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Recent Bloods and comparison to 5 weeks ago.


Verified Customer
Verified Customer
Aug 20, 2024
First lot of bloods were end of cycle with two orals in and I'd been on 3 antibiotics cos of H pylori. Latest bloods we're 5 weeks no orals at all and trt of 100mg a week, then the last week was 150mg with 50mg x 3 with this been drawn 48 hours after. Didn't train 24 hours before but did do sauna/cold plunge and some light cardio. Was on more GH just before the second lot of bloods too.

I do take citrus bergamot, NAC, tudca, nattokinsae, pygnogenol, gluathione and loads more health wise too.

With my upper gh dosage that can affect cholestrol and ck to I think?


Main areas for concern is LDH, lower than last time by a lot though. CK has gone up. Cholestrol got worse even though been off orals for a bit.

Heamatocrit down from 58 to 53.
TIBC has gone up and was already high gone from 90 to 95...what causes this?

Transferrin saturation improved massively.

HDL and LDL got WORSE, yet been OFF orals for 4 weeks and on a lot of stuff for cholestrol like critus bergamot etc, strange one?

Creatine kinase has gone UP from 376 to 540 and i made sure I did not train 24 hours before this. Maybe next time i'll do 48 hours no training, cardio, sauna.

My CK in the past hasn't been high as CK in July mid cycle as 256....so anything that can cause this or anything we can do to help? and bloods 2023 CK was 218.

Diabetes wise, HBA1c is good but has gone up from 23 to 32, Insulin has gone down from 81.6 to 19 and C peptide also got worse from 2.37 to 1.02 which is now under low..... last lot of bloods i was on maybe 2-4iu, this time before this i was running 8-12iu a day, so i imagine that why those have worsened and if continued I'd need metformin?

EGFR was good but even better this time.

LDH was super high last time at 950, still high now but down to 515

SHBG in a better spot, estrogen a bit high


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Antibiotics I’ve been told can raise CK levels too so they should drop.

Not sure why my TIBC is so high

ApoB came back low which was a positive too!
Were you fasted for both blood tests?
Were you fasted for both blood tests?
yes I was this above was Monday morning. I’d trained Saturday so maybe need to take a few days off before next ones.

cystatin c came back nice and low
Why are you posting all of this? You seriously want people to follow all of that and give their opinion? You need a coach or to pay a doctor. This is just all over the place, this reads like vomit.

First they complained when athletes were dropping that no one is getting bloodwork.

Now they complaint that people are posting too much bloodwork. If you don’t want to help just respectfull, don’t post. No need to berate anyone for their knowledge or lack off.

Personally I enjoy viewing labs. In an area that lacks research in medicine (heavy AAS use) labs and studies posted by people allow you to see patterns.
Why are you posting all of this? You seriously want people to follow all of that and give their opinion? You need a coach or to pay a doctor. This is just all over the place, this reads like vomit.
Follow what ? Did you wake up on the wrong side of bed? I always feel it takes someone really miserable to comment something negative. Imagine someone working on improving themselves and you come in and try out someone down.

Another guy posted bloods and got feedback and I’ve clarified my concerns. Have an amazing day
First they complained when athletes were dropping that no one is getting bloodwork.

Now they complaint that people are posting too much bloodwork. If you don’t want to help just respectfull, don’t post. No need to berate anyone for their knowledge or lack off.

Personally I enjoy viewing labs. In an area that lacks research in medicine (heavy AAS use) labs and studies posted by people allow you to see patterns.

Appreciate that!
How’s diet and cardio been since you can off the blast
You mean the higher dose GH for 2-3 weeks, AAS dose were still pretty low, like 200 test, 300 mast and small dose of tbol and var. Last 4-5 weeks just been TRT dose of around 100-120mg a week Test E split dose.

Last few weeks been good, lowered protein a bit, gone to mediterranean diet, fish, rice, veg, mct oil, etc and upped fats and carbs staying around maintenance cals. Cardio 30mins LISS fasted in the morning. GH is just 3iu per day atm roughly too

Enjoying the food for sure!

Appreciate the reply
I just got SYNTHETEKS liver protectant through, so will see what impact that has on ALT/AST etc...

My other supps that have tudca, etc in....now I'm taking this split twice a day does that mean I can reduce those?

Also got the syntheselen so will try pre cardio and report back.

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