Hey bro,
I did my shoulder quite bad about 5-6 years ago. Got to the point that I couldn't adjust my pillow sleeping, just reaching up hurt too much.
First thing I did, was obviously I had to stop training for a bit. When I rehab'd I did some water resistant work. Now my strength is close to what it was even though I primarily train for MMA\boxing (I did this as a kid, took a break and hit the weights hard and the last two years have more or less gone back to it, it's my truer love). Stretching is IMO the most neglected thing I have seen from BBs. I actually prefer to think of my stretch time as essential to my workout, I call it the flexibility training element, so that I think of it not as a warm up, but a seperate training phase all of its own. Most elite athletes in other sports do this; I have always wondered why BB's don't take it more seriously.
Anyway I would reccomend very highly that you use a rope or rubber band type thing if you can get it to put good tension on your cuff as you stretch. This has helped me tremendously. BAsically, I just use enough tension to make my cuff work, without overloading it, but when I am done with it, I feel a good warm prelim pump. Poloquin used to have some articles on this, I can't find them anymore, but maybe a bit of a search will yield some results.
Good luck bro...remember that although you might put some extra time into it, it is a neccessary investment; fuck up your cuffs, and you can kiss your training good bye for a long time.