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Superdol and sweating?


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
I added in some superdrol(30mg a day) about 2.5 weeks ago. I have put on about 8lbs in that time. I plan on doing another 2 weeks. I am also on 100mg of test Undec, and 300mg of deca a week. The thing is I am sweating at night worse then when I do tren. I am also waking up several times a night. Is this normal with sdrol?

I am pumped as hell and my strength really started going up the last 2 days. I don't feel bad other then the sweating.
Superdrol is pretty harsh stuff I wouldn't be surprised if it's making you sweat a lot. I know the pumps are intense.
Just started SD about a week and a half ago. I have noticed more sweating, especially in the gym. Strength is already up and up 5 pounds in weight already. The pump is really nice.

This stuff works fast but not for long. 3 weeks is about what I see gains in, after that it kind of plateaus. I don't like to use it much longer than that because of the harsh effects on lipids, liver, etc.

Makes the skin pretty oily as well but damn... The stuff works good!
I only noticed a small increase in sweating when i was taking it... nothing like when I was on tren. Maybe its just me...
I was told I have that "testosterone glow". Well, I guess that is possible being all natural! ;):D
Now I am getting really bad heart burn. Can this be from it as well? I woke up with puke in my mouth 2 nights ago. FYI. I am normally don't have heart burn.
Could be gallbladder issues due to bile obstruction. I would ditch the SD if it were me.

Now if you have drastically altered your diet in the last two days and started to eat a bunch of fried foods that could be the culprit. Otherwise most likely SD, it is pretty toxic.
I have acid reflux to start with and noticed that SD made it alot worse in weeks 2 and 3.

I also stop after week 3. Last time I ran it 4 weeks I noticed no changes other than increased felt sides.
I have acid reflux to start with and noticed that SD made it alot worse in weeks 2 and 3.

I also stop after week 3. Last time I ran it 4 weeks I noticed no changes other than increased felt sides.

Me too! More than 3 weeks is a waste IMO. My buddies at the gym feel the same way. I also run it 10-20-30 and that is enough to see gains. Any longer and you are totally shut down. Plus, it is hard on the lipids and liver values.

It's a get in and get out quick drug but damn... It works good for strength and mass gains. No doubt about it. Much better than D-bol for me and I don't have to run it as long! Once I'm done with it I have to work like hell to keep gains. I see a lot of newer guys run it improperly and with bad diet/lifting, get a few gains, then totally quit after the little cycle. These are the guys that end up with bad sides and injuries.
I will say the last time I ran it, I had a liver panel drawn 2 weeks in and it was normal. I guess it just depends on the person. I have always wondered with the bad stories about liver problems what else those guys were doing. I wondered if they also drank, smoked, etc. etc.
I will say the last time I ran it, I had a liver panel drawn 2 weeks in and it was normal. I guess it just depends on the person. I have always wondered with the bad stories about liver problems what else those guys were doing. I wondered if they also drank, smoked, etc. etc.

Look man, I am just doing coke twice a week with some Jack. Get off my back.It cant be that bad.:D:D
Not a fan myself but i did notice an increase in sweating when i used it... though i more noticed the massive headaches and the arrhythmia. Needless to say, wont be touching that one again.
Well, yesterday was my last dose. Started getting bad stomach cramps last night. The shit works great but very tough to stay on. If I use it again, I think maybe I will do 2 weeks at a time.
Yeah, I only do 30 mg/day on my last week of it. 10-20-30. Shit is rough.
kinda depends which brand you use.

i just started a bottle of PP's Superdrone (supposed to be the alpha isomer which is the original SD...not the clones used now).

I've heard horror stories about guys using M-drol and haaating the sides but i guess we will see. Im using it in place of dbol for my kickstart. Right now just noticing better pumps and increased sweating at the gym.

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