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Spironolactone… strange question about antiandrogen properties. I would really appreciate any experts weighing in.


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Apr 8, 2012
The past couple of years, my wife noticed that it has been a little more difficult to get her body to react to exercise and die the way had in years past. Last year, we had a full panel of bloodwork done, and her doctor put her on progesterone and a small amount of testosterone. Nothing performance-enhancing, just enough to bring her hormones back to where they should be (she’s 56).

Full disclosure, when she starts dieting for her upcoming summer/fall contests, we will utilize some primo, anadrol/anavar/winstrol in small amounts. However, none of this is currently being used.

Everything was clicking along, wonderfully, her body composition shifted back to where it should be, and her body was again reacting to nutrition and training the way that it had previously. However, a few months ago, she started noticing some acne on her face. Now, even before the HRT began, she’s always had intermittent issues with acne. Her doctor put her on Spironolactone, 25 mg in the morning, and 50 mg before bed.

After this, we slowly noticed that her body composition began to shift again. In the wrong direction. Additionally, her sex drive was down (I was fully prepared to chalk that up to the fact that she married a hideous fucking C.H.U.D., but she assures me that that is not the case!😂).
We analyzed all of her training and nutrition supplementation, and the only thing that had changed over that four month period was the addition of Spironolactone. After doing a little digging, I discovered that in addition to it being a medication used for acne, as well as a diuretic (affections, we all know), it also acts as an anti-androgen.

Reading further, I saw that it is something that is given to men that are transitioning to female, although the amounts utilized were upwards of 200 mg per day.

This brings me to my question… Could this Spironolactone be blocking the absorption of the testosterone by her androgen receptors, thus negating the effects of the HRT? With all of the reading that I have done, I can’t find a clear indication of whether it blocks the production of testosterone, or the attachment to the androgen receptor.

We thought that it might be having some negative effect, so I suggested that she titrate the dose down, but she stopped cold turkey. It’s been about two weeks now, and her acne has not re-emerged, and the only difference that either of us can tell is that there seems to be some kind of rebound from the loss of the diuretic effect and she’s holding water like someone would a week after for competition.

If anyone has any knowledge of this compound under these circumstances, I would love to hear your feedback. I know she was only on 75 mg per day, but I figured that just as people can be hyper responders to androgens, it could be the same with a drug like Spironolactone.

That was kind of a scattergun method of giving information and asking a question, but this one has me stumped, and I would appreciate some help! Thanks in advance.
My wife had the exact same issue, practically the exact same scenario.

Spironolactone (Aldactone) antagonizes the androgen receptors at various sites, making incoming androgens partially ineffective.

My wife had the exact same issue, practically the exact same scenario.

Spironolactone (Aldactone) antagonizes the androgen receptors at various sites, making incoming androgens partially ineffective.

So did you just ask the doctor for a different acne medication?
Yes, it acts as an AR blocker and will blunt the effects of exogenous Testosterone, especially for women, who are on super low amounts.

The other issue is getting off of it, most (women) will gain a lot of water retention quickly after. Have her slowly taper-off if she d/c's it.
So did you just ask the doctor for a different acne medication?

There was a post over at TID on this same thing, actually it was mentioned within a different thread topic. One of the guys who mentioned the above, Wilson6, is one of the smartest guys i've learned from on the forums. His wife was prescribed test for health reasons, but the doc added in spironolactone as well to help with acne. He mentioned the above (my last post), about how her results and sex drive took a nose-dive, but it helped with acne. When coming off, she gained a ton of water and muscle weight. It took about 4 weeks to get it back under control.

He noted that GHK-cu has helped her with acne as well as sun-aged skin dexterity, using 2mg/d. He stated it cleared up her acne quickly. It may be a better alternative.
So did you just ask the doctor for a different acne medication?
First was a course of 0.025% topical tretinoin for 8 weeks that resulted in skin burns and painful peeling. A break for a month, then a 6 week course of azelaic acid (I cannot remember the dose) but also resulted in burning skin and scabs.

She ended up switching her Estrogen+progesterone birth control to progesterone only (norethindrone), supplementing with 50mg/day DHEA, and that seems to yield the best results for her.
Thanks for the responses & input, guys… Greatly appreciated!
There was a post over at TID on this same thing, actually it was mentioned within a different thread topic. One of the guys who mentioned the above, Wilson6, is one of the smartest guys i've learned from on the forums. His wife was prescribed test for health reasons, but the doc added in spironolactone as well to help with acne. He mentioned the above (my last post), about how her results and sex drive took a nose-dive, but it helped with acne. When coming off, she gained a ton of water and muscle weight. It took about 4 weeks to get it back under control.

He noted that GHK-cu has helped her with acne as well as sun-aged skin dexterity, using 2mg/d. He stated it cleared up her acne quickly. It may be a better alternative.
The past couple of years, my wife noticed that it has been a little more difficult to get her body to react to exercise and die the way had in years past. Last year, we had a full panel of bloodwork done, and her doctor put her on progesterone and a small amount of testosterone. Nothing performance-enhancing, just enough to bring her hormones back to where they should be (she’s 56).

Full disclosure, when she starts dieting for her upcoming summer/fall contests, we will utilize some primo, anadrol/anavar/winstrol in small amounts. However, none of this is currently being used.

Everything was clicking along, wonderfully, her body composition shifted back to where it should be, and her body was again reacting to nutrition and training the way that it had previously. However, a few months ago, she started noticing some acne on her face. Now, even before the HRT began, she’s always had intermittent issues with acne. Her doctor put her on Spironolactone, 25 mg in the morning, and 50 mg before bed.

After this, we slowly noticed that her body composition began to shift again. In the wrong direction. Additionally, her sex drive was down (I was fully prepared to chalk that up to the fact that she married a hideous fucking C.H.U.D., but she assures me that that is not the case!😂).
We analyzed all of her training and nutrition supplementation, and the only thing that had changed over that four month period was the addition of Spironolactone. After doing a little digging, I discovered that in addition to it being a medication used for acne, as well as a diuretic (affections, we all know), it also acts as an anti-androgen.

Reading further, I saw that it is something that is given to men that are transitioning to female, although the amounts utilized were upwards of 200 mg per day.

This brings me to my question… Could this Spironolactone be blocking the absorption of the testosterone by her androgen receptors, thus negating the effects of the HRT? With all of the reading that I have done, I can’t find a clear indication of whether it blocks the production of testosterone, or the attachment to the androgen receptor.

We thought that it might be having some negative effect, so I suggested that she titrate the dose down, but she stopped cold turkey. It’s been about two weeks now, and her acne has not re-emerged, and the only difference that either of us can tell is that there seems to be some kind of rebound from the loss of the diuretic effect and she’s holding water like someone would a week after for competition.

If anyone has any knowledge of this compound under these circumstances, I would love to hear your feedback. I know she was only on 75 mg per day, but I figured that just as people can be hyper responders to androgens, it could be the same with a drug like Spironolactone.

That was kind of a scattergun method of giving information and asking a question, but this one has me stumped, and I would appreciate some help! Thanks in advance.
I’ve always read that this is true. In practice I’ve always taken aldactone last week before show with no issues but I’m male and only took it for a few days but again I’ve heard and read over and over that this is true so I believe it is. My secondary question is how a diuretic cures acne?
I’ve always read that this is true. In practice I’ve always taken aldactone last week before show with no issues but I’m male and only took it for a few days but again I’ve heard and read over and over that this is true so I believe it is. My secondary question is how a diuretic cures acne?
I was surprised by this too...
I’ve always read that this is true. In practice I’ve always taken aldactone last week before show with no issues but I’m male and only took it for a few days but again I’ve heard and read over and over that this is true so I believe it is. My secondary question is how a diuretic cures acne?
As a diuretic, "Aldosterone, a component of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, binds to its receptors at the distal tubules and collecting duct and causes sodium reabsorption and potassium secretion, increased vascular stiffness and remodeling, and increased cardiac inflammation, fibrosis, and remodeling. Spironolactone specifically works by competitively blocking aldosterone receptor-mediated action. The effect of the blockade is that sodium reabsorption with water retention does not occur, and there is increased potassium retention."

For acne: "Spironolactone, a synthetic 17-lactone steroid, acts as a non-selective mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist with moderate affinity for both progesterone and androgen receptors [15]. Spironolactone is predominantly utilized in clinical practice as a potassium-sparing diuretic, however it has been used off-label for acne since the 1980s. A reduction in sebum may be achieved by blocking dihydrotestosterone binding to the androgen receptor within sebocytes and inhibiting androgen-induced sebocyte proliferation [16, 17]. The systemic effects of spironolactone on adrenal synthesis of androgen precursors may also contribute to clinical efficacy, although at therapeutic doses this may be unlikely [18]. The diuretic effect of spironolactone may benefit women who experience a premenstrual acne flare associated with fluid retention "

I’ve always read that this is true. In practice I’ve always taken aldactone last week before show with no issues but I’m male and only took it for a few days but again I’ve heard and read over and over that this is true so I believe it is. My secondary question is how a diuretic cures acne?
According to what I was able to find regarding the mechanism of action, It appears to act at two sites: it blocks androgens at the hair follicle/sebaceous gland and it reduces the secretion of androgens from the adrenal gland.
As a diuretic, "Aldosterone, a component of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, binds to its receptors at the distal tubules and collecting duct and causes sodium reabsorption and potassium secretion, increased vascular stiffness and remodeling, and increased cardiac inflammation, fibrosis, and remodeling. Spironolactone specifically works by competitively blocking aldosterone receptor-mediated action. The effect of the blockade is that sodium reabsorption with water retention does not occur, and there is increased potassium retention."

For acne: "Spironolactone, a synthetic 17-lactone steroid, acts as a non-selective mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist with moderate affinity for both progesterone and androgen receptors [15]. Spironolactone is predominantly utilized in clinical practice as a potassium-sparing diuretic, however it has been used off-label for acne since the 1980s. A reduction in sebum may be achieved by blocking dihydrotestosterone binding to the androgen receptor within sebocytes and inhibiting androgen-induced sebocyte proliferation [16, 17]. The systemic effects of spironolactone on adrenal synthesis of androgen precursors may also contribute to clinical efficacy, although at therapeutic doses this may be unlikely [18]. The diuretic effect of spironolactone may benefit women who experience a premenstrual acne flare associated with fluid retention "

I have (like many others) used this a couple of days before a competing, but this has been quite the week of for new revelation for something that I thought was a one-trick pony!
According to what I was able to find regarding the mechanism of action, It appears to act at two sites: it blocks androgens at the hair follicle/sebaceous gland and it reduces the secretion of androgens from the adrenal gland.
I guess that makes sense, simple answer is usually accurate it just seemed odd and in 25 years I’d never heard it used that way until now.

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