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Staying on compounds for too long?


Jan 1, 1970
I know with test you can stay on for a long time. So if one was planning on doing a 12-16week cycle with test and npp, is it ok to run npp the entire 12-16weeks as well, or would it be better to switch it out maybe 8-10weeks in and add a diff compound?
the first 6 or 8 run npp then switch over for the last half to something like tren a and maybe var.
bro, you need your own sub-forum. You are a thread macine ;)
Do I? LOL, i didnt think I started many threads. What i do usually is start like 2 or 3 within a day or 2 but then take a break lol
with some compounds may depend on ester, for instance if using deca, instead of npp, I would think running it for the full 10-12 weeks ok, but for the npp, I do agree maybe switching up half way through. Brings up an interesting point as I cannot think why rationally that would be, it is just what I was told to do when starting out, do our bodies "get used" to a certain drug after a while and the longer duration is just because of the longer ester taking time to "kick in"?
I've never really understood why change stuff out after a certain time, I guess maybe your body gets use to the compound...but, you would think if you ran a cycle for 12-16 weeks you could run the same compounds for the whole time, before your body gets use to them...but maybe there is something to it...I would love to hear what some of the other guys think ???
It seems that there are just some compounds you dont hear people staying on for long periods and others for long periods, like eq, test, primo, and deca seem to be cycled for long periods of time, whereas winny, tren, masteron, npp seem to be shorter. Anyone with some science knowledge on this?
I was going to start a similar thread to this one, it's the same topic, but different compound.

Without meaning to Hijack your thread, since it's the same subject, what about clen?
It seems that there are just some compounds you dont hear people staying on for long periods and others for long periods, like eq, test, primo, and deca seem to be cycled for long periods of time, whereas winny, tren, masteron, npp seem to be shorter. Anyone with some science knowledge on this?

The former are long estered, take time to enter the blood stream and build up blood levels, while the latter are short estered and reach peak blood levels quicker requiring less time using them to get the full effect.
Well also not in all cases many quicker acting substances are harsher on Your system...such as orals, 17aa injectables, suspensions & tren
I know with test you can stay on for a long time. So if one was planning on doing a 12-16week cycle with test and npp, is it ok to run npp the entire 12-16weeks as well, or would it be better to switch it out maybe 8-10weeks in and add a diff compound?

Your plan looks good. I would not change it, if you find body responds to the products stick with it. Its about finding out what works for you for you. The same appiles to working out and nutrition also supplements its about finding out what works and get busy.
It seems that there are just some compounds you dont hear people staying on for long periods and others for long periods, like eq, test, primo, and deca seem to be cycled for long periods of time, whereas winny, tren, masteron, npp seem to be shorter. Anyone with some science knowledge on this?

Probably the shorter esters need to be pinned more frequently.That gets old fast.
I've never really understood why change stuff out after a certain time, I guess maybe your body gets use to the compound...but, you would think if you ran a cycle for 12-16 weeks you could run the same compounds for the whole time, before your body gets use to them...but maybe there is something to it...I would love to hear what some of the other guys think ???

I agree , Chris. I have never really understood that. I have been on Test and GH for over 2 years and still making noticable muscle mass gains at my age. I don't take orals and every once in a while take EQ for 8 weeks so that the tendons don't "dry out". Other than that my blood profiles are all within norm and my doctors are amazed at how I look for 56...

I'd like to hear others on long term Test. I do about 400-600mgs Test E/week

bro, you need your own sub-forum. You are a thread macine ;)

what is a macine?....jk i dont wanna know.

hey fourthgen, thanks for the contributions. i cycle stuff other than test just because i do seem to get used to it and not respond as well over time. by staying on test, i dont lose any gains. test is a natural thing in our bodies so i give the "drugs" a break every now and then.

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