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Seizure email

Again.. how did this shipping company know how to reach you via email ? How did they know your email address?
The only party involved that knows this shipment belongs to your email address is the vendor.

This was the first question that popped into my head. Big 'ol scam!
I could be so rich if only I were without a conscience. This is so easy.

1. Set up an ecommerce site that looks totally legit and accepts bitcoin. Good graphics, etc. Claim to sell something illegal or grey area such as AAS, marijuana, CBD, whatever.
2. Take orders. Wait until BTC arrives from suckers.
3. Your 2nd site is just a front delivery/tracking site of a fake carrier. It's totally fake also.
4. Demand the consumer send you even more money. Demand a ridiculous amount. For any ridiculous reason.
5. Wait until the consumer contacts authorities for their possibly illegal defunct transaction (WILL NEVER HAPPEN).

Finally this time, get the 12-cyl engine.

6. Then just try to enjoy those luxuries with a guilt-free conscience if you can. (I can't)
If you can't tell yet, you got scammed. Sorry, bro.
the way that's formatted gives it away as fake bs, I don't even have to read it.
Made a small order to a domestic....2 10ml test E and some clen and t-bol....very light...it ships thru airfaxe...I get a seizure email saying they scanned it and it contained AAS...then they said if I show proof of a steroid card They will process the order?? I've never heard of this..am I being punk'd lol? Also...what happens if I don't respond to the email? ...this is all new to me..
You need to post up this website so we know who to avoid.
Also, I've got a few spare minutes. I wouldn't mind looking into them. Send them some FAQ e-mails and see how they respond, etc.
Demand to speak to their manager.
Expose the scammer. 20 years ago we had scammer lists on forums, names, address, pics of schools. Why do we now days just accept it? Granted it's probably some site he found on Google, scum is still scum. Some countries you steal you lose a hand.
Love it OP been a here since 2009 and never contributed. But now I'm nervous and need help please guys help

Cmon guys really
Omfg look at the email letter! Physician with cap P in the middle of sentence, then the Indian dude copy pasted the penalties. Lol

Are you really that pendejo?
A member here for over a decade and yet you declined to use the reputable sponsors here????? With some being in this game for 2-3 decades!!! What in the world made you make that decision???

I’m guessing this is a bullshit thread, but if it isn’t, please visit the sponsor section here and READ. Make an educated decision after that.

A member here for over a decade and yet you declined to use the reputable sponsors here????? With some being in this game for 2-3 decades!!! What in the world made you make that decision???

I’m guessing this is a bullshit thread, but if it isn’t, please visit the sponsor section here and READ. Make an educated decision after that.

I have a feeling i know what may have happened

OP saw a website that probably accepts debit card or credit card to buy steroids because crypto or WU all seem kinda hard for him
I knew of someone who sent some pre-filled syringes to a friend through the mail in country. When they received the package it had tape on it and the pre-filled syringes were gone. The friend's guess, considering that the package had two syringes side by side was that the X-ray, seeing two metallic wire like objects side by side (the needles) it thought it was looking at something else entirely but that when they opened it they realized it was not something dangerous but they nonetheless seized the pre-filled syringes and that was that, no letter, nothing.

I would rest assured, this is a scam, the real post office is not going to sweat you over something this small and certainly not by email

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