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Starting a supplement company


Kilo Klub Member / Board Supporter
Kilo Klub Member
Board Supporter
Aug 6, 2010
First off, I'm interning at a place where they intend to start up an enery drink company. I'm good with these guys and will try to push for a supplement line, albeit small and quality one. I'm looking for these things

1) Where do I source things from for the energy drink company; caffeine, geranium powder, PEA, green tea extract.Are places like TP middle-men or are they wholesale people?

2) About how much money is advertising in these fields on a per month basis; banner ad on a major sports-affliated website(not, let's say smaller scale than that), ad before the actual video, search inquiries?

I'll start with that for an energy drink. I'll ask about supplement line later.
The best thing I can recemond for advertising is hire a good SEO guy. i have been through 5 and wasted no less than 2-3k with ea. one never getting done what they promise ( thank god for CC charge backs :) ). This will cover all your search engines, Google key words, media online etc. You can choose your google budget too. Not to be a dick but you are kind of at the tale end of this energy drink thing, theres like 10k dif brands so why will yours be better? what can you possibly do the differentiate yourself from the rest. FYI i used to own a supp co. if you want to pick my brain. I can tell you what not to do and what did work. I would be glad to give you my SEO guy also. I had the task of trial an error but I have found one who knows his shit. Also, plan on building a website right. my error was i had one company build it an another do my seo. they dont match up so to speak. whoever builds it should really do your seo work so the right hand communicates with the left etc. pm me for any other questions you may have or ill give you my email.
First off, I'm interning at a place where they intend to start up an enery drink company. I'm good with these guys and will try to push for a supplement line, albeit small and quality one. I'm looking for these things

1) Where do I source things from for the energy drink company; caffeine, geranium powder, PEA, green tea extract.Are places like TP middle-men or are they wholesale people?

Dante owns two companies(well in this field) TP, and Primach which is the custom manufacturing side.

This is his signature at least over at IM

Want to create your own supplement line? We can create any product you desire (powders, capsules, dieting aids, testosterone boosters, proteins, you name it, we can make it for you.) Serious inquiries only please (supplements are usually at least 250 bottle minimum, protein 100 jug minimum) just email [email protected]
Dont even bother the supplement industry is such a joke

I couldn't agree more, thats why i got out. its all lies, bs, and scams. about 5% of the guys are actually good, the others just copy formulas, lie , or steal.
First off, I'm interning at a place where they intend to start up an enery drink company. I'm good with these guys and will try to push for a supplement line, albeit small and quality one. I'm looking for these things

1) Where do I source things from for the energy drink company; caffeine, geranium powder, PEA, green tea extract.Are places like TP middle-men or are they wholesale people?

2) About how much money is advertising in these fields on a per month basis; banner ad on a major sports-affliated website(not, let's say smaller scale than that), ad before the actual video, search inquiries?

I'll start with that for an energy drink. I'll ask about supplement line later.

1) I am the wholesale people....I supply raw ingredients to other companies with Primarch Manufacturing and also make their products if they want (which not many people know about) and also to the end consumer with Trueprotein (which everyone knows about)

2) magazines ads for major mags = 9000 to 12000 per page
sports affiliated website (depending on the size and popularity of it (100 to 5000 dollars a month...sorry but it really depends on the site traffic)
1) I am the wholesale people....I supply raw ingredients to other companies with Primarch Manufacturing and also make their products if they want (which not many people know about) and also to the end consumer with Trueprotein (which everyone knows about)

2) magazines ads for major mags = 9000 to 12000 per page
sports affiliated website (depending on the size and popularity of it (100 to 5000 dollars a month...sorry but it really depends on the site traffic)

Sorry, I replied so late. I got into town and met some of the people I'm working under just over this thanksgiving break. I just PM'd you, this is in the preliminary stages. I may go more in-depth in the next 2-3 weeks because the owner is very impressed by the site has has a few more ideas.
Be prepared to spend a ton of money on advertising and also be prepared to drop a lot of money on insurance for this type of business. I tried to start a small supplement company and focus it on extreme sports. Unfortunately I ran out of funding when wife had to take a 40k pay cut to stay employed about a year ago. We used Dante's company to manufacture and package our product. Dante and his whole team of people were great. Just ran out of funding and had to shut down.
Im in the process of writing a huge post on business as i see i think bodybuilders sometimes get stuck in this small niche we are interested in (bodybuilding) and dont see the big picture...ive been working on this thread for months and its going to be rambling and long but i hope it helps alot of people see the big picture of things and.....gets some people in gear to start becoming entrepeneurs (im pretty sure i can get it done in the next 10 days)....
Im in the process of writing a huge post on business as i see i think bodybuilders sometimes get stuck in this small niche we are interested in (bodybuilding) and dont see the big picture...ive been working on this thread for months and its going to be rambling and long but i hope it helps alot of people see the big picture of things and.....gets some people in gear to start becoming entrepeneurs (im pretty sure i can get it done in the next 10 days)....

I look fwd to this as I have been pondering starting up something in the field of supplements
I'm just interning and helping.

This supplement company is guided for more the average wanna-be athlete/athlete, not ONLY the recreational bodybuilder or the actual bodybuilder.
Im in the process of writing a huge post on business as i see i think bodybuilders sometimes get stuck in this small niche we are interested in (bodybuilding) and dont see the big picture...ive been working on this thread for months and its going to be rambling and long but i hope it helps alot of people see the big picture of things and.....gets some people in gear to start becoming entrepeneurs (im pretty sure i can get it done in the next 10 days)....

^ Same as him. As someone looking to take the first tentatives teps into starting his own business I'd love to read what you think.

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