Would you still get it on 250mg EQ a week with test base?
Bonne question, j'allais poster un sujet similaire. Est-ce que quelqu'un sait si l'anxiété est dose-dépendante? L'obtiendriez-vous toujours avec 250 mg d'égalisation par semaine avec une base de test ?
d'après mon expérience, tout dépend de la quantité d'eq qui affecte votre e2. si tel est votre cas, il vous faut suffisamment de test pour aromatiser ou ajouter du dbol
Over the years i have read, and heard many people discuss how the feel on anxiety. some of these people swear as soon as they stopped eq their anxiety went away. i too have experienced this, but i was aware of it and not sure
if it was a real physiological problem or mental problem.
great discussion guys... so far i have gathered Run test 2-300mg higher than eq and be careful of other things that can impact E2 such as arimidex or other dht peds?

as far as the GABA is concerned not sure about that, might be dose and length related? i can't see gaba or low estrogen causing symptoms right out of the gate. must be dose and length ie over 600mg and longer than 6 plus weeks. this is why dave plaumbo rotates all the secondary compounds with test base every 6 weeks.
for me on EQ/test with 1:1 ratio my e2 shutdown.

Low e2 = anxiety.

Take more test with eq or primo

Did you check your estrone levels?
Sure EQ lowers E2 for me also, but It’s from EQ creating E1 instead of E2.
Even with high test EQ makes me feel a general edginess and worry (like mentioned above). I have also used it with supplemental GABA as well. The last time I had a panic attack was ages ago when I added a tiny dose of tren in. Eq didn't do that and I was building up the dose recently but it wasn't worth it because in certain parts of the day I would feel off and on edge so I dropped it. DHB does the same to me and it's annoying. I could bang in primo, npp, deca or winny etc and feel fine.
Good question, I was going to post a similar thread. Does anyone know if the anxiety is dose dependent? Would you still get it on 250mg EQ a week with test base?
I would say it is dose related and 250 mg/w is the normal dose from the 80s and it was not a problem in any circles I can remember.
Even with high test EQ makes me feel a general edginess and worry (like mentioned above). I have also used it with supplemental GABA as well. The last time I had a panic attack was ages ago when I added a tiny dose of tren in. Eq didn't do that and I was building up the dose recently but it wasn't worth it because in certain parts of the day I would feel off and on edge so I dropped it. DHB does the same to me and it's annoying. I could bang in primo, npp, deca or winny etc and feel fine.

I should add my dose last time I used eq was only 90mg every 2-3 days. I purposely started very low so 0.1m-0.3ml each dose. I am doing the same with DHB and now it's at 30mg (0.3ml) every 2-3 days. At the end of my eq dosing I decided to jump up to 0.5ml (150mg) and felt really off at certain times over the following week. After coming off that feeling faded away and then I restarted the DHB.
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Avez-vous vérifié vos niveaux d'estrone?
Bien sûr, l'égaliseur abaisse E2 pour moi aussi, mais c'est à partir de l'égaliseur créant E1 au lieu de E2.
I will do it. but I do not think to retake eq because of htc
I would say it is dose related and 250 mg/w is the normal dose from the 80s and it was not a problem in any circles I can remember.

Thank you. I was thinking of running TRT + 150mg or 250mg EQ per week for a little bit of extra gains but was very concerned about anxiety, blood pressure or any other side effects.

I would normally just increase TRT dose and not add EQ, but I am unfortunately very sensitive to estrogen as I am using Dutasteride.
Has anyone tried low dose SSRIs to combat tren paranoia/EQ anxiety?

I used to be on Effexor, SSNRI….and alongside tren….I would be a literal crazy person….like crying spells, extreme anger, zero fucks if I lived or died, zero empathy.

It was NOT a good place.
Let me rephrase that…..I’m not advocating adding SSRIs…….

Is anyone on SSRIs running tren/EQ, thst has done so in the past WIthout being on SSRIs? Can you tell a difference?
What ai is everyone using?

I made the switch from aomasin to arimidex.. was like hitting off a light switch for me... like anxiety GONE.

Also I'm not talking about larger doses of eq.. not 500mg.

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