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Rear Lat Spread Improvements thanks to John Meadows


IFBB PRO / Double Featured Member/Kilo Klub
Kilo Klub Member
Oct 3, 2005
The rear lat spread has never been a strong pose for me. Under the video link below is a picture from this year's Jr Nationals - I haven't fully flared my lats in the pic, but you can still see it's not a good pose for me. I just didn't have a lot of lat width.

Compare that pic to the video, taken on Friday. Granted I'm a lot heavier now, the lighting is different, etc. but I think the difference is pretty noticeable.

I attribute the majority of these gains to the new training style John Meadows has had me doing for the past 6 months.

YouTube - posing 12-10


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From the look of those wings, it looks llike your getting ready to take off!:headbang:

Nice improvements bud.
if you don't mind me asking bro, what does a typical shoulder workout look like for you?

lats have def. expanded :)
Big difference. What changed?
if you don't mind me asking bro, what does a typical shoulder workout look like for you?

lats have def. expanded :)

I hit shoulders after chest. We usually do a variety of laterals, rear delt work, and some front pressing on occasion too (at the very end of the workout, so we're not handling crazy weights at all).

Shoulders are another body part I need to bring up so John and I are revamping things come January to bring them up more.
Big difference. What changed?

Mainly the training change I mentioned in the first post. For a long time I trained with a low to moderate volume and focused on pulldowns and deadlifts. Now that John's in charge, I do a much wider variety of exercises (a LOT more rows) with different tempos, rep ranges, etc. and also quite a bit more volume than before. Intensity is still high though - it's not just a bunch of mindless sets.
Looking huge. It looks as though you have put a lot more width on in the video... Looks like your training is working like a Mofo!!
Shelby,you have def have thicken up...your offseason is being very plentiful to you, awesome:cool::headbang:
Man - you are looking thick as hell, bro! Can't believe the amount of mass you put on! It willbe great to see you do your cut next year!

How many calories/ meals are you consuming atm?
Looking huge. It looks as though you have put a lot more width on in the video... Looks like your training is working like a Mofo!!

Shelby,you have def have thicken up...your offseason is being very plentiful to you, awesome:cool::headbang:

Man - you are looking thick as hell, bro! Can't believe the amount of mass you put on! It willbe great to see you do your cut next year!

How many calories/ meals are you consuming atm?

Thanks guys. I eat 8 meals per day right now. Calories are probably around 5,000.
Thanks guys. I eat 8 meals per day right now. Calories are probably around 5,000.

Wow - 5K! maybe that's why i am not gaining weight - only eating 4100K. BTW It's great reading your posts and looking at your pics - thanks for posting - it motivates me cause i am a young lad of 51 and started doing this later in life - it's so great to see the success you are having - you are in your 40's, right? totally busts my preconception that you can only affect change to your physique in your 20's!:headbang:
Wow - 5K! maybe that's why i am not gaining weight - only eating 4100K. BTW It's great reading your posts and looking at your pics - thanks for posting - it motivates me cause i am a young lad of 51 and started doing this later in life - it's so great to see the success you are having - you are in your 40's, right? totally busts my preconception that you can only affect change to your physique in your 20's!:headbang:

I'm 33 actually.

I've never had great genetics for bodybuilding though. When I graduated from high school I was about 150 pounds and wasn't lean or strong by any stretch of the imagination.

Good luck with your bodybuilding - 51 is still young.
Those lats are there now! BIG difference! BIG improvement! It will be very cool to see the comparison when you diet down next year.
Lats are coming along nice, good job man
I know you were very big into DC training and actually even did a video over on RX while being interviewed by Palumbo.

Do you feel it wasn't working? or just looking for a change? just curious as I have been seeing many guys as of late getting away from that type of training for one reason or another.
you can see a difference, your def. putting on some
serious mass there you have an off-season rear lat to compare???

its hard to decifer because its a show pic

i really cant wait to see the difference on stage though

i find it remarkable, the differences your making now
after youve already had years and years of training
its a rare a second wind

enjoy it

looking pretty thick there..

to me it also looks like your arms have gotten a bit thicker, any changes in training approach there also?
I know you were very big into DC training and actually even did a video over on RX while being interviewed by Palumbo.

Do you feel it wasn't working? or just looking for a change? just curious as I have been seeing many guys as of late getting away from that type of training for one reason or another.

I was making okay progress with DC training but figured it was time for something new.
I had seen the progress Brad Davis (bboy) had made with just a couple months of John's leg training protocols, so I decided to give it a try. I've been using the higher volume stuff for 6 months now and it's paid off in pretty much every body part.

you can see a difference, your def. putting on some
serious mass there you have an off-season rear lat to compare???

its hard to decifer because its a show pic

i really cant wait to see the difference on stage though

i find it remarkable, the differences your making now
after youve already had years and years of training
its a rare a second wind

enjoy it


I'll attach a pic from last offseason.. it's the closest one I can find to the same conditions.

looking pretty thick there..

to me it also looks like your arms have gotten a bit thicker, any changes in training approach there also?

Yes, all body parts are being trained with the new style now. Much more volume for arms.


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