Strive makes some really great equipment. I really like some of there pieces. I bought a leg extension and a leg curl a long time back. Whats really unique about how their equipment is that is very solid and is built around resistant curves. Depending on where you place the weight(plate loaded machine) will get a different tension on the muscle thru the range of motion. I don't use the leg extension anymore---Do to PHIL HERNON!! I do use the leg curl machine now.
As for the bicep curl machine...I have used that one as well. I think its a good machine too but I dont use it do to PHIL HERNON AGAIN!!! LOL
I do not like the seated preacher curl machine.. I don't like the placement of the handles and feel too much strain in my forearms.. I don't like the movement of the weight..
I do like the strive leg curl machine.. But i always put the same amount of weight on all three positions.. I like a smooth repetition..
I've used the seated preacher curl machine with the 3 different peg positions for adding weight. I personally liked it alot, though I only placed weight on the middle peg. I've also used their leg curl machine and like it also.
I absolutly LOVE that piece if You have the plateloaded it has 3 places to put plates(which equate into 5 settings)....if You have the selectorized You have 9 settings truly AWESOME