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Sub Q Oil Injections


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2021
Does anyone have experience with Sub Q oil injections? Since I am doing daily injections of Test P I am been using a 30g 1/2 inch needle for each shot. I heat the oil up to make it smoother and backfill the slin pin. No lumps so far, but is the absorption rate of the oil slower?
I do daily shots with test Cyp , 30gx1/2" and easily do IM shots in the delt , bi , tri , traps and quads
I don't see any benefits to shooting anything sub Q
There's a thread on here , someone did IM and sub-q and took bloods . Will be a good read for you . I think sub-q wasn't as good if I remember right
Depending on compound and what oil carrier is used will probably determine if there is any PIP or lumps. Personally tried prop and had some PIP, massaged the area right away which helped dissipate the oil faster. Used TE and DHB and that was a bit uncomfortable. These were daily injections at 10-15mg of each compound. (All subq)

Now my buddy tried TE and started getting welts so he definitely had a bad reaction to subq injections.
I do all my shots sub-q these days as i do low enough volume and i see no benefit to dong them IM and poking hole in the muscle. The studies i have seen point to absorption being about the same. Even if it takes a slight bit longer the same amount will still get absorbed into the body. i have never had an abscess or infection in decades of doing injections. But think i would prefer having one in the skin as opposed to the muscle.
I do all my shots sub-q these days as i do low enough volume and i see no benefit to dong them IM and poking hole in the muscle. The studies i have seen point to absorption being about the same. Even if it takes a slight bit longer the same amount will still get absorbed into the body. i have never had an abscess or infection in decades of doing injections. But think i would prefer having one in the skin as opposed to the muscle.
I have been moving to do all of my shots sub-q too, because I am doing daily injections, and doing IM daily was causing too much discomfort. Sub-q has done me well. I understand absorption is a bit slower though, so I guess that's the trade-off. More comfort with sub-q injections, but slower absorption than IM.
I think subQ is the way to go for daily shots, just to avoid scar tissue build up.

I believe the peak may be lower and the oil may be absorbed slightly slower, however this won't have a significant effect if you are injecting daily.
Ive used subq for years as my trt administration route. The data is out there. I have buddy whos physician has him doing the same route of admin. I cant remember specifics of the research data out there, but i believe it absorbs at a different rate, and has less of a "spike". For me personally, it feels that way as well. As for the welts that some people have experienced. Ive had that experience one time, years ago, but it was when I didnt inject deep enough subq. I think it got caught between the dermal moon and sub-dermal new york city layers. Abscess was nasty for like 2 months. still have the scar.

I shoot cyp esters subq E3D. The amount of mgs is dependent upon the time of year for me. SubQ dosing to me personally *feels* like 85%-90% ish of IM dosing effects, so i increase Subq dosage accordingly. Ive Been on TRT for 5 years give or take and started AAS in the late 90s (my IM injection sites have long ago turned to scar tissue and leather). Again, that 85% ish number could just be mental, Ive never had comparative bloods done, but it feels that way. Having said all that, i personally much prefer subq.
How many of you tried to incorporate the Humanofort to your 10mg EVD protocol?
Ive used subq for years as my trt administration route. The data is out there. I have buddy whos physician has him doing the same route of admin. I cant remember specifics of the research data out there, but i believe it absorbs at a different rate, and has less of a "spike". For me personally, it feels that way as well. As for the welts that some people have experienced. Ive had that experience one time, years ago, but it was when I didnt inject deep enough subq. I think it got caught between the dermal moon and sub-dermal new york city layers. Abscess was nasty for like 2 months. still have the scar.

I shoot cyp esters subq E3D. The amount of mgs is dependent upon the time of year for me. SubQ dosing to me personally *feels* like 85%-90% ish of IM dosing effects, so i increase Subq dosage accordingly. Ive Been on TRT for 5 years give or take and started AAS in the late 90s (my IM injection sites have long ago turned to scar tissue and leather). Again, that 85% ish number could just be mental, Ive never had comparative bloods done, but it feels that way. Having said all that, i personally much prefer subq.
You're right the data is out there. Research has determined that Sub-q shots are easier to administer and the pharmacokinetics and mean serum testosterone levels are comparable to IM injections. Sounds like sub-q shots are the way to go for most people mostly if scar tissue build-up from IM shots is an issue.

Evidence synthesis: Available evidence, though limited, suggests that SC testosterone therapy in doses similar to those given via IM route results in comparable pharmacokinetics and mean serum testosterone levels.

I do daily shots with test Cyp , 30gx1/2" and easily do IM shots in the delt , bi , tri , traps and quads
I don't see any benefits to shooting anything sub Q
This. .5cc prop Ed. Ass, quads, delts, rotate sites. No reason to risk going sub q, no reason to heat it up. If test prop is giving pain may want to look for a new source. TRT doctors are always trying to reinvent the wheel to stand out. Saying take x amount every week IM (the gold standard) doesn't sell.
The foundational protocol used to determine efficacy and contraindications of IM route of admin for hormone therapy etc, are the same protocol basics used to determine subq efficacy and contraindications for hormone therapy. One main difference is that Less bro's at the gym know about subq, so i get less bro-science opinions on the subject. Having said that, the experiences of those here at PM can be a valuable learning resource.
My personal experience with the benefits of subq vs IM are far less injection site inflammation, swelling, pain, scar tissue, muscle soreness, blood vessel laceration, lifting motion inhibition etc. For me personally subq is orders of magnitude better than IM.

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