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Stomach issues with Anavar


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2014
I have been on Anavar at 70 mg ed for around 5 weeks. Was also on 76 mg of Tren Hex eod(last 20 days). Also Test E 250 mg eod and EQ 250 mg eod.

Started to have some discomfort in my stomach like 10-12 days ago. Then I started to have problem sleeping. Tren has done both these things for me before but I thought this low dose would be okay. I stopped the Tren 3 days ago. At the same time I upped the Anavar to 100 mg ed. Now 3 days in to 100 mg I felt like complete shit most of the day today and stomach is messed up(been to the toilet a lot more often today).

I have never before felt this with Anavar. Highest before has been 80 mg. Ran 60-70 mg without any noticeable side effects several times.

I will lower to 60 mg tomorrow and see what happens.

Is it "normal" with stomach problems with higher doses of Anavar?
Welcome to the second half of your life.
When I was younger oral, no matter what oral type I used, they never troubled my stomach.
Today , I can't run Var for more than 5 days even at 20 mg without my stomach complaining.
anything is possible - that's why I don't like orals in the offseason

discard anavar and replace missing mg with NPP or primo or just rise the test and EQ
Before these 5 weeks I was on

Test 300-350 mg eod
EQ 250 mg eod
NPP 200 mg eod

Got up to 270 lbs but with more water than I like. Waking up every night because of hands falling a sleep. Now I have first lost a little bit of weight and got up to 270 again but without to much extra water and hands no longer falling a sleep. But now I feel like shit because of this😅:rolleyes:

Just wanted to test out low dose Tren and higher Anavar before prep next year. I will adjust.
I have been on Anavar at 70 mg ed for around 5 weeks. Was also on 76 mg of Tren Hex eod(last 20 days). Also Test E 250 mg eod and EQ 250 mg eod.

Started to have some discomfort in my stomach like 10-12 days ago. Then I started to have problem sleeping. Tren has done both these things for me before but I thought this low dose would be okay. I stopped the Tren 3 days ago. At the same time I upped the Anavar to 100 mg ed. Now 3 days in to 100 mg I felt like complete shit most of the day today and stomach is messed up(been to the toilet a lot more often today).

I have never before felt this with Anavar. Highest before has been 80 mg. Ran 60-70 mg without any noticeable side effects several times.

I will lower to 60 mg tomorrow and see what happens.

Is it "normal" with stomach problems with higher doses of Anavar?
Anavar is the only oral (besides SD) that will wreck my liver enzymes and digestion. I can do hundreds of mg’s of anadrol no problem, same winstrol. Right now I do low tbol with zero issues or impact on liver values.

Drop the anavar. And as @luki7788 said you really want to try and avoid orals in the off season all together.
I will never take orals during a growth phase again. No reason to risk your appetite.
It's not really appetite issue. I have felt like complete shit last couple of days. Before Anavar was fine for my appetite and overall feeling.

I will drop the Anavar.

Last prep which went well I did winstrol, proviron and halo and stomach was fine so I quess I will stick to that then.
I get stomach issues with literally any oral. Haven’t used any in years. Injectable orals don’t cause me nearly as many problems though
I will never take orals during a growth phase again. No reason to risk your appetite.
Some bodybuilders don't use them at all full-stop. Roman Fritz comes to mind and a few Palumbo protocols leave them out entirely. You can rely on injectable winstrol at as little as 175mg/wk the last 4 weeks. I'll probably go with this approach; I just don't like the way I feel on orals anymore as I've aged.
Some bodybuilders don't use them at all full-stop. Roman Fritz comes to mind and a few Palumbo protocols leave them out entirely. You can rely on injectable winstrol at as little as 175mg/wk the last 4 weeks. I'll probably go with this approach; I just don't like the way I feel on orals anymore as I've aged.
you have some bad info about Roman lol
What’s your blood work look like.???
sounds like you’ve been beating the fuck out of your liver for a while.
What’s your blood work look like.???
sounds like you’ve been beating the fuck out of your liver for a while.
I will get blood work in two weeks.

Today I didn´t do the anavar and I have feel good today(y)
you have some bad info about Roman lol
In this user defense, this is what Roman himself said in multiple recent podcast. It may have been a recent change.

He also said this last prep he couldn’t use tren as it was causing water retention issues.
In this user defense, this is what Roman himself said in multiple recent podcast. It may have been a recent change.

He also said this last prep he couldn’t use tren as it was causing water retention issues.
Re: tren and water

I notice that as well. If my knees or feet begin to feel 'less cushiony' I'll add 10-20mg of tren. With 24hrs I can certainly feel more fluid in those parts. And no not ppacebo
Before these 5 weeks I was on

Test 300-350 mg eod
EQ 250 mg eod
NPP 200 mg eod

Got up to 270 lbs but with more water than I like. Waking up every night because of hands falling a sleep. Now I have first lost a little bit of weight and got up to 270 again but without to much extra water and hands no longer falling a sleep. But now I feel like shit because of this😅:rolleyes:

Just wanted to test out low dose Tren and higher Anavar before prep next year. I will adjust.
I cant eat on anavar. I used to be able to run it indefintely but now I cant touch it after 35. prob for the best. I try to avoid orals now.
I know it’s a very low dose, but I would be pointing the finger to tren and not anavar. You can add the anavar back in when the tren fully leaves your system and see if the stomach issues resolve. Best of luck.

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