I repair and calibrate the the machines for a large manufacturer. You can look up the amount they detect in the "Physican's Desktop Referance". These guidlines are where the liomits are set. The equipment I work for does a general test that looks for the simple presence of ANY steroid. If you are below a specified amount for all of them it says you passed. If it red flags even one type then a second test is done for that specific steriod and a amount is attached to the test. You can demand another test from another lab or machine if it comes up positive and you know you are clean. Companies don't want to get sued but I know the second test costs the company requesting it $150. They are highly accurate. I did a inventory at a place and they have under 2 % test kits for steriods (perhaps less). Most of the tests are for rec drugs.
alin, thanks for the help, I found a very comprehensive list of detection times yesterday. Does anybody know of anything that might still fly under the radar? Would superdrol or any similar products be OK?