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Recent SPAM Influx


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Mar 4, 2003
I'm sure many ProMusclers have noticed the huge influx of spam & BS advertisements in the past 2-3weeks....does anyone know why..? Are We advertised someplace people looking to peddle crap would frequent..?
i noticed this too, was wondering the same thing.... its been pretty bad lately
its cyclical. every so often you see a huge spike in the amount of spam around here, then it drops off. Luckly the spikes are much much shorter than the spam free periods. as for a specific reason as to how and why these spammers seem to operate this way, i dont have a clue.
easy... it helps increase the amount of "registered users". In order to spam they have to register first
easy... it helps increase the amount of "registered users". In order to spam they have to register first

You were not just implying that the Mods/Board owner are letting this happen to increase the registered user count were you. I can tell you first hand how much of a pain in the ass these spammers are, so I hope that was not the case.
You were not just implying that the Mods/Board owner are letting this happen to increase the registered user count were you. I can tell you first hand how much of a pain in the ass these spammers are, so I hope that was not the case.

100% correct.

Spammers are "page hits" or "page views". Therefore you can charge more for advertising.

Besides as posted here:


you can easily defeat vbulletin spam if you wanted to forever.
They are not making enough of a hit in the page view/member counter to let A charge more for advertising. All they are is an annoyance that we all have to deal with. You are a little misguided with your thinking with this one.
100% correct.

Spammers are "page hits" or "page views". Therefore you can charge more for advertising.

Besides as posted here:


you can easily defeat vbulletin spam if you wanted to forever.

You are a retard. Every single new registration gets personally approved by a mod. If there is the smallest chance that they are a spammer they get registration denied. The ones that pass through are not bots but they are real people that intentionally try to spam and nothing more.
Dickheads like you piss me off so much with your idiotic conspiracy theories.
You are a retard. Every single new registration gets personally approved by a mod. If there is the smallest chance that they are a spammer they get registration denied. The ones that pass through are not bots but they are real people that intentionally try to spam and nothing more.
Dickheads like you piss me off so much with your idiotic conspiracy theories.

Hey Big A, "it aint easy being a dick"

bahahaha sorry couldnt resist :p

On a serious note, why the hell would anyone want spammers? Would a logical person not conclude that this would only drive members away from the board?
You are a retard. Every single new registration gets personally approved by a mod. If there is the smallest chance that they are a spammer they get registration denied. The ones that pass through are not bots but they are real people that intentionally try to spam and nothing more.
Dickheads like you piss me off so much with your idiotic conspiracy theories.

:p:D bwahahah...Let him check out the banned forum;)You see those little spamming bastids going to town in there!
So we (the board) can charge more for the Banners :rolleyes:
Did he really just say that. What a dipshit.

Anyone that knows BigA at all should know he has provided a home forum for us for Many many years. And that was 100% free of charge and out of HIS pocket.
Thats never letting the board get shut-down...Never One time asking his members for donations or for help to keep it up and running.

Banners are fairly new compared to how long we have been around.
New guys probably wouldn't know or understand.
Anyone that knows BigA at all should know he has provided a home forum for us for Many many years. And that was 100% free of charge and out of HIS pocket.
Thats never letting the board get shut-down...Never One time asking his members for donations or for help to keep it up and running.

I agree with this statement. I am not going to say much but some people dont know BigA very well but he is very generous and gives away alot out of his pocket. This forum has more sponsers than any other forums I know. Without BigA generosity and he keeps the board running is something we all should be thankful.

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