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Second Show


New member
Jan 11, 2013
Currently 6 months out from my second comp in the bikini division. I didn't maintain much of a diet since my last show (April '12). So, I'm 16% BF now, 140 lbs, 5' 9" and 24 y/o. I was on pretty high doses of winny (40-50 mg/day) last time, def do lower doses this time. Also took clen and t3 daily, (2 weeks on, 2 weeks off, with the clen) and carb cycled for contest prep at about 3 months from my last show. I do a 5 day split for my lifting schedule: Mon- back, tues-hamstring, glutes, wed-arms, -thursday- off/cardio, fri-legs, sat- cardio/off, sun- chest/shoulders. Would love to hear any suggestions this time around. Thanks all!
Currently 6 months out from my second comp in the bikini division. I didn't maintain much of a diet since my last show (April '12). So, I'm 16% BF now, 140 lbs, 5' 9" and 24 y/o. I was on pretty high doses of winny (40-50 mg/day) last time, def do lower doses this time. Also took clen and t3 daily, (2 weeks on, 2 weeks off, with the clen) and carb cycled for contest prep at about 3 months from my last show. I do a 5 day split for my lifting schedule: Mon- back, tues-hamstring, glutes, wed-arms, -thursday- off/cardio, fri-legs, sat- cardio/off, sun- chest/shoulders. Would love to hear any suggestions this time around. Thanks all!

The first thing i would do is get off all your sups !! 50m winsrol is way to high for a woman especialy one not trying to add a lot of muscle and even still their are far better options than high dose of one drug.

So id suggest get off everything , get your diet squared away where you are making decient progress then as needed add in some sups but again for a women just wanting to get leaner i can't see needing over 10-15 mg anavar and maybe some nolvadex the last stretch before a show unless you are trying to drug your self lean to make up a poor diet.

If its at all possible hire a trainer and that would be your best bet , let then help you figure out what works best for your body.
Getting your nutrition figured out will allow you to use far less (if any at all) drugs wich means far less bad sides.

You training seem decient if its working for you
Solid advice from Gunsmith.
I agree, take time off from all supps for now.
I also agree that 10 mgs of var a day would be plenty for you, when prep time comes, if ANYTHING. You probably do not need the whinny.

My question to you is, what did the judges tell you needed to be improved? What did you feel your weaknesses were? I could give you advice until my face turned blue, but it's better to get advice on things that you know need improvement on.

How did you do in the last comp? Can you post up some pics from the last comp and what you currently look like?

Also, WELCOME to promuscle!!! :welcome::D
Thanks guys. I got 3rd in my height class. I'll post pics today. I asked the judges and they were supposed to email my score card but I never got it. I haven't been on any supps since may. So besides the 1, 3 dime in my preworkout I'm officially natural. :) I know I need to add mass to my flutes so I've added dead lifts and super set butt blaster and hamstring curls to my schedule. As far as my back side I take yohimbine as part of my fat burner stack in the am and before bed pre contest. And I do have a trainer.
You forgot the most important exercise for glutes- SQUATS! Tip #1- do squats. ;)
Thanks guys. I got 3rd in my height class. I'll post pics today. I asked the judges and they were supposed to email my score card but I never got it. I haven't been on any supps since may. So besides the 1, 3 dime in my preworkout I'm officially natural. :) I know I need to add mass to my flutes so I've added dead lifts and super set butt blaster and hamstring curls to my schedule. As far as my back side I take yohimbine as part of my fat burner stack in the am and before bed pre contest. And I do have a trainer.

Does your "trainer" advise you on your diet and "supplement" use or just the training??

Squats are great for hitting the glute.
Trade that winny in for some var next time around, much more feminine freindly.
Oh yes, I do squats!! And yes trainer advises on supps, diets and training.

here are the promised pics


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And yes trainer advises on supps, diets and training.

Not to sound like a butthole but you need to fire him before he kills your liver and turns you into a sheman , any trainer that advises a woman to take 50mg of winstrol is an idiot and has no buisness advisng ANYBODY on drug use , people that try to "drug" their clients into shape do so to make up for their poor training/dieting advice
(again sorry if i seem harsh but things like this realy bug me)

Their are several guys here that im certain could get you where you want to be and do it ALOT healthier.

As i mentioned before i highly doubt that you would need more than a low dose of anavar and maybe some nolvadex at the end to come in on target

Hell im faily certain that if you posted up your diet and training regment that the good people here would offer some advice i mean after all their is an IFBB pro competitor chiming in
50 mg damn thats what i used to take and im not 120lbs, fella above is absolutely right
I should mention in the photo above I'm the one in the green. But I got 3rd and the girl in red got 2nd.
I should mention in the photo above I'm the one in the green. But I got 3rd and the girl in red got 2nd.

Im now sure what judges look for when judging women , personally I would have had you placed above the woman in the red , but somtimes girls get to lean sometimes to dry and somtimes you can look the same and judges will place you differently , its dumb.

You are beautiful and have a great body , where are you now as opposed to these pics are far as your physique goes?
When is your next show?
Right now I'm about 16% bf, at that show I was about 9%. I was 125 lbs now I'm 140. The next show is June 22nd.
Im now sure what judges look for when judging women , personally I would have had you placed above the woman in the red
agreed. i dont know what they look for either but her hips would have been a red flag for me. you had her beat hands down in my opinion.
agreed. i dont know what they look for either but her hips would have been a red flag for me. you had her beat hands down in my opinion.

Every show the judges seem to look for something different. No thanks. You look great, thanks for joining - you should receive a lot of helpful advice from some very experienced people on this board. Ask a lot of questions and maybe you can avoid some of the mistakes everyone seem to make.

And Yikes on the 50 of Winny. My joints would crack like glass. Gunsmith is right on with the coaches who advocate mega doses - it's for their benefit.
Currently 6 months out from my second comp in the bikini division. I didn't maintain much of a diet since my last show (April '12). So, I'm 16% BF now, 140 lbs, 5' 9" and 24 y/o. I was on pretty high doses of winny (40-50 mg/day) last time, def do lower doses this time. Also took clen and t3 daily, (2 weeks on, 2 weeks off, with the clen) and carb cycled for contest prep at about 3 months from my last show. I do a 5 day split for my lifting schedule: Mon- back, tues-hamstring, glutes, wed-arms, -thursday- off/cardio, fri-legs, sat- cardio/off, sun- chest/shoulders. Would love to hear any suggestions this time around. Thanks all!

which show are you doing
Wow 50mg of Winny? That's crazy for bikini! Thats a bodybuilding dose! You look amazing in the pics...BEAUTIFUL! Good luck in your next show!

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